Collision - lightsaber with blaster

  • Thread starter jasonspine
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In summary, the individual is seeking help with implementing collision detection and reaction in their game, specifically involving a moving and rotating lightsaber. They are looking for a formula or search phrase to help them find information on handling these collisions effectively. They have previously used the ODE Physics Engine, but are now trying to create a custom solution. The situation is similar to a basic angle-of-incidence scenario, but could become more complex if there are additional factors such as elastic rebound involved.
  • #1
Hi. I'm writing a game and I need a help with physics. Please, take a look at this picture:
White rectangles symbolizes collision detection objects. I've got a function, that checks intersection of two rectangles, and all I need to do is to handle these collisions. I don't need any advanced physics simulation. I need to get the angle of reflected bullet, or linear velocity of reflected bullet. Lightsaber can be moved or rotated (blade around the hand). I need a formula that accounts not only rotation of lightsaber, but also angular velocity. What phrase should I type in google to find something about collisions like that? Or maybe someone on this forum will help me?

I used ODE Physics Engine before, but now I want to remake the game with custom, better collision reaction. You can check it here
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  • #2
Honestly, it seems like a basic angle-of-incidence situation. You don't seem to be implying that there's any ongoing rotation with the saber (such as would be the case if the blade itself were constantly turning about its axis), so it's essentially going to be the same as a marble bouncing off a pipe. Vector of approach and angle of impact yielding the change in vector.

Now if they aren't to behave like that, though, you've complicated matters. If, for example, there were an elastic rebound component where the forces act upon each other in a less than instantaneous fashion (which would make sense if you're talking about repulsion), then it's going to get complicated fast.

FAQ: Collision - lightsaber with blaster

1. How does a lightsaber interact with a blaster?

A lightsaber and blaster interact in a collision by creating a plasma burst. The intense heat and energy from the lightsaber blade cause the blaster bolt to combust, resulting in a bright flash of light and a loud explosion.

2. Can a lightsaber block a blaster bolt?

Yes, a lightsaber can block a blaster bolt. The blade of a lightsaber is made of plasma contained by a magnetic field, which can deflect or absorb energy-based attacks such as blaster bolts. However, it requires great skill and precision to successfully block a blaster bolt with a lightsaber.

3. Which weapon is more powerful in a collision, a lightsaber or a blaster?

It is difficult to determine which weapon is more powerful in a collision between a lightsaber and a blaster. A lightsaber can deflect or absorb blaster bolts, but a blaster can also cause damage to a lightsaber if it hits the hilt or emitter. It ultimately depends on the skill and technique of the wielder.

4. Can a blaster bolt cut through a lightsaber blade?

No, a blaster bolt cannot cut through a lightsaber blade. A lightsaber blade is made of an intense plasma contained by a magnetic field, which is strong enough to deflect or absorb the energy of a blaster bolt. However, a sustained blast from a blaster could eventually damage the lightsaber blade and cause it to shut down.

5. How does the color of a lightsaber affect the collision with a blaster?

The color of a lightsaber does not affect the collision with a blaster. The color is determined by the type of crystal used in the lightsaber's construction and has no impact on its ability to interact with a blaster. However, some colors may be more commonly associated with certain Jedi or Sith, which could influence the wielder's skill and technique.
