Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the Riemann curvature tensor, the Einstein tensor, and the Weyl tensor in vacuum and in the presence of massive point-particles or continuous mass distributions. It is suggested that the Einstein tensor can be approximated from the Weyl tensor through coarse-graining. However, it is also noted that this may not hold true in all cases, and further research is needed to fully understand this relationship.
  • #1
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Here's a question that has bugged me for a while. The full Riemann curvature tensor [itex]R^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] can be split into the Einstein tensor, [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex], which vanishes in vacuum, and the Weyl tensor [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex], which does not. (I'm a little unclear on whether [itex]R^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] can be uniquely recovered from [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] and [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex]. Does someone have a quick answer to that?)

Here's the issue: If the only mass/energy is in the form of point-masses (dust, or maybe uncharged elementary particles, or maybe lots of little black holes), then spacetime would be vacuum almost everywhere. So the solution to Einstein's field equations would be [itex]G_{\mu \nu} = 0[/itex] almost everywhere. In that case, all of the information about spacetime curvature would be carried by the Weyl tensor [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex]. However, it seems to me that it should be possible to approximate a spacetime filled with massive point-particles by a spacetime filled with a continuous mass density. You just pick a coarse-graining size, partition space into little cells of that size, and average the energy/momentum density within each cell. Under this approximation, it would no longer be true that [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] would be zero.

This makes me think that there is a way to derive an approximate [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] from [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] through coarse-graining. Is that true?
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  • #2
stevendaryl said:
Here's a question that has bugged me for a while. The full Riemann curvature tensor [itex]R^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] can be split into the Einstein tensor, [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex], which vanishes in vacuum, and the Weyl tensor [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex], which does not. (I'm a little unclear on whether [itex]R^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] can be uniquely recovered from [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] and [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex]. Does someone have a quick answer to that?)

The Riemann tensor can always be recovered from the Ricci tensor and the Weyl tensor. Essentially, the Weyl tensor is just the Riemann tensor with all its traces removed, and the Ricci tensor contains all of the traces.

Whether the Einstein tensor can replace the Ricci tensor in the above sentence depends on whether it contains information about all of the traces. The key point is whether the Ricci scalar can be recovered from the Einstein tensor; if so, then the Ricci tensor can be recovered. Since the Einstein tensor is given by

$$G_{\mu\nu} = R_{\mu\nu}- \frac12 R g_{\mu\nu},$$
it turns out that one can recover the Ricci scalar by taking the trace of the above, except in dimension 2, where the trace is always zero. It turns out Einstein's equations are particularly degenerate in dimension 2.

Here's the issue: If the only mass/energy is in the form of point-masses (dust, or maybe uncharged elementary particles, or maybe lots of little black holes), then spacetime would be vacuum almost everywhere. So the solution to Einstein's field equations would be [itex]G_{\mu \nu} = 0[/itex] almost everywhere. In that case, all of the information about spacetime curvature would be carried by the Weyl tensor [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex]. However, it seems to me that it should be possible to approximate a spacetime filled with massive point-particles by a spacetime filled with a continuous mass density. You just pick a coarse-graining size, partition space into little cells of that size, and average the energy/momentum density within each cell. Under this approximation, it would no longer be true that [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] would be zero.

This makes me think that there is a way to derive an approximate [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] from [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] through coarse-graining. Is that true?

This sounds like an interesting question in mathematical relativity. I'm not aware of any papers on this, but I know people who might know.
  • #3
stevendaryl said:
(I'm a little unclear on whether [itex]R^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] can be uniquely recovered from [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] and [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex]. Does someone have a quick answer to that?)

The Riemann tensor can be decomposed into the Weyl tensor, plus a combination of the Ricci tensor and its contractions. The Ricci tensor itself in turn is completely determined by knowledge of the Einstein tensor, so it seems the answer to the above is yes.

stevendaryl said:
This makes me think that there is a way to derive an approximate [itex]G_{\mu \nu}[/itex] from [itex]C^\mu_{\nu \lambda \sigma}[/itex] through coarse-graining. Is that true?

This is a very good question, which I better leave to more knowledgeable members to answer. Personally my feeling is that in the context of GR, a collection of massive gravitationally interacting particles is not physically equivalent to a continuous mass distribution; on the other hand though, this paper would suggest otherwise, at least for the case of FLRW :

I'm looking forward to reading what the experts have to say on this one !

Related to Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor

1. What is the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor"?

The "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" is a mathematical concept that describes the relationship between the curvature of space-time (represented by the Einstein tensor) and the distribution of matter and energy (represented by the Weyl tensor). It is a way of understanding how the presence of matter and energy affects the overall curvature of space-time.

2. How is the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" calculated?

The "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" is calculated using mathematical equations that take into account the distribution of matter and energy in a given region of space-time. This can be a complex and challenging process, but it allows scientists to better understand the overall structure of the universe.

3. What is the significance of the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" in physics?

The "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" is significant because it helps us understand the interplay between matter and energy and the curvature of space-time. It is a crucial concept in general relativity and has implications for our understanding of the universe on both a large and small scale.

4. Can the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" be observed or measured in experiments?

No, the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" cannot be directly observed or measured in experiments. It is a theoretical concept that is used to make predictions and understand the behavior of space-time. However, its effects can be observed through other measurements and observations, such as gravitational lensing.

5. How does the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" relate to the concept of dark matter?

The "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor" is often used to study the effects of dark matter on the curvature of space-time. Dark matter is invisible and does not interact with light, making it difficult to detect and study. However, its presence can be inferred through its influence on the overall structure of space-time, which can be described using the "Coarse-Grained Einstein Tensor from Weyl Tensor".

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