Clock synchronization and relativity of simultaneity

In summary: This means that the setup is not consistent with Einstein's conclusion and needs to be changed in order to accurately measure the relativity of simultaneity. One potential solution is to use a different method of synchronization, such as the Einstein synchronization method, which takes into account the varying speed of light in different frames. This would eliminate the frame dependence and provide a more accurate measurement of simultaneity. In summary, the practical definition of simultaneity discussed in this conversation is frame dependent due to the variation in the speed of light in different frames. To accurately measure the relativity of simultaneity, the setup must be changed to use a method of synchronization that accounts for this frame dependence.
  • #36
DaleSpam said:
This is incorrect. Since the moving clocks are (by design) synchronized in the stationary system they cannot be synchronized in the moving frame, regardless of what you might want.

The times in Einstein's synchronization equation for the stationary frame (assuming synchronized clocks in that frame)

tB' - tA1' = rAB/(c-v)
tA2' - tB' = rAB/(c+v)

are solely determined by the positions of the moving clocks and the light signal in that frame. How should the display of the moving clocks come into it? The latter might even stand still i.e. always display the same time, still the same equation would apply in the stationary frame, simply because a) only the positions of the moving clocks are timed, and b) these timings are obtained by a completely unrelated set of clocks.
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  • #37
Fantasist said:
If the detector half-way between the clocks is co-moving with latter, then it is half-way between them in any reference frame.
Half-way between the clocks, yes. Half-way between the emission events at the reception time, no.
  • #38
Fantasist said:
The times in Einstein's synchronization equation for the stationary frame (assuming synchronized clocks in that frame)

tB' - tA1' = rAB/(c-v)
tA2' - tB' = rAB/(c+v)

are solely determined by the positions of the moving clocks and the light signal in that frame. How should the display of the moving clocks come into it?
Because the display of the moving "clocks" are forced, by design (not by nature), to display the same number as that of a co-located synchronized stationary clock. This is given in the setup as described by Einstein. The moving clocks are not normal clocks that measure proper time along their worldline, they are forced to keep coordinate time in the stationary frame.

Fantasist said:
The latter might even stand still i.e. always display the same time
Then it wouldn't be the setup that Einstein is describing. Nothing inherently wrong with that, but I am not sure what your point is.

I still cannot tell if you are just complaining about Einstein's presentation or if you have a substantive problem with the relativity of simultaneity. Can you clarify that? Do you understand the Lorentz transform itself and how the relativity of simultaneity follows? Is it just Einstein's derivation that you object to or do you object to the Lorentz transform itself?
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  • #39
Fantasist said:
Note that we should not have to resort to the Lorentz transformation formula to prove the frame dependence of the clock synchronization. Einstein claims it already when he defines his clock synchronization formula in paragraphs 2&3 in his paper, before he even starts to derive the Lorentz transformation. It is something that should follow from his definitions alone.
Here it sounds like you do not have substantive concern about the relativity of simultaneity, but just an objection to Einstein's presentation.
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  • #40
DaleSpam said:
Here it sounds like you do not have substantive concern about the relativity of simultaneity, but just an objection to Einstein's presentation.
Einstein's ideas are 100 plus years old. It is no wonder that scientists tend to look for the future of science if one assumes that science is a progression.
  • #41
John F. Gogo said:
Einstein's ideas are 100 plus years old. It is no wonder that scientists tend to look for the future of science if one assumes that science is a progression.
Ultimately, I always give weight to the idea. For instance, how is knowing that the speed of light is c helping man leverage nature?
  • #42
Fantasist said:
Note that we should not have to resort to the Lorentz transformation formula to prove the frame dependence of the clock synchronization. Einstein claims it already when he defines his clock synchronization formula in paragraphs 2&3 in his paper, before he even starts to derive the Lorentz transformation. It is something that should follow from his definitions alone.

Actually i got this formula from a different book which used different definition to synchronize the clocks in their rest frame. Even then after using a different definition,formula is one and the same.

Yes. i do notice formula i quoted is present in Lorentz Transformation.

EDIT: reference: H C Verma Concepts of Physics 2
  • #43
DaleSpam said:
Because the display of the moving "clocks" are forced, by design (not by nature), to display the same number as that of a co-located synchronized stationary clock. This is given in the setup as described by Einstein.

The usual convention is that clocks are synchronized in their own frame, not the other frame. Einstein has it actually the wrong way around in § 2 where he makes the case for the frame dependence of the clock synchronization. In § 3 he changes it around again and requires that the clocks are synchronized in their own frame when he goes about to derive the Lorentz transformation.

DaleSpam said:
I still cannot tell if you are just complaining about Einstein's presentation or if you have a substantive problem with the relativity of simultaneity. Can you clarify that? Do you understand the Lorentz transform itself and how the relativity of simultaneity follows? Is it just Einstein's derivation that you object to or do you object to the Lorentz transform itself?

Maybe I did not express myself clearly enough, so let me expand on what I said before: the issue I am having is with the fact that the events in question (the light signals being registered by the moving clocks) is physically not the same events that are associated with it in the stationary frame. In the latter the timings are obtained by associating with the events the times of the corresponding stationary clocks that happen to be at the location where the paths of the moving clocks and the light signal as defined by clocks/detectors in the stationary frame intersect. If you do this however, you should also associate the velocities c-v and c+v in the timing equations of the stationary frame with the speed of light in the moving frame, which obviously would contradict the postulate of the invariance of c.
  • #44
Fantasist said:
The usual convention is that clocks are synchronized in their own frame, not the other frame.
At the time that Einstein wrote it there was no established convention. Nobody else had recognized that clock synchronization required a convention. That is one reason that it is generally better to learn scientific concepts from modern textbooks rather than from the seminal works.
Fantasist said:
the issue I am having is with the fact that the events in question (the light signals being registered by the moving clocks) is physically not the same events that are associated with it in the stationary frame. In the latter the timings are obtained by associating with the events the times of the corresponding stationary clocks that happen to be at the location where the paths of the moving clocks and the light signal as defined by clocks/detectors in the stationary frame intersect. If you do this however, you should also associate the velocities c-v and c+v in the timing equations of the stationary frame with the speed of light in the moving frame, which obviously would contradict the postulate of the invariance of c.
(emphasis added, see below)

OK, this seems more like a substantive concern rather than a complaint about Einstein's presentation. It would be best to avoid constantly referencing his presentation, since it makes it seem like your intent is merely an objection to his description.

The bolded part of your comments is wrong, and may be the source of the confusion. An event is a frame-invariant geometric object. It is a "point" in spacetime. An event in one frame is indeed physically the same event as in any other frame. The only difference is the different coordinates that different frames will use to label the same event. The events are physically the same events in all frames. The coordinates assigned to each event is what varies.

Given a single event (which is physically the same event in one frame as in all other frames) there is a function which allows you to determine the coordinates in a second frame given the coordinates in the first frame. This function is called the coordinate transformation. The relativity of simultaneity is simply the fact that the transformation between inertial frames (aka the Lorentz transform) allows events which share the same time coordinate in one frame to have different time coordinates in another frame.
  • #45
DaleSpam said:
An event in one frame is indeed physically the same event as in any other frame. The only difference is the different coordinates that different frames will use to label the same event.
As already explained in post #15.
  • #46
DaleSpam said:
At the time that Einstein wrote it there was no established convention. Nobody else had recognized that clock synchronization required a convention. That is one reason that it is generally better to learn scientific concepts from modern textbooks rather than from the seminal works.

We are discussing this because of issues that are usually not addressed in textbooks (not in that detail anyway). So there is really little choice other than occasionally having to refer back to the original text where the concepts were developed. The different notations and conventions there may initially be a source of confusion, but lastly I think they only help to clarify the issue.
DaleSpam said:
An event is a frame-invariant geometric object. It is a "point" in spacetime.

Yes, as a mathematical idealization/abstraction.

DaleSpam said:
An event in one frame is indeed physically the same event as in any other frame.

Events can only be defined through their physical detection, and each detection is a separate event on its own, not only for detectors belonging to different reference frame but even the same frame. It is only through educated guesses that you assign a common event as a cause to the detection events. But these educated guesses are not a priori correct. You could have for instance by coincidence (or design) a sequence of detector events that only mimic a common causal event without actually one being there.
  • #47
Fantasist said:
Yes, as a mathematical idealization/abstraction.
Certainly. The same as with any mathematical quantity in any good theory of physics.

Fantasist said:
Events can only be defined through their physical detection, and each detection is a separate event on its own, not only for detectors belonging to different reference frame but even the same frame. It is only through educated guesses that you assign a common event as a cause to the detection events. But these educated guesses are not a priori correct. You could have for instance by coincidence (or design) a sequence of detector events that only mimic a common causal event without actually one being there
Certainly we can make mistakes in our experiments. I don't see how that is relevant.

If you are talking about relativity (which is what we do here) then you are talking about a theory in which all physical objects and events are mathematically represented by frame invariant geometric objects which simply are labeled with different coordinates in different frames. Neither the geometrical objects nor the physical things they represent "belong" to a reference frame.

Your "issue" that you describe above is not an issue with SR. It is an issue that arises only because of your incorrect understanding of what an event is in SR. This is why it isn't in standard SR textbooks.
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  • #48
Fantasist said:
each detection is a separate event on its own
If two physical events coincide in one frame, then they coincide in all frames and can be considered one event.
Fantasist said:
detectors belonging to different reference frame
All detectors exist in all reference frames.

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