Close Packed Planes and Slip Systems

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of slip systems in a simple cubic structure, with one person questioning the slip plane and another clarifying that the slip plane does not have to be perfectly packed in BCC structures. They also mention that all planes are not the same in simple cubic structures and question the practicality of this exercise in relation to ductile materials.
  • #1
I posted this in "Materials & Chemical Engineering", but it seems a little more active here.

I'm confused with trying to find the slip systems of a simple cubic. I understand the slip plane would be along the plane with the highest atomic density (a close packed plane). But I don't quite get how to get the slip planes for a simple cubic if the planes aren't close packed and all planes are the same.

From what I get, a close packed plane should be tetrahedral.

Is what I said correct or am I just totally lost :confused:
Physics news on
  • #2
1. The slip plane is generally the closest-packed plane. The packing doesn't have to be perfect. (In BCC, for example, the slip plane is {110}, which isn't optimally packed.)

2. All planes aren't the same in simple cubic. {100}, {110}, {123} are all different, for example.

3. Isn't this kind of an academic exercise? Are there any ductile materials with a simple cubic structure?

Related to Close Packed Planes and Slip Systems

1. What are close packed planes and how do they relate to crystal structures?

Close packed planes refer to the planes in a crystal structure that are packed with the highest density of atoms. In other words, these planes have the closest distance between atoms compared to other planes. They are important because they determine the strength and mechanical properties of the material.

2. How do close packed planes affect slip systems in crystals?

Close packed planes play a crucial role in the formation of slip systems, which are paths along which dislocations can move through a crystal lattice. These planes serve as the preferred planes for dislocations to glide along, making them essential for plastic deformation and material strength.

3. What are the different types of close packed planes?

The two main types of close packed planes are hexagonal close packed (HCP) and face-centered cubic (FCC). In HCP structures, the close packed planes are stacked in an ABAB pattern, while in FCC structures, they are stacked in an ABCABC pattern. These planes can also be classified as either basal, prismatic, or pyramidal depending on their orientation relative to the crystal lattice.

4. Can close packed planes and slip systems be manipulated to improve material properties?

Yes, engineering techniques such as alloying, heat treatment, and cold working can be used to manipulate the arrangement and density of close packed planes, as well as the number and orientation of slip systems. This can result in improved mechanical properties such as strength, ductility, and toughness.

5. How does the arrangement of atoms in close packed planes affect material strength?

The close packing of atoms in these planes creates strong atomic bonds and a higher degree of atomic order, which contributes to the material's strength. Additionally, the presence of multiple close packed planes and slip systems allows for a greater resistance to deformation and dislocation movement, making the material more resistant to external forces.
