Closed Timelike Curves Explained in Layman's Terms

In summary: To enter a CTC, you would have to be moving faster than the speed of light. Theoretically, you could be anywhere in the universe and still enter a CTC. However, because CTCs describe the case where you revisit the same point in space again, you would have to be in the vicinity of a black hole in order to enter one. Thank you bcrowell,
  • #1
Would someone explain to me in lay men's terms exactly what a CTC is. I understand that it is a closed timeline curve and that it allows( in theory) time travel to one's past. My question is how does one get into a CTC: Do you have to be traveling in space and at a certain speed? Does one have to enter a black hole?
What exactly is the physical thing?
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  • #2
First let's define a timelike curve. Suppose some object is moving at less than the speed of light. Then if we use consistent units for space and time, such as light-years and years, the distance it covers is less than the time. If you trace out the object's track through spacetime, called its world-line, we call this a timelike curve. It's called timelike because it covers more time than space. All material objects have timelike world-lines. Since observers are material objects, they have timelike world-lines. Because space is mostly empty, most timelike curves are not actually the world-line of any object, but you could consider them as hypothetical world-lines.

A closed timelike curve is a timelike curve that forms a closed loop rather than a line that stretches off indefinitely into the past and future. If it was the world-line of an object, it would describe a case where the object revisited the same location in the past and took over the world-line again from its own past self. (This is unlike the science-fiction scenario where you go back to the past and there are two of you at once.)

In most spacetimes that possesses CTCs, the CTCs are a common, ordinary type of timelike curves -- there is nothing special or dramatic going on in the region of spacetime where they occur. For example, suppose you take a piece of lined notebook paper and turn it sideways, so that the blue lines are upright. This is a spacetime diagram, and the blue lines are timelike curves. If you now wrap the paper into a tube, so that the blue lines join up with themselves, then each blue line is a CTC. This is a universe where time repeats. In this universe, you're still looping through time regardless of whether you're following a CTC. A CTC describes the case where you happen to revisit the same point in space again.
  • #3
Thank you bcrowell,
I am still a bit confused. I understand the general concept but would you elaborate on the specifics of(theoretical) time travel: for instance, say I want to travel into my past, just how would this be accomplished- I understand this is all in theory. Would I myself have to be traveling in space, at a certain speed along this curved space time so as to link up with my past like the tubed paper? Would I have to be approaching the speed of light or overcome it to accomplish this? Would I have to be traveling in space at all when you consider the Earth is moving?
I guess, I would like you to explain how exactly the theorists describe this happening.
  • #4
novella said:
I am still a bit confused. I understand the general concept but would you elaborate on the specifics of(theoretical) time travel:

Unfortunately, there are no specifics.

Loosely speaking, the equations of General Relativity (the Einstein Field equations or EFE) describe various ways in which bcrowell's figurative sheet of paper might be folded and twisted. Some of these (such as bcrowell's example of rolling the paper into a tube) lead to configurations of space-time that contain closed time-like curves. However, just because something is a solution to the EFE doesn't mean that it necessarily can be made to happen - all real-world configurations of spacetime must be solutions of the EFE, but not all solutions of the EFE are possible real-world configurations of spacetime. As far as we know, the solutions that contain interesting CTCs also require other conditions that are more or less physically impossible. "Set up some impossible initial conditions" is not a happy start for anything specific.

Another approach is to note that we don't need to do any warping, curving, twisting of spacetime to produce time travel. If you google for "tachyonic antitelephone" you'll see how just the assumption of faster-than-light travel can lead to that possibility - but again, that's an impossible initial condition.
  • #5
novella said:
Thank you bcrowell,
I am still a bit confused. I understand the general concept but would you elaborate on the specifics of(theoretical) time travel: for instance, say I want to travel into my past, just how would this be accomplished- I understand this is all in theory. Would I myself have to be traveling in space, at a certain speed along this curved space time so as to link up with my past like the tubed paper?
In that example, everybody in that universe is a time traveler. You don't have to do anything special to be a time traveler. It happens to you automatically, and you can't avoid it. Your state of motion is only relevant in determining where you end up after you complete a loop.
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Related to Closed Timelike Curves Explained in Layman's Terms

What are closed timelike curves?

Closed timelike curves are a concept in theoretical physics that suggests the possibility of time travel by following a path through spacetime that eventually leads back to the same point in time and space. This means that an object or person could travel into the past or future and return to their original starting point.

How do closed timelike curves work?

Closed timelike curves are based on the idea of curved spacetime, where the shape of space and time can be influenced by massive objects. This curvature can create a loop in spacetime, allowing an object to travel back in time and potentially change the course of events.

Are closed timelike curves possible?

Currently, closed timelike curves are only theoretical and have not been proven to exist in our universe. However, they are allowed by certain solutions to Einstein's theory of general relativity, and some physicists believe that they could be possible in certain extreme scenarios.

What implications do closed timelike curves have?

If closed timelike curves were to exist, it could have significant implications for our understanding of causality and the concept of free will. It could also have practical applications, such as allowing for time travel and potentially changing the course of history.

What are the potential problems with closed timelike curves?

One of the biggest problems with closed timelike curves is the potential for paradoxes. For example, if someone were to travel back in time and prevent their own birth, it would create a paradox as they would not have been able to travel back in time in the first place. Additionally, the existence of closed timelike curves could also challenge the laws of thermodynamics and cause inconsistencies in our understanding of the universe.

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