Combining Electrical Engineering and Math: A Path to Success?

In summary: I'm not an EE major and I don't have a degree in EE, but I'm very good at math and I want to learn more about it. In summary, dual majoring in electrical engineering and mathematics is an ideal option for someone who wants to pursue a career in either field. The benefits of doing so include the opportunity to increase one's chances of getting into a graduate program in mathematics or a related field and the ability to specialise in one area or the other should the student have specific interests. Additionally, being from the United States can help in terms of being more competitive for graduate school.
  • #1
Is it ideal to pursue a electrical engineering and math major?
Basically, I plan to double major in both subjects to keep possibilities for graduate school and eventually, have options for a career. I.e, a math major will allow me the option for graduate math school and electrical engineering keep that major keep engineering graduate school an option.

I know it's early (I'm a senior in high school) but from dual enrollment, i basically have all my general education credits complete in addition to:

-Algebraic based physics (mechanics and electromagnitism, thermo, etc) What you would see in an AP physics B course.
-General chemistry
-Calculus 1,2,3 and Differential Equations and Matrix algebra (not proof based)

So, I do have to start planning when I begin attending a university for Fall 2012. What do you guys think?
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  • #2
Hey Klungo and welcome to the forums.

What kind of graduate math program did you have in mind in terms of pure mathematics, applied mathematics or statistics?

The reason I ask is that if you wanted to get into pure mathematics programs you might have to do graduate programs in things like topology, analysis, algebra and differential geometry to be competitive.

Also someone has pointed out earlier in this forum (can't remember the exact thread) that in some programs like applied mathematics and statistics, you don't necessarily need a mathematics degree per se and in comparison to getting into say a pure math PhD program, your chances are a lot easier.

Also it might help the readers here to know where you are from (for example US, UK, etc).
  • #3
I'm doing it so there's that. I'm doing it simply because I like math and want to learn more math. I have no intention on pursuing a graduate degree or a career in mathematics, my career will be in EE (though I'd like to think of my future job being as an Applied Mathematician specialized in EE lol).

But really if you plan on going to graduate school then pick the one you actually want to do and specialize more in it to make yourself more competitive. Its not feasible to dual major and be able to take graduate courses and/or research in both fields during undergrad.

I would say minor in mathematics or EE, (you basically already have a minor in math though).

You are in an interesting position since you are very much ahead in your studies and you haven't even started so it the time it would normally would take you could easily do both majors well.
  • #4
The reason I ask is that if you wanted to get into pure mathematics programs you might have to do graduate programs in things like topology, analysis, algebra and differential geometry to be competitive.

Usually, there's no difference between pure and applied. Where I'm at, you don't even CHOOSE whether you want to do pure or applied until AFTER you get into the program. I think that is usually the case. Statistics is a different story.

I had planned to do a double major in math and EE, but dropped EE in my senior year.

If you don't mind taking longer to finish the degree, there's no problem with doing the double major. Whether or not you want to specialize more in one or the other depends on what you want to do. A double major would be very good for some people due to their interests, or especially if they are someone like I was who wanted to do EE, but whose thinking is more like that of a mathematician.

There are areas in EE, particularly if you go to grad school that are very mathematical.

I had a friend who double majored in math and EE and then went to Berkeley to get a PhD in EE, so I wouldn't worry about it slowing you down. It will just look good, either way, probably. If you do math, an engineering background doesn't hurt either. You learn a little extra math that way and you get lots of practice with calculus and a little ODEs, which will help with the math GRE and so on.
  • #5
In response to Chiro:
Thanks for the welcome. I am a US student but I was looking forward to maybe pure mathematics should I end up going to grad school in mathematics. The requirements of the school for a BS Math I'm likely to go to requires proof based linear algebra, advanced calculus (some pre-analysis or analysis courses in disguise) and abstract algebra. There are several electives: set theory, topology, complex variables, pde's, etc but they also offer them as graduate courses too.

As for EE. There are internships/co-op/research programs available that can make me more competitive for Engineering grad school.

Here's the only thing that somewhat concerns me. Will both graduate schools look less at me for pursuing mathematics + EE? I mean, it looks like I'd be dedicating half to math and half to engineering.
  • #6
Klungo said:
Here's the only thing that somewhat concerns me. Will both graduate schools look less at me for pursuing mathematics + EE? I mean, it looks like I'd be dedicating half to math and half to engineering.

Picture yourself behind the recruitment desk of Pizza Hut and you're reviewing the applications for that "delivery guy" spot. What difference would it make if an otherwise good candidate - one who looks like a nice chap, doesn't seem like a clumsy geek and can drive - participates in juggling tournaments and tutors high school level Russian?

While this is anecdotal, I read of a dude who majored in Math and Linguistics at Harvard and is now doing a PhD in Economics at MIT. I'm sure there's bucket loads more of these guys. Double majors do go to grad school!
  • #7
Double majors do go to grad school!

Alright, I suppose I'll give the double major a go.

To any EE out there: What math courses or topics are heavily covered in the major?

Thanks for all the help guys.
  • #8
Here's the only thing that somewhat concerns me. Will both graduate schools look less at me for pursuing mathematics + EE?

Obviously not. Math will look really good for EE because, depending on what classes you take, it could be directly relevant. Maybe doing research would look better, but, like I said, that is a trade-off that is more than worth it if your style is more mathematical. You don't have to do research. My friend that went to Berkeley didn't do research.

EE will not look quite as good for math grad schools as math does for EE, but it will give you a little extra math, and it doesn't hurt. I think maybe I waited a little too long before I dropped the EE major, but I am glad I took EE classes like E and M and signal processing because they contributed something to my mathematical knowledge that might be hard to get from math classes alone. And actually, the fact that I did a lot of EE before taking heavy math classes probably contributed a lot to my success in those classes because of the extra time to develop mathematical maturity.

There's another thing to think about, which is what happens AFTER grad school. In my case, I am thinking about quitting academia and a large number of people are FORCED to do that after getting a PhD in math. So, my EE and CS background is going to be very, very handy in expanding my options. I think I would have a shot at getting an engineering job, now, given that I could probably pass a fundamentals of engineering exam pretty easily and have minors in EE and CS. It's nice to have that extra bit of marketability.
  • #9
To any EE out there: What math courses or topics are heavily covered in the major?

Not too much is needed for most undergraduate stuff. Mainly a lot of calculus (including vector calculus for electromag) and ODEs. PDE is a good class to take first to help with electrodynamics. Linear algebra sort of helps, though it is usually not required. Signal processing is essentially Fourier series and transforms, plus the discrete versions of those.

Also, it's nice to be really good with complex numbers. You might think you know how to deal with them, as I did, but I didn't know them as well as I should have, and I think that's the case for a lot of EE students. Chapter 1 of Visual Complex Analysis would be a really nice thing to read for that.

Related to Combining Electrical Engineering and Math: A Path to Success?

1. What is the difference between electrical engineering and math?

Electrical engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Math, on the other hand, is a broad field that deals with the study of numbers, quantities, and shapes. While electrical engineering heavily relies on math, it also incorporates other fields such as physics, computer science, and materials science.

2. What are some common applications of electrical engineering and math?

Electrical engineering and math have a wide range of applications in various industries. Some common applications include designing and developing electronic devices such as computers and smartphones, designing power systems for buildings and vehicles, and creating communication systems such as cell phones and satellites. Math is also used in financial modeling, data analysis, and cryptography.

3. What skills are required to pursue a career in electrical engineering and math?

To become an electrical engineer or mathematician, one needs to have a strong foundation in math, including algebra, calculus, and differential equations. Additionally, knowledge of programming languages and computer-aided design (CAD) software is crucial for electrical engineering. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills are also essential for both fields.

4. What are the job prospects for someone with a degree in electrical engineering and math?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of electrical engineers is projected to grow 5% from 2019 to 2029, and employment of mathematicians is projected to grow 33% during the same period. Graduates with degrees in electrical engineering and math can find job opportunities in various industries, including manufacturing, telecommunications, aerospace, and government agencies.

5. How does electrical engineering and math contribute to technological advancements?

Electrical engineering and math play a crucial role in technological advancements. Electrical engineers and mathematicians work together to develop new technologies and improve existing ones. They use math principles to design and analyze complex systems, and their work helps in the development of new products, processes, and services that drive technological advancements forward.

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