Colliding particles, level 3 difficulty

In summary, Halliday 7e chapt 4#16 has two particles that move with a constant velocity parallel to the x-axis. If the angle between the particles' x-coordinates is 74 degrees, they will collide. However, if the angle is 61-62 degrees, they will not collide.
  • #1
Halliday 7e chapt 4 #16 (with web generated values)

In the figure (attatched), particle A moves along the line y = 33 m with a constant velocity of magnitude 3 m/s and parallel to the x axis. At the instant particle A passes the y axis, particle B leaves the origin with zero initial speed and constant acceleration of magnitude 0.47 m/s2. What angle θ between and the positive direction of the y-axis would result in a collision?

I got theta = 74 degrees, which is wrong. Here's my work:

v_0=v=3 m/s

a_x=0.57sin theta
a_y=0.47cos theta
(NOTE: theta is not conventional. It is measured from the y-axis)

collision occurs when A and B have the same x and y co-ordinates.

I did some simplifying of [itex]x=x_{0}+v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^2[/itex] and arranging what I know and got the following 6 equations:


and from these I get the following two eqations:

1) [itex]y_{0A}=\frac{a\cos\theta\t^2}{2}[/itex]
2) [itex]v_{0A}t={a\sin\theta\t^2}{2}[/itex]

solve equation 2 for t, and subsitute that value into equation 1 to get:

3) [itex]y_{0A}=\frac{a\cos\theta}{2}\(\frac{2v_{0A}}{a\sin\theta})^2[/itex]

distribute the squared and kill all fractions in equation 3 to get:

Replacing sin^2(theta) with 1-cos^2(theta) and moving everything to one side gives a quadratic equation in the form ax^2+bx+c=0. Plug it into the quadratic equation to get:


Sove in values from the table, and voila, either 144.699 degrees or74.296 degrees. Both of which are wrong. Help?


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  • #2
Actually, when taking the arctan of an angle, sometimes you have to subtract your answer from 180 degrees. Is this a similar situation? If so, what do you add/subtract when using arccos?

EDIT: I would think to subtract the angle from 360 degrees, but that would give me an angle poingting below the x-axis, and in this case, that would prevent the two particles from ever colliding. So it can't be that.
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  • #3
Anyone? Did I skip too many intermediate steps to warrant help?
  • #4
is the answer around 61-62 degrees?
  • #5
Beats me; it's a WebAssign problem. I type in the answer and the computer says yes or no. It's not 74 degrees; I think I may have punched in fifty-something degrees at one point, also.
  • #6
hmmm. cause i worked out the problem and got down to a tan(x)sec(x)=3.9 and had to use a graphing calculator to solve for x. it's been a while since i have done trig-ID's, so a implicit way to solve for x is escaping me...or i might hae just done the problem wrong.
  • #7
shame... :sigh:. Well, the due date has passed to hand in the assignment, so I'll just get the answer in recitation... I wish I could figure this out, though!
  • #8
well, here is how i worked it. maybe this will help.

(.47)sin(x)=a_y (acceleration in the y direction).
(.47)cos(x)=a_x (acceleration in the x direction).

(position of particle A)X_a=(3m/s)t
(position of particle B in the y direction)33=(1/2)(a_y)t^2
(position of particle b in the x direction)X_b=(1/2)(a_x)t^2



this resulted in tan(x)sec(x)=3.9

however, I'm thinking this might be wrong since the answer is explicit as of now.
  • #9
6Stang7 said:
well, here is how i worked it. maybe this will help.

(.47)sin(x)=a_y (acceleration in the y direction).
(.47)cos(x)=a_x (acceleration in the x direction).

But the angle we're looking for is with respect to the y-axis?

(position of particle A)X_a=(3m/s)t
(position of particle B in the y direction)33=(1/2)(a_y)t^2
(position of particle b in the x direction)X_b=(1/2)(a_x)t^2



this resulted in tan(x)sec(x)=3.9

however, I'm thinking this might be wrong since the answer is explicit as of now.

Woof. I am too tired to understand this now(12:41 my time), I'll look it over tomorrow. Thanks, though!

FAQ: Colliding particles, level 3 difficulty

1. What is the purpose of colliding particles at level 3 difficulty?

The purpose of colliding particles at level 3 difficulty is to study the interactions between particles at higher energy levels. This can provide insights into the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces that govern their behavior.

2. How are particles collided at level 3 difficulty?

Level 3 difficulty collisions involve accelerating particles to high energies using particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider. The particles are then directed towards each other and collide in a controlled environment.

3. What types of particles are typically collided at level 3 difficulty?

At level 3 difficulty, scientists typically collide protons, electrons, and heavier particles such as lead nuclei. These particles are chosen because of their high energy and ability to reveal new information about the fundamental nature of matter.

4. What are the potential risks of colliding particles at level 3 difficulty?

The potential risks of colliding particles at level 3 difficulty are minimal. Extensive safety measures are in place to ensure the protection of both the scientists involved and the general public. The energy levels used in these collisions are also well below the natural levels of cosmic rays that constantly bombard Earth.

5. What are the potential benefits of studying colliding particles at level 3 difficulty?

Studying colliding particles at level 3 difficulty can lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental building blocks of matter and the forces that govern them. This knowledge can have practical applications in various fields, including medicine, technology, and energy production.
