Commutator of covariant derivatives

In summary: In this case, the commutator [D,B] is a multiplication operator.In the paper, the author defines D as the covariant derivative which is a linear operator and B as the multiplication by the function g. Therefore, the commutator [D,B] is a multiplication operator and the author uses the notation [D,B] = D(B.) to represent it. This notation is used to avoid confusion with the product of operators D and B, which may not necessarily be equal to the commutator [D,B].
  • #1
Gold Member
Hi there
I came across this paper.
the author defines a covariant derivative in (1.3)
##D_\mu = \partial_\mu - ig A_\mu##
He defines in (1.6)
##F_{jk} = i/g [D_j,D_k]##
Why is it equal to ##\partial_j A_k - \partial_k A_j - ig [A_j, A_k]##?
I suppose that it comes from a property of Lie derivatives.
Physics news on
  • #2
Just put the definition of ## D_\mu ## in ## [D_\mu,D_\nu] ## and calculate!
You can apply the above operator on a scalar field, i.e. calculate ## [D_\mu,D_\nu]\phi ## to avoid confusion.
  • #3
Why does ##A_j \partial_k## disappear?
  • #4
naima said:
Why does ##A_j \partial_k## disappear?

What you have is a commutator of operators, in order to compute the commutator - which is another operator - you need to consider the action of the commutator.

I suggest you start with the following example with two operators acting on functions on the real line:

Operator ##A## is such that ##Af(x) = A(x)f(x)##, where ##A(x)## is a function.
Operator ##B## is the derivative operator such that ##Bf(x) = f'(x)##.

The commutator ##[A,B]## is the operator such that ##[A,B]f(x) = (AB - BA)f(x)## for all ##f##. What is this operator?
  • #5
Thank you

This shows that when you have product of operators D and B acting on a vector V, the notation DBV may be considered as a compositiion law
D(BV) or else (DB) V if you can give sense to (DB)
IF D and B are patrices the internal law of multiplication gives
(DB)V = D(BV)
here (DB) = D(B .)
If D is a derivative we have D(BV) = (DB)V + B (DV)
This gives a sense to (DB)
here (DB) = DB - BD

So the equality in the paper comes from an implicit choice for the product of operators.
Unless it is based on a more intrinsic way to mix covariant derivatives.
  • #6
It does not matter whether D and B are matrices or linear operators on a general function space (including derivatives). The commutator [D,B] is defined as the linear operator such that [D,B]f = D(Bf) - B(Df) for all f in the vector space that the operators act on.

If D is a derivative and B is multiplication by a function b, you have D(Bf) = D(bf) = f (Db) + b(Df) = f(Db) + B(Df) and therefore D(Bf) - B(Df) = [D,B]f = f (Db), i.e., the commutator [D,B] is multiplication by the function Db. Note that I have used capital and lower case Bs to distinguish DB (operator product) from Db (a function).

FAQ: Commutator of covariant derivatives

What is a commutator of covariant derivatives?

A commutator of covariant derivatives is a mathematical operator that measures the difference between two covariant derivatives acting on the same object. It is used in the study of differential geometry and tensor calculus to understand how geometric objects change as a result of transformations.

Why is the commutator of covariant derivatives important?

The commutator of covariant derivatives is important because it helps us understand the curvature and torsion of a manifold. By studying the commutator, we can determine how the geometry of a space changes under different transformations, which is crucial in many areas of physics and engineering.

How is the commutator of covariant derivatives calculated?

The commutator of covariant derivatives is calculated by taking the difference between the two covariant derivatives and then applying the Leibniz rule. This involves multiplying the two covariant derivatives and subtracting the result from the original difference. The resulting expression is known as the commutator.

What is the physical significance of the commutator of covariant derivatives?

The physical significance of the commutator of covariant derivatives is that it measures the non-commutativity of transformations on a manifold. In other words, it tells us how the order in which we perform transformations affects the resulting geometry of a space. This is important in understanding the behavior of physical systems that involve multiple transformations.

How does the commutator of covariant derivatives relate to the Riemann curvature tensor?

The commutator of covariant derivatives is directly related to the Riemann curvature tensor, which describes the curvature of a manifold. In fact, the commutator can be written in terms of the Riemann curvature tensor, making it a powerful tool for studying the geometry of a space. This relationship is crucial in understanding the behavior of physical systems in curved spacetime, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

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