Commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r)

  • Thread starter Trinitiet
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V(\vec{r})]=[\frac{1}{2m}p_j^2r_i p_i]+[r_i p_i,V(\vec{r})]=\frac{1}{2m}p_j^2[r_i p_i]+[r_i p_i,V(\vec{r})]The first commutator can be evaluated using the product rule and the commutator algebra equations:[r_i p_i,r_j p_j] = r_i [p_i,r_j] p_j + r_i r_j [p_i,p_j] = r_i (i\hbar\delta_{
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let H be the hamiltonian H = p²/2m+V(r)
Let r.p be the scalar product between the vector r and p.

Calculate the Commutator [r.p , H]

(Commutator of [A,B]=AB-BA )

Homework Equations

The equations citated we should be using are:

[x_i, p_i]=i [tex] \hbar[/tex]

And commutatoralgebra equations:

The momentumoperator in configuration space:
p=-i[tex]\hbar \nabla [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

The given solution in my course is:

[r.p, H] = [ (xp_x, yp_y, zp_z), 1/2m (p_x²+p_y²+p_z²)+V(x,y,z) ]
= ihbar / m (p_x²+p_y²+p_z²) - i hbar (x dV/dx + y dV/dy + z dV/dz)
= 2 i hbar T - i hbar (r. nabla V)

In the second rule, I used dV/dx where I should have used partial differentials.
In the last rule, T stands for the kinetic energy of the particle

I understand how we get from the second to the third rule, but the first to the second rule is a complete mystery.

Anyone in for some help? Thanks

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  • #2
How you get from the "first to the second rule" is not obvious. You need to provide some intermediate steps. I would start from
[r.p, H] = [ (xpx, ypy, zpz), 1/2m (px2+py2+pz2)+V(x,y,z) ]
=(1/2)m[ (xpx, ypy, zpz),(px2+py2+pz2)]+[ (xpx, ypy, zpz),V(x,y,z)]
and calculate each of the two commutators separately. Of course, they need to be split into more sums of commutators. Don't forget to simplify things using the relevant equations that you posted. They are very handy.
  • #3
kuruman said:
How you get from the "first to the second rule" is not obvious. You need to provide some intermediate steps. I would start from
[r.p, H] = [ (xpx, ypy, zpz), 1/2m (px2+py2+pz2)+V(x,y,z) ]
=(1/2)m[ (xpx, ypy, zpz),(px2+py2+pz2)]+[ (xpx, ypy, zpz),V(x,y,z)]
and calculate each of the two commutators separately. Of course, they need to be split into more sums of commutators. Don't forget to simplify things using the relevant equations that you posted. They are very handy.

Oh :P I thought there was "some" easy trick I missed that allowed us to do it all in once. Thanks, I'll work it out
  • #4
I noticed one mistake: The dot product isn't a vector.

It might also be less tedious to do the problem using Einstein's summation convention: repeated indices imply summation.

[tex][\vec{r}\cdot\vec{p},H] = [r_i p_i,\frac{p_j^2}{2m}+V(\vec{r})][/tex]
  • #5

The first step in solving this problem is to rewrite the commutator in terms of the individual components of the vectors r and p. Using the definition of the commutator, we can write:

[r.p, H] = [xp_x, H] + [yp_y, H] + [zp_z, H]

Next, we need to use the commutator algebra rules to simplify this expression. Using the rule [A,B]=AB-BA, we can write:

[r.p, H] = xp_xH - Hxp_x + yp_yH - Hyp_y + zp_zH - Hzp_z

Now, we can use the fact that the momentum operator in configuration space is given by p=-i\hbar \nabla to substitute in for the individual components of p:

[r.p, H] = x(-i\hbar\nabla_x)H - H(-i\hbar\nabla_x)x + y(-i\hbar\nabla_y)H - H(-i\hbar\nabla_y)y + z(-i\hbar\nabla_z)H - H(-i\hbar\nabla_z)z

Next, we can use the commutator algebra rule [A,BC]=[A,B]C+B[A,C] to simplify this expression:

[r.p, H] = -i\hbar[x\nabla_xH - H\nabla_xx + y\nabla_yH - H\nabla_yy + z\nabla_zH - H\nabla_zz]

Finally, we can use the fact that the Hamiltonian H = p²/2m+V(r) to substitute in for the individual components of p squared:

[r.p, H] = -i\hbar[x\nabla_x(p_x²/2m+V(x,y,z)) - (p_x²/2m+V(x,y,z))\nabla_xx + y\nabla_y(p_y²/2m+V(x,y,z)) - (p_y²/2m+V(x,y,z))\nabla_yy + z\nabla_z(p_z²/2m+V(x,y,z)) - (p_z²/2m+V(x,y,z))\nabla_zz]

Simplifying this expression further will result in the given solution

FAQ: Commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r)

1. What is the commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r)?

The commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) is a mathematical quantity that describes the relationship between the position (r) and momentum (p) operators, and the Hamiltonian operator (H) in quantum mechanics. It is given by the expression [r,p]H=rH- p(H), where [r,p] is the commutator of r and p.

2. How is the commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) related to uncertainty principle?

The commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) plays a crucial role in the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics. It states that the product of the uncertainties in the position and momentum of a particle cannot be smaller than a certain value, which is equal to the magnitude of the commutator [r,p]. Therefore, the smaller the commutator, the more precise the measurement of position and momentum can be.

3. Can the commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) be zero?

No, the commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) cannot be zero. This is because the Hamiltonian operator H contains the momentum operator p, which does not commute with the position operator r. This means that the commutator [r,p]H is always non-zero and has a significant impact on the uncertainty principle and the measurement of physical quantities in quantum mechanics.

4. What is the physical significance of the commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r)?

The commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) has several physical significances in quantum mechanics. It is a fundamental quantity that determines the degree of correlation between the position and momentum of a particle. It also affects the measurement of physical quantities and the uncertainty principle. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in the derivation of quantum mechanical equations, such as the Schrödinger equation.

5. How is the commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) used in quantum mechanical calculations?

The commutator of r.p with H=p²/2m+V(r) is used extensively in quantum mechanical calculations. It is a key component in the derivation of various equations, such as the Heisenberg equation of motion and the Schrödinger equation. It is also used to calculate the expectation values of physical quantities and determine the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a system. In addition, it helps in understanding the time evolution of quantum systems and the behavior of particles in different potentials.

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