Classical mechanics: orbits, force, potential

In summary, the particle moves on an orbit with a cosine function, and has a potential energy. The force acting on the particle is -5L2a2/2mr5.
  • #1

Homework Statement

a particle of mass m moves on the orbit [itex] r= a cos(θ), a>0[/itex].

Find the force acting on the particle

The Attempt at a Solution

I had this formula in my notebook:[itex]U(r)= E-(L^2/2mr^2)(1+(1/r^2)(dr/dθ)^2)[/itex]

Using it I got [itex] U(r)=E-L^2a^2/2mr^4[/itex]

and [itex] F(r)=-dU/dr= (-5L^2a^2/2mr^5) \overline{r}[/itex]

I would really appreciate if someone could confirm my result. I can't find other way to solve it but something smells fishy. Thanks!

edit: I will detail it a bit more

This is how I got the result

[itex]dr/dθ=-a sen(θ)[/itex]
[itex](dr/dθ)^2= a^2 sen(θ)^2 = a^2(1-cos(θ)^2)=(a^2-r^2)[/itex], then I just plugged this on the formula I'v written.
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  • #2
The final result should not depend on the particle, so L and a should not be there. And you can remove the E, the offset of the potential does not matter.
A 1/r^4-potential looks good. I'm not sure about the 4, but we had a similar problem here a while ago, and I think it was 4.

Edit: This is the reverse problem
  • #3
mfb said:
The final result should not depend on the particle, so L and a should not be there.
Edit: This is the reverse problem

How can I make them disappear?
  • #4
Find a in terms of L for your particle (or vice versa), put it there. That might lead to one parameter you cannot solve for, then let this stay unknown.
  • #5
mfb said:
Find a in terms of L for your particle (or vice versa), put it there. That might lead to one parameter you cannot solve for, then let this stay unknown.

I'm sorry but I'm not very good at this, can you provide me some equations that I should focus on to get such result? And I still don't understand what do you mean with "you can remove E", wouldn't that give a different result to the potential?
  • #6
rmfw said:
I'm sorry but I'm not very good at this, can you provide me some equations that I should focus on to get such result?
Hmm, I guess this is not necessary. You probably get a circle for every constant prefactor of the potential. Just invent a new variable for L^2 a^2 /(2m).

And I still don't understand what do you mean with "you can remove E", wouldn't that give a different result to the potential?
If two potentials differ by a constant, they lead to the same forces and therefore the same physics. Therefore, any added constant in the potential is arbitrary. You can simply remove it to make the formula shorter.
  • #7
So what you are saying is, for example:

[itex]κ=L^2 a^2/2m[/itex]

and so:


Also, help for finding the particle energy and angular momentum knowing that velocity= V when r=a, please.
  • #8
rmfw said:
Also, help for finding the particle energy and angular momentum knowing that velocity= V when r=a, please.
What is the kinetic energy of a particle with velocity V? The potential energy is just given by your potential. For angular momentum, you have to find the angle between particle velocity and r.
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  • #9
Can i assume that when r=a r and v are perpendicular and thus L= amV ?
  • #10
r=a r does not make sense. v and r are perpendicular when the radius is maximal.
  • #11
I should have separated the sentence with a comma. I didn't meant r=a r, I meant r and v are perpendicular when r=a, which is the maximum radius like you said. Thanks !

FAQ: Classical mechanics: orbits, force, potential

1. What is classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the motion of objects and the forces that act upon them, using Newton's laws of motion and the concepts of mass, velocity, and acceleration.

2. What is an orbit?

An orbit is the path that an object takes around another object under the influence of gravity, such as a planet orbiting around a star. It can be described by its shape, size, and orientation.

3. What is force?

Force is a physical quantity that causes an object to accelerate or change its state of motion. It can be described by its magnitude and direction, and is typically measured in units of Newtons (N).

4. What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its position or configuration. In classical mechanics, potential energy is often defined as the energy stored in a system due to the forces acting upon it, and can be converted into other forms of energy, such as kinetic energy.

5. How is classical mechanics related to other branches of physics?

Classical mechanics is the foundation for many other branches of physics, such as thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics. It provides the fundamental principles and laws that govern motion and forces, and serves as a basis for understanding more complex systems and phenomena.
