Circular plate temperature distribution.

In summary: There is no possible way to make a solution that is continuous and satisfies those conditions. I'm not sure if it's even possible to make a solution that is continuous and satisfies the boundaries in the original problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The temperature distribution of a circ plate with radius ##a##, ##f(r,\theta,t)##, follows the diffusion equation ##\nabla^2f=\frac{1}{\alpha^2}\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}##, with a temperature of zero along the border. The initial temperature is ##f(r,\theta,0)=100rcos\theta##. Find the temperature distribution.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I've found the typical solution that is ##\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} J_n (\frac{k_{mn} r}{a})(A_{mn}cosn\theta+B_{mn}sinn\theta)exp(\frac{-\alpha^2}{a^2} k_{mn} t)## Where ##k_{mn}## is the mth zero of the nth bessel function.

Now I've found this at the initial time. ##\sum_{m=1}^{\infty} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} J_n (\frac{k_{mn} r}{a})(A_{mn}cosn\theta+B_{mn}sinn\theta)=f(r,\theta,0)=100rcos\theta## To use an approach similar to finding a Fourier series. But I'm stuck here. I haven't a clue what to do here. Integrals are way to tedious here, and I don't see any way I'm getting a simple result.

Any ideas?
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  • #2

I've obtained that the only term that survives is the Am1 series and have calculated that each Am1 is

##A_{m1}=\frac{200}{a^2 J_2 (km1)} \int_{0}^{a} J1 (\frac{km1}{a}r)*r^2dr##
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  • #3
Im just proud of my result so I'm going to post it, hoping that someone will tell me if its wrong right or too complicated and can be simplified...

The integral ##\int_{0}^{a} J1(\frac{Km1}{a}r)*r^2dr## can be solved using the recursion relation ##\frac{d}{dx}[x^2J2(x)]=x^2J1(x)##. Wit this you obtain, after some manipulation:

##r^2 J1(\frac{Km1}{a}r)=\frac{a}{Km1}\frac{d}{dr}[r^2J2(\frac{Km1}{a}r)]##

If this is substituted in the integral you'll get that the integral is equivalent to ##\frac{a}{Km1}\int_{0}^{a}\frac{d}{dr}[r^2 J2(\frac{Km2 r}{a})]dr = \frac{a^3}{Km1}J2(km1)##

And therefore substituting this into the previous post one gets that


This result looks so simple and familiar that I'm worrying that I could've done things simpler...

Any ideas?
  • #4
The final distribution ##f(r,\theta,t)=\sum_{m=1}^{\infty}\frac{200a}{Km1}J_1(\frac{Km1}{a}r)cos\theta e^{\alpha^2 \frac{Km1}{a^2}t}##
  • #5
I haven't written all the calculations out, but looking over your work it all seems okay.

You mentioned the wrong Bessel identity, but you used the correct one when actually calculating the final result. I think you meant:

$$\frac{1}{\alpha} \frac{d}{dr} [r^{\nu} J_{\nu}(\alpha r)] = r^{\nu} J_{\nu - 1}(\alpha r)$$

Where ##\alpha = \frac{k_{m1}}{a}##.
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Likes davidbenari
  • #6
my professor says in one of his notes that f=0 at the borders then this means your solution doesn't depend on ##\theta##. Isn't this completely wrong?
  • #7
If the function value is a constant at the circular boundary (not just 0) then the solution is independent of [itex]\theta[/itex].
In your original post you say
davidbenari said:

Homework Statement

The temperature distribution of a circ plate with radius ##a##, ##f(r,\theta,t)##, follows the diffusion equation ##\nabla^2f=\frac{1}{\alpha^2}\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}##, with a temperature of zero along the border. The initial temperature is ##f(r,\theta,0)=100rcos\theta##. Find the temperature distribution.
If there is "a temperature of 0 along the border" as a boundary condition, the initial temperature cannot be ##100 r cos(\theta)##.
  • #8
I know this seems weird but it is what is accepted in my book (Boas mathematical physics) and in my class.
  • #9
  • #10
There you clearly have the same problem with discontinuity
  • #11
  1. Find the steady-state temperature distribution in a metal plate 10 cm square if one side is held at 100◦ and the other three sides at 0◦. Find the temperature at the center of the plate.

    This problem would also necessitate using discontinuity. The inferior side can have 100º then, when you hit the vertical wall, you'll get 0º suddenly.

FAQ: Circular plate temperature distribution.

1. What is a circular plate temperature distribution?

A circular plate temperature distribution refers to the way in which temperature varies across a circular plate, typically due to external heating or cooling. It can be represented graphically as a 2D map of temperature values across the surface of the plate.

2. How is the temperature distribution on a circular plate determined?

The temperature distribution on a circular plate is determined by various factors such as the material of the plate, its dimensions, and the rate of heat transfer at its boundaries. It can also be affected by external factors such as ambient temperature and heat sources.

3. What are the applications of studying circular plate temperature distribution?

Studying circular plate temperature distribution can have various applications in fields such as engineering, materials science, and thermodynamics. It can help in designing efficient heat transfer systems, predicting thermal stresses in materials, and understanding heat transfer mechanisms.

4. What are the different methods used to analyze circular plate temperature distribution?

The most common methods used to analyze circular plate temperature distribution include analytical solutions, numerical methods (such as finite element analysis), and experimental techniques. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice depends on the specific problem at hand.

5. How can the temperature distribution on a circular plate be controlled?

The temperature distribution on a circular plate can be controlled by altering the boundary conditions, such as adjusting the heat transfer rate at its boundaries or using insulation. It can also be controlled by changing the material properties or dimensions of the plate. Advanced techniques such as active cooling or heating systems can also be used for precise temperature control.

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