Comments on a discussion please

  • Thread starter Adam
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In summary: I'm doing, what I ate this morning, what I'm wearing, what I believe in, what my favourite color is.In summary, the ability of a projectile to penetrate armor is determined by its relative velocity, and factors such as elasticity and angle of incidence also play a role. The values calculated in this conversation were not forces, but rather momentum and kinetic energy. Mass and velocity are important in determining the force of an impact, and the negative acceleration that occurs at impact is what we call force. While kinetic energy is measured in Joules, it does not provide a complete understanding of what is happening during an impact.
  • #1
I'd like some comments on some things mentioned in another forum, if you would. Thanks.

Re: The physics of armour

I'm not a ballistics engineer, but isn't it just relative velocity that matters? The momentum of the target doesn't have anything to do with the ability of the projectile to penetrate as I remember from basic mechanics. Physics works within whatever inertial coordinate frame you choose to name. If you set your coordinate frame on the target, the target is effectively stationary. What MATTERS is the relative velocity of the projectile. The chance of penetration is the same however you define the coordinate system, therefore the determining factor is relative velocity, NOT momentum.

Remember that anywhere you choose on Earth includes the consideration of relative velocity as we are all moving with the Earth relative to the solar coordinate system (and it relative to the galaxy, and so on).

Take a look at published ballistics experiments... ALL of them base there results on the relative velocity of the projectile as seen from the target.

Therefore, if an arrow moves about 80 m/s and the target about 2 m/s (more realstic numbers), the contribution of the target to the relative velocity is about 2.5%. Pretty insignificant. A charging horse (say 8-10 m/s) would be more significant, but probably not enough to change the penetration characteristics terribly.

The other items you mention (elasticity, angle of incidence) all matter as well of course.

By the way... the values you calculated are not forces as far as I can tell. You calculated the momentum of the object (M=mv) instead of a Force (F=ma). In order for there to be forces invloved, they must have an acceleration. Since you stated the objects as having a steady state velocity, they are not accelerating, therefore the force on them before impact is zero (neglecting drag).

Of course, you meant KINETIC ENERGY as you stated later. the equation for this is KE=1/2mv^2 and the units of measure are Joules, not Newtons.

Precisely. Kinetic energy of the arrow as derived from its mass and the relative velocity between it and the target is what counts. "Momentum", "Power" and "Force" are not what one would use in this application. Friction is nearly irrelavent, and even so, is affected by "weather" in the most tenuous way (may as well add in "lunar tidal forces"). Additionally, metal plates used in armor are not "inelastic" - they do flex and deform on impact, and in late medieval times were often steels with a fairly high carbon content - close to what might be termed springsteel today.

For making such simple errors, I have and continue to question Mr. Weber's grasp of physics and wish he'd trouble himself to learn it before publicly expounding on the subject. (sa-lam!)

You can do basic physics on the subject relatively easily, but to do even the most basic ballpark analysis of what goes into the impact itself, I'm betting you'd need to run computer models using finite element analysis. To get reasonably correct results you need a computer simulation using something called "Hydrocode". That's something for the specialist engineers and PHDs.

In the end, it'd be easier to test resistance to arrows by taking a remotely triggered calibrated crossbow and a radar speedometer and stooting up assorted steel plates. Wear protection, think safety, and if you get hurt - it wasn't my idea!

Therefore, if an arrow moves about 80 m/s and the target about 2 m/s (more realstic numbers), the contribution of the target to the relative velocity is about 2.5%. Pretty insignificant. A charging horse (say 8-10 m/s) would be more significant, but probably not enough to change the penetration characteristics terribly.
Not exactly. Consider a similar example. You are running along at 10m/s. A 10' cube of steel is moving toward you, opposite direction, at 1m/s. Do you think the energy from that steel cube will be irrelevent, even though it contributes so little to the relative velocity of the impact? No. This is why mass matters.

The other items you mention (elasticity, angle of incidence) all matter as well of course.

Yeah, I'd be really interested if someone could find such figures for me as would apply to this situation.

By the way... the values you calculated are not forces as far as I can tell. You calculated the momentum of the object (M=mv) instead of a Force (F=ma).

Force is Force. A nice explanation from the web:

For a body of mass m moving at non-relativistic velocity v, the momentum is mv. The force, F, is then defined as d(mv)/dt. If the mass is constant, F = m dv/dt = ma where a is the acceleration.

The "a", or acceleration, is actually what we call negative acceleration in the case of an impact such as this. Some people have the habit of saying "minus fifteen Newtons" or such, but this is incorrect.

In order for there to be forces invloved, they must have an acceleration. Since you stated the objects as having a steady state velocity, they are not accelerating, therefore the force on them before impact is zero (neglecting drag).

The (negative) acceleration occurs at impact, which is why we can say there is Force.

Of course, you meant KINETIC ENERGY as you stated later. the equation for this is KE=1/2mv^2 and the units of measure are Joules, not Newtons.

No, you're got that wrong, sorry. Joules is a measure of energy, yes, but tells us absolutely nothing about what is happening. A can of Coke sitting on the bench, doing nothing, has a certain number of Joules. A boulder at the top of a hill, doing nothing, has Joules. It has those Joules regardless of wether it is rolling down the hill, sitting there whistling Dixie, or playing cards. It tells us nothing about what is happening. This is why it is incorrect to state the results of impacts in Joules. It's like stating "I weigh 90 kg" or such. Everyone does it, but it's wrong. Weight should be measured in Newtons. To find out what is actually happening, you need to state Watts (telling us the rate at which energy is being used up), or Newtons (telling us the Force of the impact).

In other words... the KE formula tells us how much energy is involved in getting the arrow moving. KE=1/2mv^2 using example figures of 20 grammes and 50m/s gives us, for example KE= 10g*2,500 = 25,000 Joules. However, the arrow has that energy regardless of whether it hits anything or not. In fact it loses that energy very swiftly as it travels. The amount of energy tells us absolutely nothing about the impact. Thus... Force, in Newtons.

Consider a similar example. You are fall off your chair, hitting the ground at say 2 m/s. Due to the time of day, it so happens that the Earth is moving toward you, opposite direction, at 144,000 m/s (speed taken from Monty Python's Galaxy song). Do you think the energy from that planet will be relevant, even though the relative velocity of the impact is so small?

Friction is nearly irrelavent, and even so, is affected by "weather" in the most tenuous way (may as well add in "lunar tidal forces").
Drag (friction against the air) reduces arrow speed from about 80m/s to around 50m/s after roughly a hundred metres. Quite significant.

Additionally, metal plates used in armor are not "inelastic" - they do flex and deform on impact, and in late medieval times were often steels with a fairly high carbon content - close to what might be termed springsteel today.

In terms of physics, it is an inelastic collision.
Physics news on
  • #2
American People Shrug, Line Up For Fingerprinting.

WASHINGTON, DC—Assuming that there must be a good reason for the order, U.S. citizens lined up at elementary schools and community centers across the nation Monday for government-mandated fingerprinting. "I'm not exactly sure what this is all about," said Ft. Smith, AR, resident Meredith Lovell while waiting in line. "But given all the crazy stuff that's going on these days, I'm sure the government has a very good reason." Said Amos Hawkins, a Rockford, IL, delivery driver: "I guess this is another thing they have to do to ensure our freedom."

~ The Onion. :P

Just in case some of our colleagues throughout the world, do not realize it, "The Onion" is a humor magazine. The article is fiction, there was no "government-mandated fingerprinting". (Well, if there was, no one told me! Do you suppose I'm in trouble now?)
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  • #3
The steel plates do deform and absorb some of the energy of the arrow, making it a partially elastic collision, but overall it is still considered inelastic. And yes, the composition of the steel can also affect the elasticity of the collision.

Thank you for bringing up these points and clarifying some of the concepts mentioned in the original discussion. It is important to have a clear understanding of the physics behind armor and projectile impact in order to accurately analyze and predict their effects. Your insights on relative velocity, momentum, and kinetic energy were very helpful in explaining the dynamics of these collisions. Additionally, your mention of drag and the composition of steel in armor adds further complexity to the subject and highlights the need for advanced simulations and testing in order to fully understand and optimize armor design. Overall, your comments have added valuable information to the discussion and I appreciate your contribution.

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