Clarification: proof that perfect subsets of R^k uncountable

In summary, the proof shows that a non-empty, perfect subset P of R^k must be uncountable. By constructing a sequence of nested compact sets, it is shown that the intersection of these sets is empty, leading to a contradiction. This is because each point of P is a limit point, and therefore P must be infinite. The conditions for the contradiction imply that P is uncountable, proving the theorem. The discussion also clarifies the definitions of limit points and perfect sets.
  • #1
From Baby Rudin
"Thm: Let P be a non-empty, perfect subset of R^k. Then P is uncountable.

Pf: Since P has limit points, P must be infinite. Suppose P is countable, list the point of P {x1 ...xn }. Construct a sequence of nbhds. as follows. Let V1 be any nbhd of x1 . Suppose Vn has been constructed so that Vn ∩ P is non-empty. Since every point of P is a limit point of P, there is a nbhd Vn+1 such that it's closure is in Vn , xn is NOT in the closure of Vn+1, and Vn+1 ∩ P is non-empty. Let Kn=closure(Vn)∩P, then Kn is closed, bndd., therefore compact. The Kn are clearly nested compact sets, thus their arbitrary intersection is non-empty. But xn∉Kn+1 implies that ∩nKn is empty, thus a contradiction. "

My confusion is in the claim of the contradiction. How does xn∉Kn+1 imply the intersection is empty? My thoughts are that, since we assumed P to be countable, xn must be an element of any inductive subset of P indexed by n+1. Is my logic behind this statement true? It just seemed a little artificial to me as I have not seen a proof which uses induction to arrive at a contradiction in this manner before.
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  • #2
cpsinkule said:
Since P has limit points, P must be infinite.
What do you mean by this? ##X = \{x\}## has limit points, ##\{x\}##.
What does it mean for P to be perfect? Beside there is a point in P and P has nice topological separation properties that is all you have.
  • #3
fresh_42 said:
What do you mean by this? ##X = \{x\}## has limit points, ##\{x\}##.
This is not true.
fresh_42 said:
What does it mean for P to be perfect?
A set is perfect when it is closed and each of its point is a limit point.
  • #4
Krylov said:
This is not true.

A set is perfect when it is closed and each of its point is a limit point.
I've read closed and no isolated points.
Why is a constant sequence not allowed? Likely I've mistranslated limit point by limit. It's kind of a standard pit.
  • #5
fresh_42 said:
Why is a constant sequence not allowed?
Because ##x## is a limit point of a set ##A## in a metric space if, by definition, every neighborhood of ##x## meets ##A## in a point other than ##x##.

All limit points of ##A## are in ##\overline{A}##, but not all points in ##\overline{A}## are necessarily limit points of ##A##.
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  • #6
If you denote ##K=\cap_{n\ge 1} K_n##, then the condition ##x_1\notin K_2## implies that ##x_1\notin K##. Similarly, condition ##x_2\notin K_3## implies that ##x_2\notin K##, and, more generally, for every ##n\ge 1## the condition ##x_n\notin K_{n+1}## implies that ##x_n\notin K##. But this means that ##P\cap K=\varnothing## (because ##P=\cup_{n\ge 1} \{x_n\}##). On the other hand, by construction ##K\subset P## (because ##K_n\subset P## for all ##n\ge 1##).

So ##K=\varnothing##.
  • #7
Hawkeye18 said:
If you denote ##K=\cap_{n\ge 1} K_n##, then the condition ##x_1\notin K_2## implies that ##x_1\notin K##. Similarly, condition ##x_2\notin K_3## implies that ##x_2\notin K##, and, more generally, for every ##n\ge 1## the condition ##x_n\notin K_{n+1}## implies that ##x_n\notin K##. But this means that ##P\cap K=\varnothing## (because ##P=\cup_{n\ge 1} \{x_n\}##). On the other hand, by construction ##K\subset P## (because ##K_n\subset P## for all ##n\ge 1##).

So ##K=\varnothing##.
Thanks, that's much clearer now! :)

FAQ: Clarification: proof that perfect subsets of R^k uncountable

1. What is a perfect subset of R^k?

A perfect subset of R^k is a subset of the real numbers that contains all of its limit points. In other words, every point in the subset is either an element of the subset or a limit point of the subset.

2. Why is it important to prove that perfect subsets of R^k are uncountable?

Proving that perfect subsets of R^k are uncountable is important because it helps us understand the structure and complexity of the real numbers. It also has implications in various fields of mathematics, such as topology and analysis.

3. What does it mean for a set to be uncountable?

A set is considered uncountable if it cannot be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the set of natural numbers. In simpler terms, an uncountable set is infinite and its elements cannot be listed or counted.

4. How is the proof for the uncountability of perfect subsets of R^k typically done?

The proof for the uncountability of perfect subsets of R^k is typically done using the Cantor diagonal argument. This involves assuming that the subset is countable and then constructing a new element that is not in the list, thus showing that the subset must be uncountable.

5. Are there any other interesting results that follow from this proof?

Yes, there are several interesting results that follow from this proof. For example, it can be used to show that the set of irrational numbers is uncountable and that the set of continuous functions on a closed interval is uncountable. It also has applications in the study of fractals and chaos theory.

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