Coefficient of static friction between a ladder and a friction-less wall

In summary: You'll need to break this vector into two components (using trig), one of which acts perpendicular to the ladder. You can call this component Fg... and you can see where I'm going with this. If you're having trouble, try drawing a FBD of the ladder standing straight up, not leaning against anything.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniform 7.7 m tall aluminum ladder is leaning against a friction-less vertical wall.
The ladder has a weight of 291 N.
The ladder slips when it makes a 59.0◦ angle with the horizontal floor.
Determine the coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the floor.

Homework Equations

τ = (r) (F) (sin(Θ))

r = (1/2)(h) (because it is a solid figure and force applies from the center of it)

τx = τ cos(Θ)

F(friction max) = µs * N
µ(static) = F(friction max) / N

The Attempt at a Solution

h = 7.7
r = 3.85


τ = (3.85) (291) (sin(59◦))
τ = 960.3274

τx = 960.3247 * cos(59◦)
τx = 494.6052

so if τ(x) is the amount of force moving in the x direction, then shouldn't τx = Force(friction max) ?

µs = F(friction max) / N

µs = 494.6052 / 291 which is more than 1 so it is obviously wrong.

I am clearly going in the wrong direction and I would really appreciate any help that you could offer, even if you tell me i need to scrap this! If you could steer me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it!
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  • #2
Hello hanaelise23,

Welcome to physics forums!

You might want to start over, with first making a free body diagram (FBD). Label all the forces involved. The forces are:
  • The normal force from the ground to the ladder.
  • The frictional force from the ground on the ladder.
  • The normal force from the frictionless wall on the ladder.
  • The gravitational force (and you are correct that this should be placed in the middle of the ladder, since the ladder is uniform).

Note that there are only two vertical forces. Since the ladder is in static equilibrium and not accelerating vertically, you know that the sum of these two forces must be zero (taking direction into account, of course). This gives you an important relationship.

Also that there are only two horizontal forces. Since the ladder is not accelerating horizontally, you know that the sum of these two forces must be zero (taking direction into account, of course). This gives you another important relationship.

Now you need to sum "the moments" (torques) around some point. It doesn't really matter what point that is*. But a logical choice is the point at which the ladder touches the ground or the point at which the ladder touches the wall. Since the ladder is not twisting/spinning, you know that the sum of all the moments (torques) about this point must be zero.

*Hypothetically though, you could pick any point in the universe if you wanted to. Picking one of the suggested points simply makes the math easier.

hanaelise23 said:

Homework Statement

A uniform 7.7 m tall aluminum ladder is leaning against a friction-less vertical wall.
The ladder has a weight of 291 N.
The ladder slips when it makes a 59.0◦ angle with the horizontal floor.
Determine the coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the floor.

Homework Equations

τ = (r) (F) (sin(Θ))
I assume here that "τ" here represents some moment (torque). But at what point is this moment taken? I can't determine a easy choice of of point that would involve a sinΘ multiplied by the gravitational force and half the radius. (maybe a cosΘ, but not a sinΘ).
r = (1/2)(h) (because it is a solid figure and force applies from the center of it)

τx = τ cos(Θ)

F(friction max) = µs * N
µ(static) = F(friction max) / N

The Attempt at a Solution

h = 7.7
r = 3.85


τ = (3.85) (291) (sin(59◦))
Again, see above regarding the sinΘ, and choice of reference point for the moment. Also, you will need sum at least one other moment (torque), such that the sum of all torques (about the point you choose) equals zero. The number of moments you need to sum depends upon which point you choose.
τ = 960.3274

τx = 960.3247 * cos(59◦)
τx = 494.6052
You lost me here. I thought τ was a torque, not a force. Torques don't have an 'x' component.
so if τ(x) is the amount of force moving in the x direction, then shouldn't τx = Force(friction max) ?
I think you're mixing torques and forces. They are related, however. But you can't just set them equal to each other.
[snip...] which is more than 1 so it is obviously wrong.
Why is that? There's nothing that says that a friction coefficient can't be greater than 1. There are many real-world examples where the coefficient of friction is much greater than 1.

However, according to my calculations, the coefficient of friction is less than one for this particular problem. :wink:
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  • #3
Thank you!
so the normal force of the ground on the ladder(Ng) is equal to the gravitational force (Fg).

so Fg= Ng

and the friction force(Ff) is equal to the normal force of the wall on the ladder Nw.

so Ff = Nw

to get the torque, knowing that τ= 1/2 r F and solving about the point the ladder touches the ground would get

τ=1120.35 N-m

is this right? i am confused about Torques. and i know I'm supposed to solve for another one, but i don't know how that works. if you could clarify what i need to do with the torques, i would greatly appreciate it.
  • #4
hanaelise23 said:
Thank you!
so the normal force of the ground on the ladder(Ng) is equal to the gravitational force (Fg).

so Fg= Ng

and the friction force(Ff) is equal to the normal force of the wall on the ladder Nw.

so Ff = Nw
Very nice! :approve: The above is correct, at least in terms of the magnitudes (directions are opposite, but your relationships are correct in terms of the magnitudes). Keep those relationships in your back pocket. You'll need to come back to them later.
to get the torque, knowing that τ= 1/2 r F and solving about the point the ladder touches the ground would get
Something is not quite right there. Remember, the angle θ is defined as the angle of the ladder with respect to the horizontal floor, not the vertical wall.

On your FBD, there should be a gravitational force vector starting at the middle of the ladder and pointing down. At the tip of this vector, draw a dotted line such that it intersects the ladder at a 90o angle. You now have a right triangle with Fg being the hypotenuse. This new triangle is a similar triangle formed by the ladder, floor and wall. One of the remaining two angles (not the 90o angle) is equal to θ. Determine which angle this is.

Is the Fg component perpendicular to the ladder opposite [STRIKE]Fg[/STRIKE] [Edit: Ooops I meant "opposite θ"] (thus related to sinθ) or adjacent to [STRIKE]Fg[/STRIKE] [Edit: adjacent to θ] (thus related to cosθ)?
I assume the '8' is a typo. But you still need to bring in the correct trigonometric function.
τ=1120.35 N-m

is this right? i am confused about Torques. and i know I'm supposed to solve for another one, but i don't know how that works. if you could clarify what i need to do with the torques, i would greatly appreciate it.
You need to bring in the correct trigonometric function to that particular torque (the one caused by the gravitational force). But you're missing the torque caused by the wall. You must bring that one in too. After a bit of substitution, you should be able to use that to find the frictional force.

Newton's second law states that the sum of all forces equal mass times acceleration.
m \vec a = \sum_i \vec F_i
Similarly, the same applies to all all torques and angular accelerations:
I \vec \alpha = \sum_i \vec \tau_i
And since in this problem, the system is in static equilibrium (nothing is rotating around and accelerating angularly, i.e. [itex] \vec \alpha = 0 [/itex]),
0 = \sum_i \vec \tau_i
So if you pick a point, say the point where the ladder meets the floor, the moment (aka. torque) produced by gravity and the moment produced by the wall must sum together to zero (assuming the moments are taken about the same point).
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  • #5

Thank you for sharing your attempt at a solution. It seems like you have the right equations in mind, but there are a few issues with your calculations. First, the torque equation you used is for rotational motion, but in this scenario, we are dealing with a ladder that is not rotating. In order to solve for the coefficient of static friction, we need to use the equation µs = F(friction max) / N, where F(friction max) is the maximum amount of friction that can be exerted on the ladder without it slipping, and N is the normal force between the ladder and the floor.

To find the normal force, we can use Newton's second law, F=ma, where F is the force exerted on the ladder by the wall, and m is the mass of the ladder. In this case, we can use the weight of the ladder as the force exerted by the wall, and the ladder's weight as its mass.

Next, we need to find the maximum amount of friction that can be exerted on the ladder without it slipping. This can be found using the equation F(friction max) = µs * N, where µs is the coefficient of static friction and N is the normal force.

Putting all of this together, we can solve for the coefficient of static friction, µs = F(friction max) / N, by plugging in the values we have calculated. Keep in mind that the angle of 59 degrees is not needed for this calculation.

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Remember to always carefully consider the equations and units you are using, and to double check your calculations to ensure accuracy. Good luck with your homework!

FAQ: Coefficient of static friction between a ladder and a friction-less wall

1. What is the coefficient of static friction between a ladder and a friction-less wall?

The coefficient of static friction is a dimensionless quantity that represents the maximum amount of friction force that can exist between two surfaces without causing movement. In the case of a ladder and a friction-less wall, the coefficient of static friction would be zero since there is no friction force present.

2. How is the coefficient of static friction between a ladder and a friction-less wall calculated?

The coefficient of static friction can be calculated by dividing the maximum friction force by the normal force between the two surfaces. In the case of a ladder and a friction-less wall, the normal force is zero, resulting in a coefficient of static friction of zero.

3. Why is the coefficient of static friction between a ladder and a friction-less wall important?

The coefficient of static friction is important because it determines the maximum amount of friction force that can exist between two surfaces without causing movement. In the case of a ladder and a friction-less wall, a coefficient of zero means that the ladder will not be able to stay in place against the wall without external support or other forces acting on it.

4. Can the coefficient of static friction between a ladder and a friction-less wall ever be greater than zero?

No, the coefficient of static friction cannot be greater than zero between a ladder and a friction-less wall. This is because there is no friction force present between the two surfaces, resulting in a coefficient of zero.

5. How does the coefficient of static friction affect the stability of a ladder against a friction-less wall?

The coefficient of static friction is an important factor in determining the stability of a ladder against a friction-less wall. A higher coefficient of static friction would mean that the ladder is less likely to slip or fall, whereas a lower coefficient would make it more unstable and prone to movement. In the case of a friction-less wall, a coefficient of zero would mean that the ladder would not be able to stay in place without additional support or external forces.
