Common complementary vector subspaces

In summary, it is proven that any two subspaces of the same dimension in a finite-dimensional vector space have a common complementary subspace. This is shown by first considering the case where the subspaces have dimension 1 less than the space, and then using induction to prove the general case. This solution involves constructing a complementary subspace using vectors that are not in the original subspaces.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that any two subspaces of the same dimension in a finite-dimensional vector space have a common complementary subspace. [You may wish to consider first the case where the subspaces have dimension 1 less than the space.]

The Attempt at a Solution

I've managed to sort out the case where the subspaces have dimension 1 less than the space I believe, using the first part of the question: "let U be a subspace of F^n. Show that there is a subset I of {1,2,...,n} for which the subspace W = span({e_i : i ∈ I}) is a complementary subspace to U in F^n." However, i tried using induction on the general case for k=dim(W) (so we've sorted the k=1 case if my proof is correct) and things got very messy and long. Could someone help me out with a more concise/neat solution which doesn't use too much complicated machinery?

Thanks a lot :)
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  • #2

Hello! I believe I have a simpler solution for this problem.

First, let us consider the case where the subspaces have dimension 1 less than the space. Let U and V be two subspaces of F^n with dim(U)=dim(V)=n-1. Since dim(U)=n-1, U cannot contain the entire F^n, so there exists a vector u in F^n that is not in U. Similarly, there exists a vector v in F^n that is not in V.

Now, consider the subspace W=span({u,v}). Since u and v are not in U and V respectively, it follows that W is not contained in U or V. This means that W is a complementary subspace to both U and V in F^n.

Now, let us consider the general case where U and V have the same dimension k. We can use induction on k to prove that there exists a complementary subspace W to both U and V in F^n.

Base case: k=1
This is the case we have already proved above.

Inductive step: Assume the statement is true for subspaces of dimension k-1. Now, let U and V be two subspaces of F^n with dim(U)=dim(V)=k. Consider the subspaces U' and V' where U'=U∩W and V'=V∩W, where W is the complementary subspace we constructed in the base case.

Since dim(U)=dim(V)=k, it follows that dim(U')=dim(V')=k-1. By our assumption, there exists a complementary subspace W' to both U' and V' in W.

Now, consider the subspace W''=W+W'. Since W' is a complementary subspace to U' and V' in W, it follows that W'' is a complementary subspace to U and V in F^n.

Therefore, by induction, we have proved that any two subspaces of the same dimension in a finite-dimensional vector space have a common complementary subspace.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or if you would like me to clarify anything. Good luck with your studies!

FAQ: Common complementary vector subspaces

What is a complementary vector subspace?

A complementary vector subspace is a subset of a vector space that, when combined with another subspace, can form the entire vector space. In other words, every vector in the original vector space can be expressed as a combination of vectors from the complementary subspace and the other subspace.

How do you determine if two subspaces are complementary?

To determine if two subspaces are complementary, you can check if their intersection is only the zero vector. Another way is to see if the dimensions of the two subspaces add up to the dimension of the original vector space.

Can a vector space have more than one complementary subspace?

Yes, a vector space can have multiple complementary subspaces. As long as the dimensions of the subspaces add up to the dimension of the original vector space, they can form complementary pairs.

How are complementary subspaces useful in linear algebra?

Complementary subspaces are useful in linear algebra because they allow us to break down a complex vector space into smaller, more manageable subspaces. This makes it easier to understand and solve problems involving vectors and matrices.

Are complementary subspaces unique?

No, complementary subspaces are not unique. There can be different combinations of subspaces that form complementary pairs. However, the dimensions of the subspaces must add up to the dimension of the original vector space for them to be complementary.

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