Collision between 3 masses, with spring

In summary: Read through the conversation and provide a summary of the conversation.In summary, the conversation discusses a scenario where masses C and B collide with a stationary mass A while moving with velocities V and hitting A with a spring and a smooth surface. The conversation delves into the equations and principles used to determine the maximum acceleration, velocity, and contraction of the spring during the collision, as well as the duration of the contact between A and B. The concept of harmonic motion is also explored in relation to the motion of the masses after A and B separate.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The masses C, of magnitude 2m, and B, of magnitude m, move with velocity V and hit a stationary mass A of magnitude m. the collision lasts a very short time and is plastic but the masses don't stick together. the spring with constant k is ideal and the surface is smooth.
What's the max acceleration of C during the contact between A and B
Box A continues, after it separates, with constant velocity, what's it.
What's the max contraction of the spring after A and B part?
How long did the contact between A and B take place?

Homework Equations

Kinetic energy, potential energy of a spring: ##E_p=\frac{1}{2}kx^2##
Impulse-momentum: ##mv=Ft##
Conservation of momentum: ##m_1v_1+m_2v_2=m_1v_1'+m_2v_2'##

The Attempt at a Solution

I divide into 2 collisions. the first is plastic between boxes A and B in which the members cling to one another. the final velocity of the boxes A and B is ##\frac{V}{2}## and i find it from conservation of momentum between box B and both boxes after the collision:
$$mV=2mv\;\rightarrow\; v=\frac{V}{2}$$
Now these 2 boxes collide elastically with C. the spring contracts, expands and reaches, again, the initial relaxed length L0. then and there the boxes A and B part and A continues alone.
One system consists of the boxes A and B and the other system is box C alone. conservation of energy+momentum:
$$\begin{cases}\frac{1}{2}(2m)V^2+\frac{1}{2}(2m)\left( \frac{V}{2} \right)^2=\frac{1}{2}(2m)v_1^2+\frac{1}{2}(2m)v_2^2 \\ 2mV+2m\frac{V}{2}=2mv_1+2mv_2 \end{cases}\;\Rightarrow\; v_1=\frac{V}{2},\; v_2=V$$
This is also A's velocity after it detaches, which happens at distance L0 again.
At some point, when the spring contracts to it's max, A and B halt momentarily. from the point of view of an observer on C all A and B's kinetic energy gets into the spring. A and B's velocity relative to C is ##\frac{V}{2}##:
$$\frac{1}{2}(2m)\left( \frac{V}{2} \right)^2=\frac{1}{2}kx^2\;\rightarrow\; x=\sqrt{\frac{m}{2k}}V$$
C's max acceleration:
$$ma=F=kx\;\rightarrow\;2m\cdot a=\sqrt{\frac{m}{2k}}V\;\rightarrow\;a=\sqrt{\frac{mk}{2}}\frac{V}{2m}$$
After A has left, B stretches the string and returns. this is another collision:

$$\begin{cases}\frac{1}{2}mV^2+\frac{1}{2}(2m)\left( \frac{V}{2} \right)^2=\frac{1}{2}(2m)v_C^2+\frac{1}{2}mv_B^2 \\ mV+2m\frac{V}{2}=2mv_C+mv_B \end{cases}\;\Rightarrow\; v_C=\frac{5}{6}v,\; v_B=\frac{V}{3}$$
Now it compresses the spring, how much?
The distance between B and C is x. i want to find x as a function of t: ##x=f(t)## so that i will be able to differentiate it and find the maximum contraction. i can't. i use a simplified setting: a spring attached to a wall.

Lets say x is at distance x0 from the wall, the velocity there is v0 and it advances distance dx. the acceleration is ##F=kx=ma\;\rightarrow\; a=\frac{k\cdot x_0}{m}##. the acceleration in the interval dx is considered constant, and the mean velocity in dx is:
$$v-\frac{k\cdot x_0}{m}dt$$
from kinematics:
$$dx=\left( v-\frac{k\cdot x_0}{2m}dt \right)dt\;\rightarrow\;\frac{dx}{dt}=v_0-\frac{k\cdot x_0}{2m}dt$$
$$\int \frac{dx}{dt} dt=\int dx=x=\int v_0 dt-\int \frac{k\cdot x_0}{2m}dt^2$$
I don't know to handle dt2, if everything is correct till there, of course.
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  • #2
Karol said:
A and B halt momentarily. from the point of view of an observer on C
I assume that full stop should not be there, that you are saying A and B halt momentarily from the point of view of an observer on C
Karol said:
At some point, when the spring contracts to it's max, A and B halt momentarily. from the point of view of an observer on C all A and B's kinetic energy gets into the spring. A and B's velocity relative to C is V2V2\frac{V}{2}:
That argument worries me. You are using a non-inertial frame. But KE is different in different inertial frames, so a non-inertial frame means energy is not conserved.
Consider the common mass centre and speeds relative to it. I think you'll find the spring PE is half what you calculated.

For the motion after A and B part, it must be SHM relative to the common mass centre, no?
  • #3
With A and B attached, The velocity of COM:
In the COM frame the masses approach and move away from the COM at the same velocity:

So there is a momentary halt. the total kinetic energy:
$$E_k=2\cdot 2m\cdot\frac{V^2}{16}=\frac{1}{4}V^2$$
This is the compressed spring's energy:
$$\frac{1}{4}V^2=\frac{1}{2}kx^2\;\rightarrow\; x=\frac{V}{\sqrt{2k}}$$
$$F=kx\;\rightarrow\; 2ma=k\frac{V}{\sqrt{2k}}\;\rightarrow\;a=\frac{\sqrt{2k}V}{4m}$$
I understand intuitively that there is SHM, but why? is it because the masses move symmetrically in the COM or just because the restoring force is F=kx?
Harmonic motion:
$$\dot x=-\omega A\sin(\omega t+\theta),\; \omega=\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}=\frac{2\pi}{T}$$
In the COM system at t=0 the spring is loose, ##\dot x=\frac{V}{4}## and ##\theta=\frac{3}{2}\pi##
The COM is one third the distance between B and C, and there the spring stationary while aside that point it contracts\expands. looking at B from that point gives:
$$\frac{V}{4}=\omega A=\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}A\;\rightarrow\;A=\frac{V}{4}\sqrt{\frac{2m}{3k}}$$
The time A and B are in contact is found also from the second collision harmonic motion conditions:
The time A and B are in contact is T.
  • #4
Karol said:
In the COM frame the masses approach and move away from the COM at the same velocity:
But the masses are different now. In the frame of the common mass centre, momentum is zero.
  • #5
The velocity of COM ##\frac{3}{4}V##, the velocities of C and B in the COM are ##\frac{1}{4}V##
The reduced mass:
$$\omega=\frac{2\pi}{T}\;\rightarrow\; T=\frac{2\pi}{\omega}$$
T, the period, is independent of coordinate systems, so why does it change, since i use ##\overline{m}##?
The mass is an inherent property of C and B. i know i can express momentum with ##\overline{m}##: ##P=\overline{m}V_{12}##, but what else?
  • #6
Karol said:
why does it change, since i use ##¯\overline{m}##?
Change? I did not see a different value, except via a line of reasoning that I regarded as wrong.
Another way to get to this is to observe that the mass m is effectively attached to the common mass centre by a spring of constant 3k/2, and 2m by a spring of constant 3k. Both lead to a frequency ##\sqrt{\frac{3k}{2m}}##
  • #7
So the result:
$$\frac{V}{4}=\omega A=\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}A\;\rightarrow\;A=\frac{V}{4}\sqrt{\frac{2m}{3k}}$$
Is correct, right? and also correct is the time A and B were in contact::
  • #8
Karol said:
So the result:
$$\frac{V}{4}=\omega A=\sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}A\;\rightarrow\;A=\frac{V}{4}\sqrt{\frac{2m}{3k}}$$
Is correct, right? and also correct is the time A and B were in contact::
The max compression is for after separation, right? The speeds cannot both be V/4 relative to the mass centre then.

For the time in contact, they are only in contact for half a cycle, no?
  • #9
After separation ##v_{cm}=\frac{2}{3}V##. the relative velocity between C and B ##v_{rel}=\frac{V}{3}##
If i want to use the reduced mass ##\overline{m}=\frac{2}{3}m## then:
$$\frac{V}{3}=\omega A=\sqrt{\frac{3k}{2m}}\cdot A\;\rightarrow\; A=\frac{V}{3}\sqrt{\frac{2m}{3k}}$$
If i use the partial spring method, there is 1/3 spring between COM and C, i get the same A.
For the time they are in contact it's half cycle because B collides A when the spring is loose, at L0, and they separate at L0 again.
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  • #10
Karol said:
After separation ##v_{cm}=\frac{2}{3}V##. the relative velocity between C and B ##v_{rel}=\frac{V}{3}##
How do you get that relative velocity? Why does separation suddenly change it?
  • #11
haruspex said:
How do you get that relative velocity? Why does separation suddenly change it?
Correction, ##v_{rel}=\frac{V}{2}##, but that doesn't change the result for A.
  • #12
The kinetic energy in the COM frame can be calculated using the reduced mass:
And it differs from the KE i found in post #3, where i also had a mistake:
$$E_k=2\frac{1}{2}\cdot 2m\cdot\frac{V^2}{16}=\frac{1}{8}V^2$$
  • #13
Karol said:
The kinetic energy in the COM frame can be calculated using the reduced mass:
But to get the maximum contraction after separation, I feel that working in the COM frame only complicates things. You can just consider the loss in KE in going from point of separation to when B and C are at the same velocities.
  • #14
haruspex said:
You can just consider the loss in KE in going from point of separation to when B and C are at the same velocities.
How do i find the common velocity of C and B after A parts?
  • #15
Karol said:
How do i find the common velocity of C and B after A parts?
Conservation of momentum on B+C.
  • #16
haruspex said:
Conservation of momentum on B+C.
$$2m\frac{V}{2}+mV=3mv\;\rightarrow\; v=\frac{2}{3}V$$
$$E_{k\ initial}=\frac{mV^2}{2}\left( \frac{1}{4}+1 \right)=\frac{5}{8}mV^2$$
$$E_{k\ final}=\frac{mV^2}{2}\frac{4}{9}=\frac{2}{9}mV^2$$
$$\Delta E_k=\frac{13}{72}mV^2$$
In post #3 i got:
$$\Delta E_k=\frac{1}{4}mV^2$$
  • #17
Karol said:
##E_{k final}=\frac{mV^2}{2}\frac 49##
The mass is 3m here. Similarly, in the Einitial equation, one mass is 2m.
  • #18
$$E_{k\ initial}=\frac{mV^2}{2}\left(2 \frac{1}{4}+1 \right)=\frac{3}{4}mV^2$$
$$E_{k\ final}=\frac{3mV^2}{2}\frac{4}{9}=\frac{2}{3}mV^2$$
$$\Delta E_k=\frac{1}{12}mV^2$$
Still different than in #3
  • #19
Karol said:
$$E_{k\ initial}=\frac{mV^2}{2}\left(2 \frac{1}{4}+1 \right)=\frac{3}{4}mV^2$$
$$E_{k\ final}=\frac{3mV^2}{2}\frac{4}{9}=\frac{2}{3}mV^2$$
$$\Delta E_k=\frac{1}{12}mV^2$$
Still different than in #3
I was never sure what the KE calculated as mV2/8 in #3, and corrected to mV2/12 in #12, referred to. I gather it was KE of A+B+C in "the com frame", but which com frame?
The mV2/12 in #12 is for the KE that goes into compression of the spring after collision. That agrees with the lost KE (of B and C) computed in #18.
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  • #20
There is still a problem with the amplitude A i got in #9
While with the KE method:
$$\Delta E_k=\frac{1}{12}mV^2=\frac{1}{2}kx^2\;\rightarrow\; x=\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}V\sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}$$
  • #21
Karol said:
There is still a problem with the amplitude A i got in #9
While with the KE method:
$$\Delta E_k=\frac{1}{12}mV^2=\frac{1}{2}kx^2\;\rightarrow\; x=\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}V\sqrt{\frac{m}{k}}$$
In your post #11 you agreed that the relative velocity V/3 you quoted in post #9 should have been V/2, but maintained that it did not change the result for A. I did not check that at the time, but looking at it now I believe it does change the result for A and leads to agreement with the KE method.
  • #22
So to solve for 2 masses with a spring must i use the reduced mass ##\over{m}## only?
Is there also an other method?

Related to Collision between 3 masses, with spring

1. What is a "Collision between 3 masses, with spring"?

A collision between 3 masses, with spring refers to a scenario where three objects with different masses collide with each other while connected by a spring. The spring acts as a mediator between the objects, transferring energy and momentum during the collision.

2. How does the spring affect the collision between the 3 masses?

The spring affects the collision by acting as a source of elastic potential energy, which is converted into kinetic energy during the collision. This affects the speed and direction of the masses after the collision, as well as the amount of energy transferred between them.

3. What are the factors that affect the outcome of the collision between the 3 masses?

The outcome of the collision between the 3 masses is affected by various factors such as the masses of the objects, the spring constant of the spring, the initial velocities of the objects, and the angle at which they collide. These factors determine the amount of energy and momentum transferred during the collision.

4. How can the collision between the 3 masses be calculated and predicted?

The collision between the 3 masses can be calculated and predicted using the principles of conservation of energy and momentum. By analyzing the initial conditions and applying these principles, the final velocities and positions of the objects can be determined.

5. What are the real-life applications of studying collisions between 3 masses with spring?

Studying collisions between 3 masses with spring has various real-life applications, such as in the design and testing of car safety features, understanding and predicting the behavior of particles in particle accelerators, and analyzing the dynamics of objects connected by springs in various engineering and mechanical systems.

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