Circular motion of a steel block

In summary, the problem involves a 0.5 kg steel block attached to a 1.20m-long hollow tube, rotating on a steel table. Air is fed through the tube, providing a perpendicular thrust force of 5.21N. The maximum tension the tube can withstand without breaking is 50N, and the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the table is 0.60. The task is to determine how many revolutions the block will make before the tube breaks, assuming it starts from rest. By using a free-body diagram and equations for angular velocity and acceleration, the final answer is 1.75 revolutions.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A .5 kg steel block rotates on a steel table, attached to a 1.20m-long hollow tube. Air is fed through the tube and is ejected from the block, giving it a thrust force of 5.21N perpendicular to the tube. Max tension the tube can withstand without breaking is 50N. Assume coefficient of kinetic friction between steel block and steel table is 0.60. If the block starts from rest, how many revolutions does it make before the tube breaks?[/B]

Homework Equations

a_r = mv^2/r = omega^2 * R

The Attempt at a Solution

I have solved for the angular velocity and got 9.125. I'm not sure where to go from here or which equations to use. I think it might have something to do with the tangential acceleration, but I don't know how to find that.
Physics news on
  • #2
Angular velocity when?
Have you drawn a free-body diagram for the block in motion?
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Angular velocity when?
Have you drawn a free-body diagram for the block in motion?
I thought I solved for the *initial* angular velocity.

For the free-body diagram I have the tension force (not sure of the value of it), the frictional force, the thrust force, and then the normal force and gravity (which should cancel out). Am I missing something?
  • #4
I thought I solved for the *initial* angular velocity.
From the problem statement post #1:
If the block starts from rest, how many revolutions does it make before the tube breaks?
I have solved for the angular velocity and got 9.125[rad/s]
... (my emph.)
How did you get 9.125rad/s from "at rest"?

Have you drawn a free body diagram for the block in motion?
  • #5
Ok, so if the initial angular velocity is 0 and the final angular velocity is 9.125 rad/s, how can I calculate theta from the kinematics equations? With Theta_initial = 0 rad.

The free body diagram I described above is the free body diagram I have for the block in motion. Am I missing something?
  • #6
Fnet_r = m*omega^2*r
50 = .5 * omega^2 * 1.2
omega = 9.13 rad/s

Fnet_t = m*a_t
2.27 (Thrust minus frictional force) = 0.5 * a_t
a_t = 4.54 m/s^2

Not sure where to go from here...
  • #7
You start by using a free body diagram - if you don't take advise I cannot help you.
##\sum\tau = I\alpha##

What is the relationship between angular and tangential acceleration.
  • #8
Figured it out! Neglected the fact that alpha = a_t / R -- once I realized that I was able to use the equations. Got theta final = 10.987 rad, comes out to 1.75 revolutions. Thanks for the help!
  • #9
No worries.
It often helps just to talk it out even if you don't get the answers directly from feedback.
It does help us to help you quickly if you include your reasoning with your working.

FAQ: Circular motion of a steel block

1. What is circular motion?

Circular motion is the movement of an object around a fixed point or axis in a circular path. It can be described as a combination of linear motion (movement in a straight line) and angular motion (rotation around an axis).

2. How does a steel block move in circular motion?

A steel block can move in circular motion when it is acted upon by a centripetal force, which is a force that is directed towards the center of the circular path. This force causes the block to continuously change direction and move in a circular path instead of a straight line.

3. What factors affect the circular motion of a steel block?

The circular motion of a steel block is affected by the magnitude of the centripetal force, the mass of the block, and the speed at which it is moving. Other factors such as friction and air resistance can also impact the motion of the block.

4. How is circular motion related to rotational motion?

Circular motion and rotational motion are closely related as they both involve movement around a fixed point or axis. In circular motion, the object moves around a point in a circular path, while in rotational motion, the object rotates around an axis. Both types of motion require a centripetal force to maintain the circular path or rotation.

5. What are some real-life examples of circular motion of a steel block?

Some common examples of circular motion of a steel block include a car driving along a curved road, a washing machine spinning clothes, a satellite orbiting the Earth, and a rollercoaster moving along a circular track. Any object that moves in a circular path or rotates around an axis can be considered an example of circular motion.

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