Circular Motion, Velocity at top/bottom question

In summary: Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a SolutionIn summary, the passengers in the amusement park ride stand in a rotating ring with a diameter of 16 meters. The ring tilts into a vertical plane after reaching sufficient speed. With a rotation of once every 4.5 seconds, a rider with a mass of 55 kg experiences a force of 857.8 N at both the top and bottom of the ride. The equations used to calculate the sum of forces at the top and bottom are n + mg = ma and n = mg + [m(v_top)^2]/r and n = [m(v_bottom)^2] - mg, respectively. The velocity at the top and bottom of the ride can be found using
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Homework Statement

In an amusement park ride, passengers stand inside a 16-m-diameter roating ring. After the ring has acquired sufficient speed, it tilts into a vertical plane.
Suppose the ring rotates once every 4.5 seconds. If a riders mass is 55 kg, with how much force does the ring push on her at the top of the ride? At the bottom?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

First I solved for velocity:

8 m radius * 2pi = 16pi m circumference
16pi m / 4.5 s = 11.17 m/s

Then acceleration:
a=(v^2)/r = (124.77)/8= 15.6 m/s^2

Sum of forces in radial direction at top = n + mg = ma = 55 kg * 15.6 m/s^2 = 857.8 N
n + mg = 857.8 N

If I follow this logic, I would get the same answer for the sum of forces at the bottom.
My book gives the equation n=mg + [m(v_top)^2]/r and n= [m(v_bottom)^2] - mg .
I understand this, because at the top, the normal and gravitational force point in the same direction, and at the bottom they point in different directions. The problem is, I don't know how to computer the velocity at the top or at the bottom. My book also gives the equation v_c = sqrt(rg) which is the slowest speed at which the object can complete rotation, but I don't think this ride is traveling near that speed.

Can anyone tell me how to find the velocity at the top or bottom of circular motion? I'm pretty sure this is uniform, but I'm not sure.
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  • #2
swooshfactory said:
In an amusement park ride, passengers stand inside a 16-m-diameter roating ring. After the ring has acquired sufficient speed, it tilts into a vertical plane.
Suppose the ring rotates once every 4.5 seconds. If a riders mass is 55 kg, with how much force does the ring push on her at the top of the ride? At the bottom?

Can anyone tell me how to find the velocity at the top or bottom of circular motion? I'm pretty sure this is uniform, but I'm not sure.

Hi swooshfactory! :smile:

Yes it is uniform … the question makes that clear.

It's a powered ride. :smile:
  • #3

To find the velocity at the top or bottom of circular motion, you can use the equation v = ωr, where v is the tangential velocity, ω is the angular velocity, and r is the radius. In this case, the radius is 8m and the angular velocity is 2π/4.5s, which gives us a tangential velocity of 11.17 m/s. This is the same velocity you calculated earlier.

In circular motion, the velocity is constant, so the velocity at the top and bottom of the ride will be the same. Therefore, the force at the top and bottom will also be the same, as you calculated earlier.

It is important to note that the equations given in your book are for a different scenario, where the velocity at the top and bottom may not be the same. In this scenario, the velocity is constant, so the equations are simplified.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of velocity in circular motion. Keep up the good work on your calculations!

FAQ: Circular Motion, Velocity at top/bottom question

1. What is circular motion?

Circular motion is a type of motion in which an object moves around a center point in a circular path. This type of motion involves both velocity and acceleration.

2. How is the velocity at the top and bottom of a circular motion calculated?

The velocity at the top and bottom of a circular motion can be calculated using the formula v = √(rg), where v is the velocity, r is the radius of the circular path, and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

3. Why does the velocity change at the top and bottom of a circular motion?

The velocity changes at the top and bottom of a circular motion because the direction of the velocity vector changes as the object moves in a circular path. At the top, the velocity is directed horizontally, while at the bottom, it is directed vertically.

4. How does the velocity at the top and bottom of a circular motion relate to the object's speed?

The velocity at the top and bottom of a circular motion is directly related to the object's speed. As the object moves faster, the velocity will also increase, resulting in a larger velocity at the top and bottom of the circular path.

5. Can the velocity at the top and bottom of a circular motion be the same?

Yes, the velocity at the top and bottom of a circular motion can be the same if the object is moving at a constant speed. However, the direction of the velocity will be different at the top and bottom, as the object is changing direction in a circular path.

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