Coming from Germany and Seeking for better help - please I did something wrong.

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In summary: It's best to speak with a doctor for personalized information. In summary, the person is a 17-year-old male who is concerned about his height and potential for a growth spurt. They have a family history of late growth and have experienced stress and a lack of proper nutrition. They are seeking advice and interpretations of their x-ray pictures but it is recommended to speak with a doctor for personalized information.
  • #1
thank you for reading my article. I'm German but there is no German Forum that is as good as English one and I need a good answer. And Iam male!
Iam nearly 18 years old. I was always very late with everything: I lost my last milk tooth one year ago Big Grin
But I already have a little beard growing and everything else is OK.
I have the problem that Iam only 168 cm, that is about 5,6 inch tall.
My Dad is about 6,0 and my mother is as height as I am.
I did x-rays picture and the doctor says that I am 15,6 years on these pictures and that I will probably not grow so much any more. Last years I didnt eat really fat - I did a lot of sports, had really stress with school, work and family and never lived as a really adulescent. Well - I can't imagine to stay so little, I am also looking like a child. Everybody treats me like a child..
My brothers are similar and my mother grew in the age of 16/17 - so really late.
Is there a Chance to get a big grow spurt?
Look at my pictures - I can't believe that they belong to an adult and some growth plates seem to be younger than 15 1/2
Thank you for good answers - its really important for me.
I always thought there will be a growth spurt and that I will become as tall as my dad is. I fear to stay a child all my life - maybe because of my food choose (only very healthy) and my extreme training programm to become a six pack ... that was because I was one or two head lower than the others in my class when i come to grammar school.. always being one of the worst in sports..
Well - now I don't do so much sports and I am eating everything that is fat ... I do the opposite of health food and eat everything you shouldn't do according to scientists ..;D but including vegetable of course...
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  • #2
What, in particular, you eat will have little effect on the overall dynamics of your growth. You're 17. It might take longer for you to develop further.
Don't worry until you're 21.
You're fine.
You're not that short.
You're xrays look normal.
  • #3
Ok - Is there anybody with similar background that made experience with late growth spurts?
Or anyone that can interpret my x-rays pictures.

Thank you very much!
  • #4
jackys said:
Ok - Is there anybody with similar background that made experience with late growth spurts?
Or anyone that can interpret my x-rays pictures.

Thank you very much!
Sorry, we don't allow medical advice or diagnosis here.
  • #5

Dear author,

Thank you for sharing your story and concerns with us. It sounds like you have been through a lot with your height and physical development. I can understand how important it is for you to find answers and solutions to these issues.

First of all, I want to assure you that there is no need to feel embarrassed or ashamed about your height or physical appearance. Everyone develops at their own pace and there is no one "normal" or "ideal" height for a person. However, I can understand how it can be frustrating to feel like you are not reaching your full potential.

Based on the information you have provided, it is possible that you have already reached your full height. The x-ray images and the doctor's assessment suggest that you may not grow much more. However, it is important to keep in mind that these are just estimates and there is always a chance that you may experience a growth spurt in the future. It is not possible to predict exactly how much you will grow or when it will happen.

In terms of your diet and exercise habits, it is important to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Eating a variety of foods, including vegetables, and staying physically active is important for overall health and well-being. However, it is also important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. Extreme dieting or exercise routines can actually be harmful and may not lead to the results you desire.

I would recommend discussing your concerns with a healthcare professional, such as your doctor or a nutritionist, who can provide personalized advice and support. They can also help you develop a healthy and sustainable plan to achieve your fitness goals.

Remember, height and physical appearance do not define who you are as a person. What matters most is your health and happiness. Keep taking care of yourself and stay positive. I wish you all the best.

Related to Coming from Germany and Seeking for better help - please I did something wrong.

What is the reason for coming from Germany to seek better help?

The specific reason for coming from Germany to seek better help may vary from person to person. However, some common reasons could be pursuing better career opportunities, seeking better healthcare options, or wanting a change in lifestyle.

What kind of help are you seeking?

The type of help being sought may also vary, but it could include support for finding employment, assistance with navigating a new healthcare system, or guidance for adjusting to a new culture and way of life.

What challenges have you faced while seeking help in a new country?

Adjusting to a new environment and seeking help can be challenging. Some common challenges may include language barriers, cultural differences, and navigating unfamiliar systems and processes.

What resources are available for individuals coming from Germany seeking help?

There are a variety of resources available for individuals coming from Germany seeking help. These may include government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community support groups that offer assistance with various needs such as language classes, housing, and job placement services.

How can I ensure that I am receiving the best help possible?

To ensure that you are receiving the best help possible, it is important to do thorough research and seek recommendations from trusted sources. It may also be beneficial to consult with a professional or seek help from a reputable organization that specializes in assisting individuals from Germany.

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