Clipper Circuits: Exploring Input & Output Waveforms

  • Thread starter ranju
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In summary: In the first picture, two clipper circuits are used. One which includes D1 and Va, cut off the sine wave on the positive cycle. The other clipper circuit, of D2 and V2, cut off the sine wave on the negative part of the cycle. In the second picture, the clipper of D and V, cut off the positive cycle. The negative cycle retains the sine wave shape. If you analyze a clipper circuit, such as in the second picture, as the input voltage increase from 0, the output voltage will follow along until the voltage reaches a value where the diode begins to conduct.
  • #1
In clipper circuits the diode clips the input signal upto a particular voltage , say if a battery of V volts is connected in series with the diode then it'll clip it at voltage V..
in the attached fig.. there are 2 cases.. in both cases , the diode clips the input sinusoidal waveform at V volts..but why the shape of the output waveform is changed in case of combination clipper..?
in one case its sinusoidal & in other it has changed to a triangular waveform...!


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  • #2
With clipping, the less the clipped voltage is, the more the output waveform approaches square wave.
To obtain a triangular wave, one has to then integrate the output waveform.
  • #3
but here we are'nt given any specific value of Voltage...!
  • #4
The reason the 2nd pic looks different is because half of the components that are responsible for the actual clipping are missing.
  • #5
ranju said:
In clipper circuits the diode clips the input signal upto a particular voltage , say if a battery of V volts is connected in series with the diode then it'll clip it at voltage V..
in the attached fig.. there are 2 cases.. in both cases , the diode clips the input sinusoidal waveform at V volts..but why the shape of the output waveform is changed in case of combination clipper..?
in one case its sinusoidal & in other it has changed to a triangular waveform...!

ranju said:
but here we are'nt given any specific value of Voltage...!

It's not triangular; it's just a badly drawn negative going half sinusoid section.
They don't need to give a specific battery voltage. It just needs the un-clipped waveform to have an excursion that takes it above and below the battery+diode volts each side. It's just qualitative.
  • #6
ranju said:
but here we are'nt given any specific value of Voltage...!

Sure we are - V1. V2, and V.

Observe the clippers clip at that voltage.

Have you written a KVL equation around the right hand half of either circuit ?
  • #7
jim hardy said:
Sure we are - V1. V2, and V.

Observe the clippers clip at that voltage.

Have you written a KVL equation around the right hand half of either circuit ?
but 256 saying that "the less the clipped voltage is, the more the output waveform approaches square"..but we are'nt given magnitude of the voltages..
what is the purpose opf writing those kvl equ...??
  • #8
what is the purpose of writing those kvl equ...??

to make oneself realize that the circuit is just a linear voltage divider until a diode conducts.

Which explains "why the shape of the output waveform is changed in case of combination clipper..?"
  • #9
I am not getting this thing..!how does it explain the change in the waveform??
  • #10
In each of your attachments, ask yourself "What is the maximum positive and maximum negative voltage that can appear across RL?
KVL will answer that.
  • #11
ranju said:
I am not getting this thing..!how does it explain the change in the waveform??

What happens as soon as the volts across those diodes causes them to conduct? Where does any extra current go?
  • #12
ranju said:
but 256 saying that "the less the clipped voltage is, the more the output waveform approaches square"..but we are'nt given magnitude of the voltages..
what is the purpose opf writing those kvl equ...??

With no clipper circuit, the output wave would be of the same shape as the input, ie a sine wave. The clipper components cut the top off the sine wave to give the wave from as shown.
You mentioned it looks triangular, but not so. The output resembles more a square wave as more and more of the top of a sine wave is cut off.

In the first picture, two clipper circuits are used. One which includes D1 and Va, cut off the sine wave on the positive cycle. The other clipper circuit, of D2 and V2, cut off the sine wave on the negative part of the cycle.

In the second picture, the clipper of D and V, cut off the positive cycle. The negative cycle retains the sine wave shape.

If you analyze a clipper circuit, such as in the second picture, as the input voltage increase from 0, the output voltage will follow along until the voltage reaches a value where the diode begins to conduct.

You can use KVL to determine when this will happen.
  • #13

When you write KVL, the voltage from cathode to anode of an ideal diode can be either zero or any negative number.

You can write KVL as an inequality.

FAQ: Clipper Circuits: Exploring Input & Output Waveforms

1. What is a clipper circuit?

A clipper circuit is an electronic circuit that clips or limits the amplitude of a waveform. It is used to remove unwanted parts of a waveform, such as noise or distortion, and produce a desired output waveform.

2. How does a clipper circuit work?

A clipper circuit typically consists of a diode or a group of diodes that are connected in series with the input signal. When the input signal exceeds a certain voltage level, the diode(s) become forward-biased and allow current to flow, effectively clipping the waveform. The output waveform is then limited to the voltage level set by the diode(s).

3. What are the different types of clipper circuits?

There are two main types of clipper circuits: series and shunt. Series clipper circuits use a diode in series with the input signal, while shunt clipper circuits use a diode in parallel with the input signal. Within these two types, there are also variations such as biased clipper circuits and dual diode clipper circuits.

4. What are some applications of clipper circuits?

Clipper circuits are commonly used in audio and video systems to remove unwanted noise and distortion from signals. They are also used in power supplies to protect against voltage spikes and in signal processing to shape waveforms. Additionally, clipper circuits can be used in communication systems to prevent signal overloading.

5. What factors affect the output waveform in a clipper circuit?

The output waveform in a clipper circuit is affected by several factors, including the voltage level set by the diode(s), the input signal amplitude, and the frequency of the input signal. The type and number of diodes used in the circuit can also impact the output waveform. Additionally, any external resistors or capacitors in the circuit can influence the output waveform.

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