{Combinatorics} Coins distributed among people.

In summary, the problem is asking for the number of ways to distribute 55 identical coins among three people so that each person receives an odd number of coins. This can be solved using the stars and bars formula, with a total of 1596 ways to distribute the coins. However, since the problem specifies that each person must receive an odd number of coins, the solution can be further simplified by considering the number of ways to distribute the coins with no restrictions and then subtracting the number of ways to distribute the coins with an even number of coins. This results in a total of 378 ways to distribute the coins.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the number of ways to distribute 55 identical coins among three people, so that everyone gets an odd number of coins.

Homework Equations

Stars and Bars Formula [/B]

The Attempt at a Solution


Ways to place r indistinguishable objects into n distinguishable boxes.
C(57,2)=1596 total ways [/B]

Thats about it. If it was even I could use same formula I think but with groups of objects instead. Since its odd I'm unsure.

My weak guess was I took 55/3 and used the same formula and got roughly 196 total ways I'm sure that is wrong though. Thanks for any help.
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  • #2
My new attempt which came out right

My attempt thinking of it as solutions x1+x2+x3=55 solutions to the each such that each is odd z1+z2+z3=28 with no restrictions is the same as y1+y2+y3=52 such that each solution is even

Thus x1=y1+1=2z1+1

So number of ways will be 378
  • #3
I agree with your answer but don't follow your reasoning !
Mine is that if you've got ##p_1,p_2,p_3## coins in each box, all these numbers being odd, you can write ## p_i = 2q_i - 1, \ q_i \ge 1 ##. Therefore your problem is equivalent to ## q_1 + q_2 + q_3 = 29 ## which is a classic situation of 'stars and bars' theorem.
  • #4
youngstudent16 said:
You mean =26, right? The 2 gets added later.

FAQ: {Combinatorics} Coins distributed among people.

1. How many different ways can a certain number of coins be distributed among a group of people?

The number of ways to distribute coins among a group of people is equal to the number of combinations with repetition, which is given by the formula n^r, where n is the number of coins and r is the number of people. For example, if there are 5 coins and 3 people, there are 5^3 = 125 different ways to distribute the coins.

2. How many coins does each person receive on average when coins are distributed evenly?

When coins are distributed evenly, each person receives the same number of coins. The average number of coins per person is equal to the total number of coins divided by the number of people. For example, if there are 10 coins and 5 people, each person receives an average of 10/5 = 2 coins.

3. How does the number of people affect the number of possible coin distribution combinations?

The number of people affects the number of possible coin distribution combinations by increasing the number of combinations with repetition. As the number of people increases, the number of possible combinations also increases, following the formula n^r where n is the number of coins and r is the number of people.

4. What is the difference between combinations and permutations in coin distribution?

Combinations refer to the number of ways to choose a subset of objects without regard to the order in which they are chosen. Permutations, on the other hand, refer to the number of ways to arrange a set of objects in a specific order. In coin distribution, combinations are used when the order of the coins does not matter, while permutations are used when the order of the coins is important.

5. How can combinatorics be applied to real-life situations involving coin distribution?

Combinatorics can be applied to real-life situations involving coin distribution by providing a systematic way of counting the number of possible outcomes. This can be useful in various scenarios such as distributing money among a group of people, determining the number of combinations of coins in a vending machine, or calculating the odds of winning in a game of chance.
