Common Electrical misconceptions?

  • Thread starter TheAntiRelative
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In summary, the author brings up important points about electricity and how it is transmitted. He also has some misconceptions about the subject.
  • #36
srdickens said:
HI I have an experiment that may not be overunity but possibly close. So I was wondering if you would check what I wrote about it and let me know should it still be running after 8 days or not?

This is not an overunity device. It's a highly efficient electric motor
with almost no load (except small mechanical losses on the bearings
and windage on the crystal.)

I expect it to run for several days. But it's still exciting. This type
of motor can even be run from a single solar cell. Fun fun fun.
Engineering news on
  • #37
srdickens said:
HI I have an experiment that may not be overunity but possibly close. So I was wondering if you would check what I wrote about it and let me know should it still be running after 8 days or not?

Your crystal is not helping anything. On the contrary, it is unbalancing your motor and wearing the bearings. This is a possible cause for the noise you are hearing.
If you are using an alkaline battery, it's voltage does not change much during discharge. Only after most of the charge is gone, will the voltage drop very quickly.
I agree with Antiphon. You are running a very efficient motor with almost no charge.
  • #38
Nixie tubes were generally used for counters.

One nice thing about tube circuits you always knew when there was a problem, especially on motor drives, maximum smoke and flame. The circuits were built on huge slate boards, to keep the curcuits stable. And if there was a bad circuit the whole circiut could be removed and a new one installed 'quickly' and nearby components were unaffected unless it got really hot.

Today with all the solid state if one area melts generally the whole cabinet is toast.