CM: Calculus of Variations Airplane problem

In summary, the problem at hand is to determine the most efficient flight path for an aircraft traveling from town O to town P, taking into account a steady wind shear in the x direction. The first part involves finding the plane's ground speed and position in terms of its initial airspeed, V, and the angle at which it is heading. The second part requires writing the time of flight as an integral and showing that, under certain assumptions, the integrand takes on a specific form. The remaining parts of the problem involve finding the actual flight path, but clarification is needed on setting up the integral in the second part. The solution involves using the Euler-Lagrange equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

"An aircraft whose airspeed is vo has to tfly from town O (at the origin) to town P, which is a distance D due east. There is a steady gentle wind shear, such that v-wind = Vy(x-hat) [the wind shear is in the x direction...]. x and y are measured east and north respectively. Find the path, y = y(x), which the plane should follow to minimize its flight time.

Part a): find the plane's grounds peed in terms of vo, V, and phi (the angle by which teh plane head sto the north of east), and the plane's position

b): write down the time of flight as an integral of the form Integral[ f(x), x, {0, D}] (for those of you familiar with mathematica I used their wacky notation... basically its just an integral of f(x)dx from 0-> D). Show that if we assume that y' and phi both remain small then the integrand f takes the approximate form: f = (1+ 1/2 * y'^2 ) / (1+ ky) where k = V/v0

the remaining two parts involve finding y(x) though I need help on this part first.

Homework Equations

The euler-lagrange equation

The Attempt at a Solution

This is a problem in calculus of variations, so basically what we're doing here is optimizing the Time integral.

for part a), i said that V-plane = Vx *(x-hat) + Vy*(y-hat) (we don't need to worry about the altitude here). Vx = vo * cos( phi ) + Vy where Vy is the wind shear

Vy = vo * sin(phi)

for part b) here's what I don't understand here... t = distance/velocity, , so shouldn't T = Integral[ ds/v-wind] from 0 -> D, where ds = (dx^2 + dy^2)^1/2? I don't understand how I'm supposed to find the shortest time using only dx, or f(x) * dx... Can someone please explain this to me? The problem tells what what f(x) should be given the approximation but I'm unsure of how to set it up... the problem set is due wednesday morning.

I feel like I can adequately use the Euler - lagrange equation once i figure this part out and set it up.


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  • #2

FAQ: CM: Calculus of Variations Airplane problem

1. What is the Calculus of Variations?

The Calculus of Variations is a branch of mathematics that deals with finding the optimal path or function for a given problem. It involves minimizing or maximizing a certain quantity, known as the functional, which depends on a function or a set of functions.

2. How is the Calculus of Variations applied to the Airplane problem?

In the Airplane problem, the goal is to find the optimal flight path that minimizes the total fuel consumption while still reaching the destination. This problem can be solved using the Calculus of Variations by finding the function that minimizes the functional, which in this case is the total fuel consumption.

3. What are the main steps in solving the Airplane problem using the Calculus of Variations?

The main steps in solving the Airplane problem using the Calculus of Variations are: defining the functional, finding the Euler-Lagrange equation, solving the equation to obtain the optimal flight path, and verifying the solution using the boundary conditions.

4. What is the significance of the Lagrange multiplier in the Airplane problem?

The Lagrange multiplier is used to incorporate constraints into the functional in the Airplane problem. In this case, it represents the cost of fuel per unit distance, which is a constraint on the total fuel consumption.

5. Can the Calculus of Variations be applied to other real-world problems?

Yes, the Calculus of Variations can be applied to various problems in physics, engineering, economics, and other fields. It is a powerful tool for finding optimal solutions and has applications in optimization, control theory, and mechanics, to name a few.

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