Clearer Understanding of Permutation and Transpositions

In summary, the conversation discusses the process of beginning proofs and the goal of showing that any l-cycle can be written as a product of l-1 cycles. The conversation also includes a partial solution and a further question regarding the number of transpositions needed to express a cycle. The key to solving the problem is understanding how the cycle "moves" its elements.
  • #1
Let α (alpha) all in S_n be a cycle of length l. Prove that if α = τ_1 · · · τ_s, where τ_i are transpositions, then s geq l − 1.

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how to begin proofs. I'm always a little lost when trying to solve them.
I know that I want to somehow show that s is greater than l - 1 cycles. Does this mean I need to find out or show that any l cycle can be written as a product of l-1 cycles? I wrote that

α = τ_1 · · · τ_s = (τ_1 τ_s)(τ_1 τ_s-1)...(τ_1 τ_2)

But does this qualify as a proof for showing that any l cycle can be written as a product of l-1 cycles? Even so, how does this make sense for s geq l -1? Sorry, I'm just trying to understand this more clearly.
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  • #2
I'm not sure I understand your formulation. Or, it is your partial solution I do not grasp. Do I interpret i correctly if I'd restate it as follows?

Let a be a k-cycle in Sn. Show that if a = t1 * t2 * ... * ts, where the ti are transpositions for 1 = 1, 2, ..., s, then s must be greater than or equal to k - 1.

We have that, if a = (A1, A2, ... ,Ak), then a = (A1, Ak)(A1, Ak-1)...(A1, A2).

Well, this is not a proof, as it only states that there exists a way to express a as a product of k - 1 transpositions. Now, it is easily seen that we can express a as a product of a larger number of such transpositions. Just multiply it by (1, 2)(1, 2), which is the identity. The problem is to show that there is no way to express a as a product of less transpositions. I haven't proven it, but I got a feeling that thinking about how a "moves" the Ai can lead you in the right direction.

FAQ: Clearer Understanding of Permutation and Transpositions

1. What is the difference between permutation and transposition?

Permutation and transposition are both ways of rearranging elements in a set or sequence. The main difference is that permutation involves changing the order of all the elements, while transposition involves swapping the positions of two elements.

2. How is permutation represented mathematically?

In mathematics, permutation is typically represented using the notation nPr, where n represents the total number of elements in the set and r represents the number of elements being selected and rearranged.

3. Can a permutation be undone?

Yes, a permutation can be undone by applying the inverse permutation, which is the reverse operation that undoes the rearrangement of elements.

4. What is the significance of permutation and transposition in cryptography?

Permutation and transposition are commonly used in cryptography as methods of scrambling and rearranging data to make it more difficult to decipher. They are often used in combination with other encryption techniques to enhance security.

5. How are permutation and transposition used in real-world applications?

Permutation and transposition have various real-world applications, including data encryption, error correction in communication systems, and solving mathematical and scientific problems. They are also used in fields such as genetics, music theory, and computer science.
