Color Difference between Left and Right Eyes?

In summary: However, in reality, I see 2D because each eye sees differently.I think it might be a birth defect, but I'm not sure.In summary, Yoshimagick has noticed a slight color difference between his two eyes, which is more apparent under florescent light than in incandescent. He suspects that it might be a birth defect, but is not sure.
  • #36
17 here and I've noticed this since about the age of 11, I've always been baffled by it and once even worried. My mum used to just dismiss it and tell me I was imagining things so it's great to see that I'm not the only one!

I play as a professional gamer so I'm always at my computer and I've played pc games since about 7/8 there always used to be a window to my right (the warmer eye) maybe it's related to that or Prehaps the ridiculous amount of time ice spent with a screen infront of me.

I've 20:20 vision and passed all the colour blind tests :/
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  • #37
Well here you are talking no so much of a difference between left and right eye, but an overall higher ability than usual to discriminate different colours.
There are a number of reasons why that could be, but an interesting one is that there are some people who have 4 types of color photoreceptive cells (rods) in their retina instead of the usual 3.
  • #38
I first noticed it when I was a teenager and still do now at 46. Especially on sunny days the difference is more clear. One eye sees warmer colors and the other cooler, bluish.My ophthalmologist didn't hear of this before when I asked her but tested me with a defect on all my six eye muscles. My vision differs from 'reality' with about 2,5 cm but is corrected almost instantly when I see and I only notice it slightly when I'm tired. It 's also difficult to see depth and to notice moving things when they don't stick out in color or brightness. Like moving cars on cloudy days without the headlights. She thinks it 's caused by a brain damage, either caused by a lack of oxygen at birth which I had or a head concussion when I was 15. Colorblindness doesn't run in my family but one of my grandmothers had Usher's, type II. And I never played with lasers..
  • #39
I have this same issue... the color in my right eye are warmer and more vivid than that of my left... I asked my optometrist he said that it is not normal and that it has to do with the brain... He examined my eyes for any damage or pressure issues and neither were present... both my eyes are healthy... He suggested an MRI due to the fact I have diplopia due to muscular weakness that did not start until I was an adult...
  • #40
Just to add my experience, I too, experience this cold/warm hue in the eyes, but I notice it happens only after just waking up from a daytime nap. After fully awakened there still may be a slight difference with both eyes, but is almost negligible. What I have observed, and this is odd, the warm/cold hue switches eyes at some point. I assumed this was normal and never bothered to inquire on the issue, but a quick web search took me to this page. So I now share it with you.:smile:
  • #41
I see cool colors in my left eye, warm in the right...
Just noticed it at my current age of 31.
It only happens when I'm lying flat on my front.
I have no history of color-blindness in my family.
I've also just gone cold turkey on caffeine and 2 days in, am experiencing some serious headaches... thought it was related, maybe not :)