Classical Mechanics: Textbook Recs & Study Tips

In summary: Marion and Thornton have a solutions manual and a ton of examples, so it might be a good choice if you're looking for a more comprehensive book. In summary, Mororvia recommends a booklist for classical mechanics, with the most important book being Intermediate: Classical Dynamics-Jose/Saletan. He also recommends Mechanics-Scheck, Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics-Arnold, and Classical Mechanics-Greiner. However, he warns that Kibble is not a good book to start with and that Marion and Thornton are better for specific problems.
  • #1
I can already tell this semester is going to be a rough one. With two weeks until the semester begins, I've been attempting to work through the notes for my classical mechanics course (lagrangian & hamiltonian mechanics). Wow. Really dense stuff. I'm having a pretty difficult time following the concepts, and the textbook they've prescribed cannot be found anywhere. So, I've started this thread for two reasons:

1) Could anyone recommend a decent introductory classical mechanics textbook(s)?

2) I'd like to hear your experiences with classical mechanics. Is it really a difficult course? Any study tips you could share?
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  • #2
It will probably be easier with explanation from the instructor. Lagrangian really isn't so bad... you basically subtract the potential energy from the kinetic and solve a 1st order differential equation for the motion.

As for textbooks, my first intro to L+H was Marion & Thornton, it seemed to work alright. My second time through it was Goldstein, also alright.
  • #3
Marion & Thornton and Hand & Finch are two good books for first-time Classical Mechanics.

As Mororvia points out, the Lagrangian is generally the difference between kinetic and potential energies (there can be cases where it's not, though you'll likely not see them in your first time through) and will be solving one second order differential equations, not first order (it's [itex]D_t^2x=-\omega^2x[/itex], not [itex]D_tx=-\omega^2x[/itex]!).
The Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics is usually the total energy (it is not the total energy if the Lagrangian depends on time explicitly) and you'll be solving two first order differential equations.

Tips for doing well:
--Do all the homework the professor assigns
--Do problems the professor doesn't assign for help
--Read ahead always
--Work out the solved examples in your text on your own & compare results
--Don't be afraid to ask questions
  • #4
Oops. Yes, second order. Thats what I get for not reviewing after its been so long! Sorry for any confusion.
  • #5
I have made a thread on online CM resources: generic booklist for CM would be:

Classical Mechanics-Gregory
Classical Mechanics-Kibble

Classical Dynamics-Jose/Saletan
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics-Arnold(if you dare)

EDIT: What is your obscure book, anyway?
  • #6
Pinu7 said:
Classical Dynamics-Jose/Saletan
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics-Arnold(if you dare)

You are brave to call Jose/Saletan & Arnold "Intermediate." We used Jose/Saletan for my graduate mechanics course and I don't understand much of it (fortunately, I had Marion & Thornton, Greiner, and Goldstein at my disposal to learn the mechanics part and Frankel's Geometry of Physics to learn the differential geometry part). I would label these "Advanced" with emphasizing a lot of mathematical background, specifically differential geometry.

Now that I mention it, the Greiner series and Landau/Lifschitz series are excellent books for all of their subject areas (I think Greiner is better than Landau b/c the latter tends to be very wordy).
  • #7
How would you compare Kibble to Marion and Thornton? So far, I'm noticing that Marion and Thornton seem more useful for specific problems since it seems to have more concrete examples. Especially on things like many-body systems
  • #8
Simfish said:
How would you compare Kibble to Marion and Thornton? So far, I'm noticing that Marion and Thornton seem more useful for specific problems since it seems to have more concrete examples. Especially on things like many-body systems

Alot of my physics major friends took CM with the Kibble book and hated it, the professor specifically chose Kibble because it didn't have a lot of examples nor a solutions manual and my friends all found it very difficult to study for the course (though the fact the professor gave 6 exams not including the final might've had something to do with it).

FAQ: Classical Mechanics: Textbook Recs & Study Tips

1. What are some recommended textbooks for studying Classical Mechanics?

There are several widely used textbooks for studying Classical Mechanics, including:

  • Classical Mechanics by John R. Taylor
  • An Introduction to Mechanics by Daniel Kleppner and Robert J. Kolenkow
  • Classical Mechanics by Herbert Goldstein
  • Classical Mechanics by Douglas Gregory

Each of these textbooks offers a comprehensive and rigorous approach to the subject, so it is recommended to read reviews and sample chapters to find the best fit for your learning style.

2. What are some tips for effectively studying Classical Mechanics?

Some tips for studying Classical Mechanics include:

  • Start by reviewing basic concepts and principles before diving into more complex topics.
  • Make sure to understand and practice solving problems, as this is crucial for mastering the material.
  • Create a study schedule and stick to it, allowing enough time to fully comprehend each topic.
  • Use resources such as practice problems, online tutorials, and study groups to supplement your learning.
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help from professors or classmates if you are struggling with a particular concept.

3. Is it necessary to have a strong background in mathematics to study Classical Mechanics?

A solid foundation in mathematics is essential for understanding Classical Mechanics. Topics such as calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations are heavily used in the study of this subject. It is recommended to have a good grasp of these mathematical concepts before delving into Classical Mechanics.

4. How can I apply the principles of Classical Mechanics to real-world problems?

Classical Mechanics is the study of motion and the forces that cause it. This subject has a wide range of applications in fields such as engineering, physics, and astronomy. By understanding the principles of Classical Mechanics, you can analyze and solve real-world problems related to motion and forces, such as calculating the trajectory of a projectile or designing a bridge that can withstand certain forces.

5. What are some common misconceptions about Classical Mechanics?

Some common misconceptions about Classical Mechanics include:

  • That it only applies to large, visible objects, when in fact it also explains the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.
  • That it is outdated or not applicable to modern physics, when in fact it serves as the foundation for many modern theories and principles.
  • That it is a simple and intuitive subject, when in reality it can be complex and challenging to fully comprehend.
  • That it is only relevant to physics, when in fact it has applications in various fields such as engineering, astronomy, and biomechanics.

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