Collisions and Combining Torques

In summary, when a collision stops, the ball continues to rotate around the point of collision until it falls to the ground.
  • #1
Torque in Physics Simulation

Let's say there is flat floor at y=0 . There is a rectangle of which two vertices are at (0,0) and (w,h). There is a ball in mid-air. Someone let's it fall and the ball falls until it hits the (w,h) vertex of the rectangle. The push-back force is very small and can be ignored. I suppose the ball will be rotating around the vertex until it is able to move downwards at stop when it reaches the floor to the right of the rectangle.

The question: I'm writing a physics simulation program. It each "step" of the simulation the collision can be recalculated and as long as there is a collision, it it obvious arounf which point the ball spins. But what happens when the collision stops? Does the ball just move according to linear mechanics only and spin around itself?

And what happens in this case: there is a ball with the center at (0,h). (x,y+h) is a poijt on the circumference of the ball. A force F is applied to this point. How do I conbine r and F for this force with the existing linear and angular speed?

Another question: ball1 and ball2 are identical. Same mass, same radius. Both have the same speed - same magnitude and same direction. The difference is that ball1 had torque few steps ago. Could this torque affect the ball1's route (besides making the ball spin) even though at the current step the velocities are equal?

I never learned these things in school (I would if they taught them!) and now I need them for the physics simulation program...
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  • #2

tom_backton said:
And what happens in this case: there is a ball with the center at (0,h). (x,y+h) is a poijt on the circumference of the ball. A force F is applied to this point. How do I conbine r and F for this force with the existing linear and angular speed?
If you know the F vector, r vector and the duration for which it acts, t seconds, you can calculate the final angular and linear speed using the equations of motion.

Another question: ball1 and ball2 are identical. Same mass, same radius. Both have the same speed - same magnitude and same direction. The difference is that ball1 had torque few steps ago. Could this torque affect the ball1's route (besides making the ball spin) even though at the current step the velocities are equal?
No difference in the motion of COM.
  • #3
So a force [tex]\vec{F}[/tex] acting on a ball, its effect [tex]\vec{a}[/tex]=[tex]\vec{F}[/tex]/m on the ball's speed doesn't depend on the angle between [tex]\vec{r}[/tex] and [tex]\vec{F}[/tex]? The acceleration will be the same even if [tex]\vec{r}[/tex] x [tex]\vec{F}[/tex] is very close to zero and only the angular acceleration of the ball around itself will be tiny?
  • #4
  • #5
Two more questions:
1. So only a collision can make the ball rotate around a point on its circumference (otherwise it rotates around its center)?
2. A little question about I. Momentum of inertia. If a ball if in mid-air, not colliding, and a force applied to a point on the circumference makes the ball spin around itself, which I do I use in the equation [tex]\vec{\alpha}[/tex]= [tex]\vec{\tau}[/tex][tex]/[/tex]I , the centroid's I or I+mR[tex]^{2}[/tex] (which corresponds to a point on the circumference)? For a ball spinning around the point to which the force is applied (like in a collision) it's obvious, but I'm wondering which I is the correct one for a ball spinning around itself.

FAQ: Collisions and Combining Torques

1. What is a collision?

A collision occurs when two or more objects come into contact with each other and exert forces on one another, resulting in a change in their motion.

2. How is momentum conserved in a collision?

Momentum is conserved in a collision because the total momentum of the system remains the same before and after the collision. This means that the sum of the momentums of all the objects involved in the collision remains constant.

3. How do you calculate the force of a collision?

The force of a collision can be calculated using the formula F = m * Δv / Δt, where m is the mass of the object, Δv is the change in velocity, and Δt is the time over which the collision occurs.

4. What is torque?

Torque is a measure of the turning or rotational force on an object. It is calculated by multiplying the force applied to an object by the distance from the point of rotation to the point where the force is applied.

5. How do you combine torques?

To combine torques, you must first determine the direction of each torque. If they are in the same direction, you can simply add them together. If they are in opposite directions, you must subtract the smaller torque from the larger one. The result is the combined torque on the object.
