Classical/quantum transition for an ideal gas in 1m^3 box

In summary, the conversation discusses estimating the temperature at which the classical/quantum transition occurs for a 1m^3 box of air by comparing the de Broglie wavelength with the average distance between particles. The equations for the average distance and de Broglie wavelength are provided, and the conversation goes on to discuss the attempt at a solution using standard pressure and the approximation that the mass of an air molecule is 5 x 10^-23 kg. The final estimate for the temperature is corrected to be 0.035 K.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Hey guys,

So I have to estimate the temperature at which the classical / quantum transition happens for a 1m^3 box of air. This is done by comparing the de Broglie wavelength with the average distance between the particles - so basically the transition happens when they are comparable.

Homework Equations

Average distance between the particles: [itex](\frac{V}{N})^{\frac{1}{3}}=n^{-\frac{1}{3}}[/itex] where n is the number density

de Broglie wavelength: [itex]\lambda = \frac{h}{\sqrt{2\pi m k T}}[/itex] where k is the Boltzmann constant.

The Attempt at a Solution

Right, so here's what I did. Since the volume V = 1, we can say that
[itex]N=n[/itex], using the distance between the particles equation.

We also know that [itex]pV=NkT=nkT[/itex] since n = N, so assuming standard pressure (since the question asks me to estimate), we can say that [itex]n=\frac{10^{5}}{kT}[/itex].

The transition happens when [itex]\lambda ≈ n^{-\frac{1}{3}}[/itex]. So replacing λ with our expression for n, we get this
[itex]\frac{h}{\sqrt{2\pi m k T}}=(\frac{10^{5}}{kT})^{-\frac{1}{3}}[/itex]

Using the approximation that the mass m of air is around 30 kg / mol, the mass of one air molecule is around 5 x 10-23kg. Plugging that in and solving for T gives me

[itex]T≈5.6\times 10^{-4}K[/itex], which seems wrong for some reason..

Can you guys help me out? thanks!
Physics news on
  • #2
Dixanadu said:
Using the approximation that the mass m of air is around 30 kg / mol, the mass of one air molecule is around 5 x 10-23kg.

  • #3
is that wrong? i just divided 30 by avogadro's number o.o
  • #4
oh wait i think its 5 x 10^-26 kg...its 30 g/mol not 30kg/mol XD
  • #5
So after that correction i get 0.035 that better?

FAQ: Classical/quantum transition for an ideal gas in 1m^3 box

1. What is the classical/quantum transition for an ideal gas in a 1m^3 box?

The classical/quantum transition for an ideal gas in a 1m^3 box refers to the point at which a gas transitions from exhibiting classical behavior to exhibiting quantum behavior. This transition is characterized by a change in the gas's properties, such as its energy levels, density, and behavior under certain conditions.

2. How is the classical/quantum transition determined for an ideal gas in a 1m^3 box?

The classical/quantum transition is determined by the gas's temperature and density. At high temperatures and low densities, the gas behaves classically, while at low temperatures and high densities, the gas exhibits quantum behavior. The exact temperature and density at which the transition occurs depend on the specific gas and its properties.

3. What are the key differences between classical and quantum behavior in an ideal gas?

Classical behavior in an ideal gas is characterized by the gas particles having well-defined positions and velocities, and following Newton's laws of motion. In contrast, quantum behavior involves the uncertainty principle, where particles have a probability of being in multiple positions and velocities simultaneously, and follow the laws of quantum mechanics.

4. What are the implications of the classical/quantum transition for an ideal gas in a 1m^3 box?

The implications of the classical/quantum transition for an ideal gas in a 1m^3 box are significant for understanding the behavior of gases at different temperatures and densities. This transition can affect the gas's properties, such as its heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and diffusivity. It also has implications for the study of phase transitions and the behavior of matter at extreme conditions.

5. Can the classical/quantum transition be observed in real-world gases?

Yes, the classical/quantum transition has been observed in real-world gases, such as in ultracold atomic gases. These experiments have been able to demonstrate the transition from classical to quantum behavior by manipulating the temperature and density of the gas. The transition can also be observed in other systems, such as electron gases and superfluid helium.

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