Class equation and a group of order pq

In summary, the homework statement is trying to solve a problem in cases where G is a non abelian group of order pq. If G is non abelian, then |Z|<pq. If G is abelian, then |Z|=pq. The attempt at a solution is to assume that G is non abelian and try to find an element of order p. If G is non abelian, then every non trivial element x of G would have to be of order q. The class equation implies that there must be p conjugacy classes of order 1, a contradiction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use the class equation to show that greup G of order pq, with p and q prime, has an element of order p.

Homework Equations

|G| = [itex]\sum[/itex] |C(x)| (class equation)
Z = center of the group G = {z[itex]\in[/itex]G: zy = yz for all y in G}
|G| = |Z(x)||C(x)| (counting formula)

The Attempt at a Solution

So I was told that I should consider this problem in cases. First, assume that G is abelian and then assume G was non abelian.

So when G is abelian, |Z|= pq so Z = G. Since G is finite and any finite abelian group is a product of its Sylow subgroups G = C[itex]_{p}[/itex] x C[itex]_{q}[/itex]. So we can then see that G would have an element of order p.

Now, so far I have proved that if G is non abelian, our center has to be trivial i.e. |Z| = 1. Using this, the class equation becomes |G| = 1 + [itex]\sum[/itex] |C(x)| (the sum is for the remaining conjugacy classes). From here is where I get stuck...Since the order of G is pq, the sumation on the right hand side will have to sum to pq -1 (but I have no idea if that is relevant).

Also, I tried assuming that there wasn't an element of order p. Then, every non trivial element x of G would have to be of order q (since it can't be of order 1, pq, or p and those are our only possible orders which divide the order of the group). From there, I can't quite see where to go from here. I know that every term on the right hand side must divide the order of the group, i.e. pq. So, since the order of the remaining conjugacy classes can't be 1 or pq, they have to be either of order p or order q. If the conjugacy class of x was order q, then the centralizer of any element x would have have to be of order p by the counting formula...We know the centralizer would have to contain the center and the element x of order q.

I feel like I am so close but I am just not seeing it at this point. Help please.
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  • #2
First, if G is non abelian, |Z|<pq. It is not necessary that |Z|=1.

I think this is correct:
If we assume that G does not have an element of order p, then |Z(x)|=q for all x not in the center, where Z(x) is the centralizer of x. Then |C(x)|=p for all x not in the center. Then the class equation implies that there must be p conjugacy classes of order 1, i.e., |Z|=p, a contradiction. So G has an element of order p.
  • #3
What you said is false.
If G is a non abelian group of order pq where p and q are distinct primes, the center is trivial. I proved this is homework and I know this for a fact.

Consider the quotient group G/Z. Suppose that Z is a non-trivial subgroup then its order is either p or q (because it can't be pq because then it would be abelian and can't be 1 because then it wouldn't be non trivial). So, the order of G/Z is either q or p. We know that every group of prime order is cyclic, so G/Z must be cyclic. But if G/Z is cyclic, then G is Abelian which is a contradiction.

There's your proof for why the center must be trivial.
  • #4
My bad, you're totally correct. The reasoning for existence of an element of order p still goes through though. |Z|=p is still a contradiction.
  • #5
I think you already basically have it, don't you? If you assume there is no element of order p then all of the conjugacy classes have to have p elements, because as you said, a conjugacy class with q elements would give a centralizer subgroup with p elements. So now what does the class equation tell you?
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  • #6
How does there not being an element of order p imply that the centralizer is of order q? If every non identity element isn't of order p, it obviously has to be of order q since it can't be of order 1 or pq. Then the centralizer of an element x would have to be at least size q (<x> must be contained in Z(x) ) but it can not be all of pq. Are you assuming that p<q so that you can say that because then <x> would be maximal?

Also, I don't see how you are saying that the conjugacy classes being of order p implies that there must be p conjugacy classes of order 1? If the conjugacy class of every other element is of order p, doesn't the class equation imply that pq = 1 + np where n is some integer?
  • #7
simmonj7 said:
How does there not being an element of order p imply that the centralizer is of order q? If every non identity element isn't of order p, it obviously has to be of order q since it can't be of order 1 or pq. Then the centralizer of an element x would have to be at least size q (<x> must be contained in Z(x) ) but it can not be all of pq. Are you assuming that p<q so that you can say that because then <x> would be maximal?

Also, I don't see how you are saying that the conjugacy classes being of order p implies that there must be p conjugacy classes of order 1? If the conjugacy class of every other element is of order p, doesn't the class equation imply that pq = 1 + np where n is some integer?

I thought you had spelled this out in your original post. But if x is an element with a conjugacy class containing q elements, then doesn't the centralizer subgroup of x contain p elements? Contradicting the statement there is no element of order p? Maybe I was reading between the lines? And you are claiming I said some stuff I didn't say. But I do agree that finally the class equation would say pq=1+np. That doesn't work.
  • #8
I wasn't responding to your post. I get what you are saying and yes I had spelled out what you said in my original post. I have the problem solved now. I just didn't understand the logic of the other person who was posting.

  • #9
simmonj7 said:
I wasn't responding to your post. I get what you are saying and yes I had spelled out what you said in my original post. I have the problem solved now. I just didn't understand the logic of the other person who was posting.


Oh, ok. Sometimes good to quote the post you are responding to. Very welcome.

Related to Class equation and a group of order pq

What is the class equation for a group of order pq?

The class equation for a group of order pq is p + q = 1 + |Z(G)|, where p and q are prime numbers and Z(G) is the center of the group.

What does the class equation tell us about the group structure?

The class equation tells us the number of conjugacy classes in the group and the size of each class. This can provide information about the group's symmetry and possible subgroups.

How is the class equation derived?

The class equation is derived from the fact that every element in a group is either in the center or in a conjugacy class. By counting the elements in each of these categories, we can obtain the class equation.

Can the class equation be used to find the center of a group?

Yes, the class equation can be rearranged to solve for |Z(G)|, which represents the number of elements in the center of the group. This can help determine the structure of the group and its subgroups.

What can we learn about a group of order pq if p and q are distinct primes?

If p and q are distinct primes, then the group is non-abelian and has a non-trivial center. This means that there are non-identity elements that commute with all other elements in the group.

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