Circular Orbits/Effective Potential

In summary, the conversation discusses the method of finding the nature of motion for a given potential, specifically the potential V(r)=-ke^-ar/r where k and a are positive. The effective potential Veff is found using the Lagrangian/momentum method, and its graph is difficult to interpret due to the presence of an exponential function. Suggestions are made for finding the minimum of Veff, including converting to dimensionless quantities and plotting Veff vs. r. The condition for circular orbits is also discussed, and it is noted that the first derivative of Veff with respect to r must equal zero for a circular orbit. The concept of closed and open orbits is also clarified.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given potential V(r)=−ke−ar/r; k,a>0. Using the method of the equivalent one-dimensional potential discuss the nature of the motion, stating the ranges of l and E appropriate to each type of motion. When are circular orbits possible? Find the period of small radial oscillations about the circular motion.

Homework Equations

Taylor series expansion

The Attempt at a Solution

After the usual Lagrangian/momentum stuff I get E=0.5mr'²+(l²/2mr²)-(ke-ar/r), giving the effective potential of Veff=(l²/2mr²)-(ke-ar/r)

I only have a rough idea of what the graph of Veff looks like, infinity at zero, zero at infinity, and I assume it has only one extrema (a minimum). The only thing that seems obvious is that for E>=0, the motion is unbounded, and for a circular orbit, r'=0, so E=Veff. The problem is the exponential function makes it difficult to solve for zeroes of dV/dr to locate and determine this minimum value. Also, I'm unsure of what the limits of l will be. All the examples I've seen of this process focused on the energy only.

Also, if you expand the potential around the minimum at point r0, since V'=0, you get V(r0)+0.5V''(r0)(r-r0

Other than that, I'm pretty much stuck at where to go next with this.
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  • #2
If you are clever, you can plot Veff in terms of a single parameter, where the parameter will determine the characteristic shape.

Convert to a dimensionless coordinate variable and an overall energy scale. The exponent should be dimensionless (hint). The parameter should depend on angular momentum. Converting to dimensionless quantities makes comparisons meaningful, and it gives you a guideline for deciding what values (of the coordinate, angular momentum, etc.) are extremely large and small.

Regarding the condition for circular orbits, I am stumped. It is a transcendental equation (as you seem to have realized) that I am unfamiliar with.
  • #3
As suggeted, find V effective. Another approach is to plot V effective vs. r. The plots will show the turning points and indicate closed or open orbits depending on E. For a cirular orbit, the first derivative of V effective with respect to r has to equal zero. How is the period of oscillation related to V effective? (Hint: examine the second partial derivative of V effective with respect to r).
  • #4

Are there closed orbits (orbits on which the particle returns to its original position after one orbit) other than the circular one? By "closed" and "open", do you mean "bound" and "unbound"?
  • #5

Yes, I meant bounded and unbounded orbits. Thanks.

FAQ: Circular Orbits/Effective Potential

1. What is a circular orbit?

A circular orbit is a type of orbital motion in which an object moves around another object in a circular path. This means that the distance between the two objects remains constant throughout the orbit.

2. How is the effective potential related to circular orbits?

The effective potential is a mathematical concept used to describe the motion of an object under the influence of a central force, such as gravity. For a circular orbit, the effective potential is constant and equal to the negative of the gravitational potential energy.

3. How is the effective potential different from the actual potential?

The effective potential takes into account the kinetic energy of the orbiting object, while the actual potential only considers the potential energy due to the central force. This means that the effective potential provides a more accurate description of the orbiting object's motion.

4. What factors affect the circularity of an orbit?

The circularity of an orbit is affected by the speed and direction of the orbiting object, as well as the strength of the central force. In a circular orbit, the object must have a specific speed and direction to maintain a constant distance from the central object.

5. Can circular orbits exist around any object?

In theory, circular orbits can exist around any object with a mass. However, this is only true in a simplified model and in reality, other factors such as the presence of other objects and their gravitational fields can affect the circularity of an orbit.
