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Homework Statement
Show that any two subspaces of the same dimension in a finite-dimensional vector space have a common complementary subspace. [You may wish to consider first the case where the subspaces have dimension 1 less than the space.]
The Attempt at a Solution
I've managed to sort out the case where the subspaces have dimension 1 less than the space I believe, using the first part of the question: "let U be a subspace of F^n. Show that there is a subset I of {1,2,...,n} for which the subspace W = span({e_i : i ∈ I}) is a complementary subspace to U in F^n." However, i tried using induction on the general case for k=dim(W) (so we've sorted the k=1 case if my proof is correct) and things got very messy and long. Could someone help me out with a more concise/neat solution which doesn't use too much complicated machinery?
Thanks a lot :)