Classical Mechanics, clyinder inside a cylinder.

In summary: Then you solve for q(double-dot) = a*q, where a is a constant. This gives you a trigonometric solution.
  • #1
b]1. Homework Statement [/b]

A cylinder (solid) of radius a rolls inside a fixed hollow cylinder of radius 4a; inside a homogenous gravity field.

Find, langragian using the rolling angle of the little cylidner as a generalized co-ord.
angular frequency of small oscilalations about equilibrium. is the the oscillation more or less rapid than that of a point particle sliding without friction inside the hollow cylinder?

Homework Equations

L= T - V
[tex] T = 1/2 m \dot{r}^{2} + \frac{I}{2} \dot{\varphi}^{2} [/tex]
[tex] V = mgh [/tex]
[tex] chord length = 2Rsin(\frac{\theta}{2}) [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

i have the lagrangian;

[tex] L = T-V = 1/2 M 12^{2} a^{2} \dot{\varphi}^{2} + 1/4 M a^{2} \dot{\varphi}^{2} - 3 \sqrt{2} a M g sin(2 \varphi) [/tex]

now i have trouble as when i got the small angle approximation [tex] sin(2 \varphi) [\tex] becomes [tex] 2 \varphi [/tex] and when i put this int the euler lagrange equation i end up differentiating this with respect to [tex] \varphi [/tex] and so i get a constant, then I am left with the [tex] \frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{\varphi}}[/tex] bit being equal to a constant, [tex] 3 \sqrt{2} a m g [/tex]
which you can't solve with a function of cos and sine
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  • #2
Spoony said:
now i have trouble as when i got the small angle approximation [tex] sin(2 \varphi) [/tex] becomes [tex] 2 \varphi [/tex] and when i put this int the euler lagrange equation i end up differentiating this with respect to [tex] \varphi [/tex] and so i get a constant, then I am left with the [tex] \frac{d}{dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{\varphi}}[/tex] bit being equal to a constant, [tex] 3 \sqrt{2} a m g [/tex]
which you can't solve with a function of cos and sine

Isn't the point of making a small angle approximation to make the function linear, thus eliminating the need for cosine and sine terms?
  • #3
you need the final awnser in terms of q(double dot) = a*q where a is a cosntant.
then you can get a trigonometric solution to the problem by making
q = sin(sqrt(a)*t)
its ok now I've done it :) the trick is to get the right hand side (the q bit) = cos(phi), then you can small angel aproximate to (phi^2)/2 (constants are thrown away was lagrangian makes constants dissapear) then when you differentiate the equation to get the euler lagrangian the phi^2 becomes a phi, lovely :)
  • #4
Spoony said:
you need the final awnser in terms of q(double dot) = a*q where a is a cosntant.
then you can get a trigonometric solution to the problem by making
q = sin(sqrt(a)*t)
its ok now I've done it :) the trick is to get the right hand side (the q bit) = cos(phi), then you can small angel aproximate to (phi^2)/2 (constants are thrown away was lagrangian makes constants dissapear) then when you differentiate the equation to get the euler lagrangian the phi^2 becomes a phi, lovely :)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the small angle approximation of cosine [itex]\cos[x]=1-x^2/2[/itex]? And what constants were eliminated through the Lagrangian, because there shouldn't be any (maybe mass, but that depends on the system).

Related to Classical Mechanics, clyinder inside a cylinder.

1) What is classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the motion of macroscopic objects and the forces that act on them. It is based on the laws of motion developed by Isaac Newton in the 17th century.

2) What is a cylinder inside a cylinder system?

A cylinder inside a cylinder system is a mechanical setup where a smaller cylinder is placed inside a larger cylinder. The two cylinders can rotate independently of each other.

3) What is the significance of studying a cylinder inside a cylinder system in classical mechanics?

Studying a cylinder inside a cylinder system allows us to understand the motion and forces involved in rotational motion, as well as the principles of energy conservation and angular momentum conservation.

4) How does the motion of the inner cylinder affect the motion of the outer cylinder in this system?

The motion of the inner cylinder affects the motion of the outer cylinder through the transfer of angular momentum and the forces of friction between the two cylinders.

5) What are some real-life applications of a cylinder inside a cylinder system?

A cylinder inside a cylinder system can be found in various machines and mechanisms, such as drills, turbines, and bearings. It is also used in the study of celestial mechanics to model the dynamics of planetary orbits.
