Comet Crashes in Earth Conservation of Energy

In summary: The conversation discusses a comet traveling towards Earth with specific mass, radius, speed, and rotation parameters. The moment of inertia of the comet is assumed to be that of a uniform solid sphere. The question is to determine the amount of thermal energy converted as the comet travels through the atmosphere before striking the surface of Earth. In summary, the conversation discusses the properties of a comet and asks for the calculation of the thermal energy converted during its journey towards Earth.
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Homework Statement

A comet is traveling towards the earth. The comet has a mass of 4.80E+12 kg and a radius of 385 m. The comet is traveling with a speed of 19 km/s and spinning with a period of 0.12 seconds when its center is a distance 1.88E+7 m away from the center of the earth. The comet is roughly spherical, so its moment of inertia will be that of a uniform, solid sphere. Just before the comet strikes the surface of the earth, its speed is 10.1 km/s, and its rotation is essentially zero. Use the following values for constants
G = 6.673E-11 N m2/kg2
mass of Earth = 5.976E+24 kg
radius of Earth = 6.378E+6 m

A lot of energy is converted to thermal energy as the comet travels through the atmosphere. Using the information above, determine the total amount of energy converted to thermal energy.

Homework Equations

W(tot) = deltE(sys)
deltU(g) = -G*mE*mC/r(f) + G*mE*mC/r(i)
deltK(translational) = 1/2*mC*v(f)^2 - 1/2*mC*v(i)^2
deltK(rot) = 1/2*I*omega(f)^2 - 1/2*I*omega(i)^2
I = I(sphere)

The Attempt at a Solution

I have the right equation, several TA's have already checked it. But for some reason I cannot get the right answer. I solved for the change in thermal energy by taking the system to be everything so work is 0. Then I said the energy of the system is equal to the potential energy of gravity + the kinetic energy of rotation + the kinetic energy of translation + thermal energy. I just brought all terms except thermal energy to the other side and solved. What am I doing wrong?

deltE(therm) = -deltU(g) - deltK(rot) - deltK(trans)
deltE(therm) = -(-G*mE*mC/(rE+rC) + G*mE*mC/r(i)) -(1/2*I*omega(f)^2 - 1/2*I*w(i)^2) - (1/2*mC*v(f)^2 - 1/2*mC*v(i)^2)

v(i), v(f), mE, mC, rE, rC, r(i), G, period (T), and I are given
I(sphere)= 2/5*(mC/(rC^2))
omega(f) = 0
omega(i) = 2*pi/T
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you have individual values for deltU(g), deltK(rot), deltK(trans)? What is your final result, what is the correct result?
The equations look fine.

The comet has twice the density of lead, but well...

FAQ: Comet Crashes in Earth Conservation of Energy

1. What causes a comet to crash into Earth?

Comets crash into Earth due to gravitational forces. When a comet's orbit around the sun brings it close to Earth, Earth's gravity can pull the comet towards it, causing a collision.

2. How does the conservation of energy play a role in comet crashes on Earth?

The conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. In the case of a comet crash, the kinetic energy of the comet is converted into other forms of energy upon impact, such as heat and sound.

3. Can the conservation of energy prevent comet crashes on Earth?

No, the conservation of energy cannot prevent comet crashes on Earth. While energy may be transferred or converted during a collision, the overall amount of energy in the universe remains the same. Therefore, the conservation of energy does not affect the likelihood of a comet crashing into Earth.

4. Are there any potential dangers associated with comet crashes on Earth?

Yes, comet crashes on Earth can be dangerous. Depending on the size and speed of the comet, the impact can cause significant damage and destruction, similar to a large meteor impact. In addition, the release of energy upon impact can have environmental consequences, such as causing wildfires or tsunamis.

5. How do scientists track and predict potential comet crashes on Earth?

Scientists use various methods to track and predict potential comet crashes on Earth. This includes using telescopes and radar to observe and track comets, as well as advanced computer simulations to predict their trajectories. In addition, international organizations, such as NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office, constantly monitor and assess potential impact risks from comets and other objects in space.
