Closure Phase - Interferometry - Recurrence Relation

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of a recurrence relation for the phases of 3 telescopes in a closure phase. The article referenced provides a derivation for a case where the telescopes are located in a line, but the individual is trying to find a similar derivation for the case where the telescopes are not necessarily in a straight line, but can form a triangle on a plane. They propose an equation and a potential solution for this case but express uncertainty in their solution. They later update that they have found a solution and the thread can be closed.
  • #1
I'm trying to calculate a recurrence relation of the phases of 3 telescopes in a closure phase.
Usually in a stellar interferometer we have 3 telescopes, located in a triangle, measuring intensity of light in 3 points on a far field plane. I found an article, describing how the phase is reconstructed out of the closure phase. However, in this article all 3 telescopes are located in a line, and not on a plane. I'm trying to find a similar derivation as in this article, but for case where 3 telescopes are not necessary on a straight line, but can form a triangle on plane.
Article is here:

Their derivation is as following: we have 3 telescopes at points
[tex](x_0), (x_0-\Delta x), (x_0+n \Delta x)[/tex]
where n=...-1,0,1,..., i.e. the first two are fixed, with a distance of Δx between them, and the third one is "mapping" the line at points with a "step" of Δx.
Their write a following equation, that satisfy the relation of measured phases around the closed loop of the 3 telescopes:
[tex]G\left ( n \Delta x \right ) \equiv \phi \left [ \left ( n+1 \right )\Delta x \right ]-\phi\left ( n \Delta x \right )-\phi \left ( \Delta x \right )[/tex]
where G is some value, measured for each position of 3 telescopes, and is known.
From this, they write a solution of the above equation as difference equation (recurrence relation) for a phase at any point:
[tex]\phi\left ( n \Delta x \right ) = \sum_{k=1}^{n-1}G\left ( k \Delta x \right )+n \phi \left ( \Delta x \right )[/tex]

I'm trying to find a similar recurrence relation, but for a case where all 3 telescopes are not in line. Actually, from what I know from the stellar interferometry (VLA, VLBI, CHARA, etc.), generally, telescopes are not located at the same line, so there should be equation for a general case of a plane, and not a line.

So, I start from a similar setup, where 3 telescopes are located at points:
[tex](x_0,y_0), (x_0-\Delta x,y_0), (x_0+n \Delta x,y_0+k\Delta x)[/tex]
i.e. again, first two are fixed in place and the third one is "mapping", but this time a plane, and not a line.

I get the following equation for the phases around a closed loop:
[tex]G\left ( n \Delta x, k \Delta y \right) \equiv \phi \left [ \left ( n+1 \right )\Delta x, k \Delta y \right ]-\phi\left ( n \Delta x , k \Delta y \right )-\phi \left ( \Delta x , 0 \right )[/tex]

Now, what is a recurrence relation solution of this equation? I guess it should be something like:
[tex]\phi\left ( n \Delta x , k \Delta y \right ) = \sum_{m=1}^{n-1} \sum_{p=2}^{k}G\left ( m \Delta x , p \Delta y \right )+n \phi \left ( \Delta x ,0 \right )+k \phi \left ( 0, \Delta y \right )[/tex]
but I'm very unsure in this result.
What wonders me is that in article (1D case), a phase at some point is a linear sum of a phase at some starting point and corrections G along this line. In my guess above, a phase at some point is a linear sum of a phase at some starting point and corrections G at all points in plane, not a line.
I'm very skeptic for my solution above and will be very happy If someone could correct me. Thank you!
  • #3
Already found a solution. Thread can be closed.

Related to Closure Phase - Interferometry - Recurrence Relation

1. What is closure phase in interferometry?

Closure phase is a technique used in interferometry to measure the phase differences between multiple telescopes observing the same source. It is a way to remove the effects of atmospheric turbulence and instrumental errors, allowing for more accurate measurements of the source's properties.

2. How does interferometry work?

Interferometry involves combining the signals from multiple telescopes to create an interferogram, which contains information about the source's properties. The signal from each telescope is measured and combined with the others to create an interference pattern, allowing for high-resolution imaging and measurement of sources that would not be possible with a single telescope.

3. What is the significance of recurrence relation in closure phase?

Recurrence relation is a mathematical formula used in closure phase calculations to correct for any errors in the measurements caused by atmospheric turbulence or instrumental errors. It allows for more accurate determination of the source's phase, which is necessary for precise interferometric measurements.

4. How is closure phase used in astronomy?

Closure phase is used in a variety of astronomical observations, including imaging of stars, planets, and galaxies, as well as measuring the sizes and shapes of these objects. It is also used in the study of binary star systems and other astrophysical phenomena.

5. What are some challenges in using closure phase in interferometry?

One of the main challenges in using closure phase is dealing with the effects of atmospheric turbulence, which can cause fluctuations in the measured phase values. Additionally, instrumental errors and calibration issues can also affect the accuracy of closure phase measurements. These challenges require careful data analysis and the use of advanced techniques to minimize their impact on the final results.

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