Closed orbits in hydrogen when exposed to vertical electric field

In summary, the conversation discusses the search for classical turning points in semi-parabolic coordinates for the hydrogen atom in an electric field. The article "Classical, semiclassical, and quantum dynamics in the lithium Stark System" is referenced, which provides equations for the Hamiltonian and discusses the use of scaled energy and field values. The speaker has found a quartic equation that can be used to determine the classical turning point for an electron launched vertically in the y-axis. However, the conclusion is questioned as it may violate a postulate of quantum mechanics.
  • #1
I am trying to find the classical turning points in semi-parabolic coordinates for the hydrogen atom when an electric field is being applied to it in the y-axis. I am reading an article for those who are interested called Classical, semiclassical, and quantum dynamics in the lithium Stark System published in Physical Review A Volume 51, Number 5. It gives me the following three separated equations based on the Hamiltonian:

.5 * (pu)^2 + .5*F*u^4 - E(u^2) = eu
.5 * (pv)^2 - .5*F*u^4 - E(u^2) = ev

and eu + ev = 2

u and v are semi-parabolic position coordinates. eu and ev are separation constants.
The article also says that for the purposes of finding closed orbits, that's what I am looking for, E = scaled energy and F = 1. Scaled energy can be picked to be an arbitrary number. Scaled energy = E / (F^.5)

I know that at the classical turning point the kinetic energy is equal to 0 so the equations above simplify to

.5*u^4 - (scaled_energy)*u^2 = eu
-.5*v^4 - (scaled_energy)*v^2 = ev

Finding the classical turning point will hopefully help me determine closed orbits for hydrogen as they give me two integrals for determining when an orbit is closed if the electron is launched at a certain angle in a Field=1 and and Energy=Scaled Energy.

I have figured out that in the primitive orbit of hydrogen where the electron is launched vertically in the y-axis, parallel to the field, the electron will have u = 0 position and a velocity in the u direction = 0, so the quartic equation

0.5v^4 - (scaled_energy)*v^2 = ev = 2

will determine the classical turning point for that orbit.

Thank you
Physics news on
  • #2
rydberg157 said:

... I have figured out that in the primitive orbit of hydrogen where the electron is launched vertically in the y-axis, parallel to the field, the electron will have u = 0 position and a velocity in the u direction = 0, so the quartic equation ...

Thank you

I am not familiar with semi-parabolic coordinates, but I have to say that conclusion looks suspicious to me. It seems to violate one of the postulates of QM, which says that a position operator along an orthogonal coordinate q, and the corresponding momentum operator pq, must obey the commutation relation [q,pq]=ihbar. I know that is the case for Cartesian coordinates, and I believe that relation also holds in any other coordinate system, but I am not completely sure of that.

FAQ: Closed orbits in hydrogen when exposed to vertical electric field

1. How does a vertical electric field affect the closed orbits in hydrogen?

When exposed to a vertical electric field, the energy levels of the electrons in a hydrogen atom are shifted. This results in a change in the size and shape of the closed orbits, causing them to become more elliptical and unstable.

2. What is the significance of closed orbits in hydrogen?

Closed orbits in hydrogen are important because they represent the allowed energy levels of the electrons in the atom. These orbits determine the spectral lines emitted by hydrogen and provide insight into the behavior of electrons in an atom.

3. How do closed orbits in hydrogen behave in the absence of a vertical electric field?

In the absence of a vertical electric field, closed orbits in hydrogen are circular and stable. This is due to the balance between the attractive force of the nucleus and the repulsive force of the electron's angular momentum.

4. Can a vertical electric field completely disrupt closed orbits in hydrogen?

Yes, a strong enough vertical electric field can completely disrupt the closed orbits in hydrogen. This is because the electric field can overpower the attractive force of the nucleus and cause the electron to escape the atom.

5. How do closed orbits in hydrogen relate to the Bohr model of the atom?

The Bohr model of the atom is based on the concept of closed orbits in hydrogen. It states that electrons can only exist in certain allowed energy levels and move in circular orbits around the nucleus. However, this model is limited and does not fully explain the behavior of electrons in more complex atoms.
