Classify fixed points non homogeneous system of linear differential equations

In summary, the conversation discusses how to solve a system of equations by making a change in coordinates. It suggests using a substitution to shift the coordinates and obtain a set of homogeneous ODEs. This can help in finding fixed points of the system.
  • #1

Homework Statement

[tex]\dot{x}=2x+5y+1, \dot{y}=-x+3y-4[/tex]

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Well, if system was: [tex]\dot{x}=2x+5y, \dot{y}=-x+3y[/tex] we let a=2, b=5, c=-1, d=3.
Then p = a + d and q =ad - bc and we investigate [tex] p^2-4q[/tex]
Don't know what to do when [tex]\dot{x}=2x+5y+1, \dot{y}=-x+3y-4[/tex]
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  • #2
Why don't you try making a change in coordinates?

Solve the system of equations:
[tex] 2x + 5y = -1; -x + 3y = 4;[/tex]
for x and y. Assume we obtain the solutions [itex]x=x_0, y=y_0[/itex]. Then a substitution of the form [itex]x^* = x + x_0; y^* = y + y_0[/itex] will give you a set of homogeneous ODEs in a shifted coordinate system. Fixed points of this new set of ODEs are related to the old set by the coordinate transformations above.
  • #3
good intelligent answer thank you

FAQ: Classify fixed points non homogeneous system of linear differential equations

What is a fixed point in a system of linear differential equations?

A fixed point in a system of linear differential equations refers to a point where the values of all variables in the system remain constant over time. This means that the derivatives of these variables are equal to zero at the fixed point.

How do you classify fixed points in a non-homogeneous system of linear differential equations?

In a non-homogeneous system, the fixed points can be classified as either stable or unstable. A stable fixed point is one where the system will tend towards it over time, while an unstable fixed point is one where the system will move away from it over time.

What is the significance of fixed points in a system of linear differential equations?

Fixed points provide important information about the behavior of a system of linear differential equations. They can tell us about the stability of the system, as well as the long-term behavior of the variables in the system.

How can you determine the stability of a fixed point in a non-homogeneous system of linear differential equations?

The stability of a fixed point can be determined by analyzing the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix at that point. If all eigenvalues have negative real parts, the fixed point is stable. If any eigenvalues have positive real parts, the fixed point is unstable.

What are some real-world applications of classifying fixed points in non-homogeneous systems of linear differential equations?

Fixed point analysis is used in a wide range of fields, such as physics, economics, and biology. It can help predict the behavior of physical systems, model population dynamics, and analyze the stability of economic systems.
