Combining sub-matrices into global matrix

In summary, the person is trying to solve a problem where they have three stages but can't seem to get from stage one to stage two. They are stuck on stage two and need help from someone who knows more about matrices.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Combine five element matrices into single matrix forming a global stiffness matrix for simple truss analysis (five elements, four nodes).

Homework Equations

-See attached image-

The Attempt at a Solution

Where the four sub-matrices overlap in the global matrix two or three values/numbers occupy the same position in the global matrix (two separate values for AA, three separate values for BB, and so on). Should I simply add these values to form a single value for the global matrix? For example: if AA1 = -10, and AA2 = +5 should I simply combine them as AA = -10+5 = -5?

Is it really as simple as that?



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  • #2
Yes, that is the way you build a global matrix from individual elemental matricies.
  • #3
Thank you very much. I'm assuming your post is based on my AA = AA1 + AA2 and not just the matrix image I posted! I very much appreciate your confirmation.
  • #4
Suppose you had a triangular element with nodes 2,6,8 at the corners. You would add it into the global matrix as follows where A could be a 100X100 matrix. a is the 3X3 contribution from the element. Below would be the coding in Fortran.
The first indice is the row, the second is the column.

A(2,2)=A(2,2) + a(1,1)
A(2,6)=A(2,6) + a(1,2)
A(2,8)=A(2,8) + a(1,3)

A(6,2)=A(6,2) + a(2,1)
A(6,6)=A(6,6) + a(2,2)
A(6,8)=A(6,8) + a(2,3)

A(8,2)=A(8,2) + a(3,1)
A(8,6)=A(8,6) + a(3,2)
A(8,8)=A(8,8) + a(8,3)
  • #5
In my last equation there is a typo.

a(8,3) should be a(3,3).
  • #6
Thank you. It was kind of you to post that, and I appreciate it. Apologies for not replying more promptly but I had a couple of deadlines to meet and my mind was away from the matrix problem for a day or two.

Now my mind is back on this issue I am much more confident but stuck at the final stage. I’ve attached an example someone else produced which shows three stages. I can get from stage one to stage two but not two to three. I don’t know where the 160083 came from, or the three bracketed numbers. Any help with this would be very welcome!


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  • #7
The problem is solved by using determinants where for a1 you divide the determinant of the stiffness matrix with the load vector substituted for the first column by the determinant of the original stiffness matrix. All numbers are evenly divisible by 3 so it is factored out.
  • #8
Thank you once again. Your reply to me is just the sort of thing I want to read in the textbooks, yet it is nearly always missing and so I often learn little from them. Perhaps I've just been reading the wrong books!

FAQ: Combining sub-matrices into global matrix

What is the purpose of combining sub-matrices into a global matrix?

The purpose of combining sub-matrices into a global matrix is to create a larger matrix that represents a system or structure by incorporating information from smaller, interconnected elements or components. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the system as a whole.

What types of sub-matrices can be combined into a global matrix?

Sub-matrices that can be combined into a global matrix can vary depending on the specific application or problem being studied. They can include, but are not limited to, structural elements, physical properties, mathematical representations, and data sets.

How are sub-matrices combined into a global matrix?

Sub-matrices are typically combined into a global matrix using mathematical operations such as addition, multiplication, or vector concatenation. This process may also involve rearranging and aligning the sub-matrices to ensure they are properly integrated into the global matrix.

What are the benefits of combining sub-matrices into a global matrix?

Combining sub-matrices into a global matrix allows for a more efficient and organized approach to analyzing complex systems. It also enables researchers to study the relationships and interactions between the sub-matrices, leading to a deeper understanding of the system as a whole.

What are some real-world applications of combining sub-matrices into a global matrix?

The use of global matrices is prevalent in various fields such as engineering, physics, and economics. Some examples include analyzing the stress distribution in a structure, predicting the behavior of a chemical reaction, and modeling financial markets. Additionally, global matrices have also been used in computer graphics and image processing to represent images and perform transformations on them.

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