Closing the writing loop, with thanks

In summary, the conversation discusses the completion of a science fiction novel and the author's gratitude towards the Physics Forums community for their help and feedback in regards to scientific elements in the story. The author also mentions their future plans for writing and expresses their appreciation for the support and encouragement from the community. The conversation also brings up the idea of promoting the novel through a potential contest organized by the forum. Overall, the conversation highlights the collaborative and supportive nature of the Physics Forums community for writers.
  • #1
member 656954
I haven't been on PF that long, and I mostly post in the Science Fiction section, but I have noticed in the "Writing and World Building" forum that few of us loop back after asking for help to let people know, "My novel is done".

So, just to let you know, my novel is done and is live in the Kindle store on Amazon.

PF posters especially helped with the antimatter bomb and rail guns. @Klystron, I made the guns a lot louder based on your experience with hypervelocity rounds. And @Vanadium 50's observation that my antimatter bomb was physically impossible gave me a great (my own opinion, to be fair) plot twist that kicked in right at the end. Of course, there were many more comments on those two elements and I'm not intending to discount anyone's contribution as all the feedback and 'what about' thoughts were useful 👍

And I included this dedication to PF in the hope that it grows the community:

"Another shout out is to PhysicsForums, which has a science fiction writers section where a knowledgeable cohort of physics experts freely give their time to assist with story elements such as world-building and invented technologies. Expect pointed responses to poorly framed questions, but if you ask intelligently, you’ll find the community is both encouraging and scarily clever."​
I'm now onto a YA sci-fi novel before I finalize the "Egan Universe" trilogy, so no doubt will be asking more questions here, but until then, thanks for your support.
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  • #2
Congratulations! I hope you do well in such a competitive market.

COVID-19 may help here as folks search for interesting things to read, watch and do to counter the boredom shelter in place.
  • #3
You need to post a link to the novel so that we can have a look!

Congratz on finishing it - I still need to start mine!
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Likes member 656954 and Windadct
  • #4
Thanks @jedishrfu and @some bloke, it is a very satisfying feeling completing a book - they take me at least a long time to write and it's a very isolating effort. But I'd not posted a link because of PF's non-solicitation rule (plus it's a sequel, so not a standalone read) but combining my PF handle and would make it easy to find :smile:
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Likes berkeman
  • #5
Maybe we could get @Greg Bernhardt to organize another contest, with a few copies of your novel (in whatever form) as the prizes. We've done that in the past a few times with books that members have written. :smile:
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FAQ: Closing the writing loop, with thanks

1. What is the purpose of "Closing the writing loop, with thanks"?

The purpose of "Closing the writing loop, with thanks" is to provide a systematic approach to completing the writing process and expressing gratitude to those who have contributed to the work.

2. How does "Closing the writing loop, with thanks" benefit the writer?

"Closing the writing loop, with thanks" can benefit the writer by helping them organize their thoughts and ideas, ensuring that all aspects of the writing process are completed, and showing appreciation for the support and feedback received from others.

3. Can "Closing the writing loop, with thanks" be applied to any type of writing?

Yes, "Closing the writing loop, with thanks" can be applied to any type of writing, whether it is academic, professional, or personal. The process can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the writer and their project.

4. What are the key components of "Closing the writing loop, with thanks"?

The key components of "Closing the writing loop, with thanks" include reviewing and revising the writing, acknowledging and incorporating feedback from others, and expressing gratitude to those who have contributed to the work.

5. How can "Closing the writing loop, with thanks" improve the overall quality of a written piece?

"Closing the writing loop, with thanks" can improve the overall quality of a written piece by ensuring that all aspects of the writing process have been completed and that the writer has taken into consideration feedback from others. This can lead to a more polished and well-rounded piece of writing.
