Clarification regarding physical fields from Fourier amp's

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of retrieving the physical electric field from a radiating system. The professor uses the inverse Fourier transform to do so, but the student is confused about the inclusion of e^(ikr) in the expression. The student's brain tells them that the answer should have sin(2kr-ωt) instead of sin(kr-ωt). However, the inclusion of the complex exponential is necessary in the retarded time for the expression to satisfy the Helmholtz equation.
  • #1
Max Karlsson
My professor in Classical Electrodynamics is great and all, but sometimes he has trouble understanding what it is that I don't understand. So here I am.

Let's say we have the some sort of (monochromatic) radiating system generating a electric field with Fourier amplitude Eω(x) and want to retrieve the physical electric field from this. One then takes the inverse Fourier transform which in this case should look something like E(t,x)=Re{Eω(x)e-iωt'} where t'=t-kr/ω is the retarded time (this is at least how my professor does it, and I think this makes sense).

But let's say Eω(x) =(constant) * (e^(ikr)/r)e1, then he will say that

E(t,x)=Re{Eω(x)e-iωt'}=Re{Eω(x)ei(kr-ωt)}=(constant) * cos(kr-ωt).

Here is where I get confused, what happens to the e^(ikr) in Eω(x)? If this in included, my brain tells me that E(t,x)=(constant) * cos(2kr-ωt), but this is never the case.

I am probably misunderstanding something and any kind of clarification would be highly appreciated. I am including a picture of an example he gave to further explain my question. In the attached picture, I think the answer should have sin(2kr-ωt) instead of sin(kr-ωt).
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  • #2
Max Karlsson said:
Eω(x) =(constant) * (e^(ikr)/r)e1,
You can't make such assumption since the complex exponential has been included in the retarded time. If you do this, the E field expression won't satisfy the Helmholtz equation.

FAQ: Clarification regarding physical fields from Fourier amp's

1. What are physical fields?

Physical fields are regions of space in which a physical quantity, such as temperature, pressure, or electric field, has a specific value at every point. These fields can be described mathematically using equations, such as the Fourier transform, to understand their behavior and interactions.

2. How does a Fourier amp's transform relate to physical fields?

A Fourier transform is a mathematical tool used to decompose a function into its constituent frequencies. In the context of physical fields, it can be used to analyze the different components of a field, such as its amplitude and wavelength, and how they contribute to the overall behavior of the field.

3. What is the significance of Fourier amp's transforms in science?

Fourier transforms have many applications in science, including in the study of physical fields. They allow us to analyze and understand complex phenomena, such as the behavior of waves or the distribution of heat, and make predictions about their behavior in different conditions.

4. Can Fourier amp's transforms be applied to all types of physical fields?

Yes, Fourier transforms can be applied to a wide range of physical fields, including electromagnetic fields, acoustic fields, and temperature fields. As long as the field can be described mathematically, a Fourier transform can be used to analyze its properties.

5. Are there any limitations to using Fourier amp's transforms for analyzing physical fields?

While Fourier transforms are a powerful tool for understanding physical fields, they do have some limitations. For example, they assume that the field is continuous and infinite, which may not always be the case in real-world situations. Additionally, they may not be able to accurately capture certain complex phenomena, such as turbulence or chaotic behavior.

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