Clarifications of entropy and heat transfer between reservoirs.

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of heat absorption and entropy transfer in a metal bar as it is heated and cooled by two thermal reservoirs. It is shown that there is no net rate of heat absorption and that the rate of change of entropy in the universe is 0, satisfying the second law of thermodynamics. There is also a discussion on the rate of entropy production inside the bar, which is found to be incorrect.
  • #1
Hello all, I just need some clarifications on my approach to this question.

Heat is absorbed along a metal bar from a hot thermal reservoir Th to a cold thermal reservoir at temperature Tc. Apart from the ends, which are in contact with the thermal reservoirs, the bar is perfectly insulated. The bar is made of a material having a temperature-independant thermal conductivity of 406W/(m.K), Th = 400K and Tc = 200K. The cross sectional area of the bar is 5cm^2 and the length of the bar is 25cm.

a)calculate the total rate of heat absorbtion by the bar at the hot and cold ends. Calculate the nett rate of heat absorbtion by the bar over it's whole surface.

Heat absorbed(hot):
dQ(hot)/dt = lambda . dT/dx . Area
= 406.200.0.0005/0.25 = 162.4J/s
Heat absorbed(cold):
dQ(cold)/dt = -lambda . dT/dx . Area
= -162.4J/s
Cold reservoir <-----<-----< Hot reservoir

.'. dQ(nett)/dt = Sinflow - Soutflow = 162.4-(-162.4) = 324.8J/s

b)calculate the rate of entropy transfer into the bar at the hot and cold ends.

dS/dt = 1/Th . dQ(reversible)/dt
= 1/Th . 324.8 = 324.8/400 = 0.812J/K
dS/dt = -1/Tc . dQ(reversible)/dt
= -1/200 . 324.8 = -1.624J/K

c)calculate the rate of entropy production inside the bar.
dS/dt = lambda . dT/dx. A (1/Tc - 1/Th)
= 0.406J/K

d)calculate the rate of change of entropy of the universe (the bar and 2 reservoirs) and show that it satisfies the second law of thermodynamics.

dS/dt = dS(external)/dt + dS(internal)/dt
dS(external) = lambda . dT/dx . A (1/Th - 1/Tc)
= -0.406J/K
dS(internal) = entropy production inside the bar = 0.406J/K
.'. dS/dt = -0.406 + 0.406 = 0 J/K

Now, I thought that the second law of thermodynamics says that that should be greater than 0 in a irreversible process(Is this irreversible?)... Why did I get 0? Any one that can explain it to me would be kindly appreciated.
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  • #2
IrAlien said:
Hello all, I just need some clarifications on my approach to this question.

Heat is absorbed along a metal bar from a hot thermal reservoir Th to a cold thermal reservoir at temperature Tc. Apart from the ends, which are in contact with the thermal reservoirs, the bar is perfectly insulated. The bar is made of a material having a temperature-independant thermal conductivity of 406W/(m.K), Th = 400K and Tc = 200K. The cross sectional area of the bar is 5cm^2 and the length of the bar is 25cm.

a)calculate the total rate of heat absorbtion by the bar at the hot and cold ends. Calculate the nett rate of heat absorbtion by the bar over it's whole surface.

Heat absorbed(hot):
dQ(hot)/dt = lambda . dT/dx . Area
= 406.200.0.0005/0.25 = 162.4J/s
Heat absorbed(cold):
dQ(cold)/dt = -lambda . dT/dx . Area
= -162.4J/s
Cold reservoir <-----<-----< Hot reservoir
.'. dQ(nett)/dt = Sinflow - Soutflow = 162.4-(-162.4) = 324.8J/s

I think this should be 0. The heat in = heat out so there is no net rate of heat absorption.

d)calculate the rate of change of entropy of the universe (the bar and 2 reservoirs) and show that it satisfies the second law of thermodynamics.

dS/dt = dS(external)/dt + dS(internal)/dt
dS(external) = lambda . dT/dx . A (1/Th - 1/Tc)
= -0.406J/K
dS(internal) = entropy production inside the bar = 0.406J/K
.'. dS/dt = -0.406 + 0.406 = 0 J/K

Now, I thought that the second law of thermodynamics says that that should be greater than 0 in a irreversible process(Is this irreversible?)... Why did I get 0? Any one that can explain it to me would be kindly appreciated.
The heat flow out of the hot reservoir is negative and the heat flow into the cold reservoir is positive.

As you correctly state, the rate of change in entropy of the universe is the sum of the rates of change of entropy of the hot and reservoirs and bar.

[tex]\Delta S_{hot}/dt = \frac{d}{dt}Q_{hot}/T_h = -162.4/400 = -.406 J/Ksec[/tex]

[tex]\Delta S_{cold}/dt = \frac{d}{dt}Q_{cold}/T_c = +162.4/200 = +.812 J/Ksec[/tex]

[tex]\Delta S_{bar}/dt = .406 J/Ksec[/tex]

[tex]\Delta S_{universe}/dt = -.406 + .812 + .406 = .812 J/Ksec[/tex]

  • #3
IrAlien said:
c)calculate the rate of entropy production inside the bar.
dS/dt = lambda . dT/dx. A (1/Tc - 1/Th)
= 0.406J/K

I don't think this is correct.

The rate of entropy 'production' in the bar is the integral of ds along the length of the bar. For a 'slice' of width dx, the entropy change is:

[tex]dS = dQ_{in}/T - dQ_{out}/(T-dT)[/tex]

Since both heats are the same:

[tex]ds = (Q(T-dT)/T(T-dT)) - QT/T(T-dT) = -QdT/T(T-dT) = -QdT/T^2[/tex]

[tex]dS/dt = d/dt\int_{T_c}^{T_h} -QT^{-2} dT[/tex]

So work that integral out to find the rate of entropy production in the bar.


Related to Clarifications of entropy and heat transfer between reservoirs.

What is entropy and how does it relate to heat transfer?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is related to heat transfer because when heat is transferred from a hotter reservoir to a colder one, the entropy of the colder reservoir increases while the entropy of the hotter reservoir decreases.

What are reservoirs in the context of heat transfer and entropy?

Reservoirs refer to large systems that are able to maintain a constant temperature during a heat transfer process. They are used in thermodynamics to simplify calculations and models for heat transfer.

How is heat transfer between reservoirs affected by changes in entropy?

According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat naturally flows from a hotter reservoir to a colder one, increasing the entropy of the colder reservoir. This process continues until equilibrium is reached and there is no more net heat transfer.

What factors can influence the rate of heat transfer between reservoirs?

The rate of heat transfer between reservoirs can be influenced by the temperature difference between the reservoirs, the thermal conductivity of the materials between the reservoirs, and any external forces or obstacles that may impede the transfer of heat.

Can entropy be reversed or decreased during heat transfer between reservoirs?

The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases or remains constant in a closed system. Therefore, it is not possible to reverse or decrease entropy during heat transfer between reservoirs.

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