Comoving distance in cosmology

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In summary, the proper distance in cosmology is calculated using the expression dΓ2=dt2-a(t)2dr2, where dΓ is taken as 0 and ∫dr=∫dt/a(t). This is used in the derivation of cosmological redshift by determining the time difference at emission and reception based on the scale factor history.
  • #1
For calculating the proper distance in cosmology why is the proper time between two points (galaxy) dΓ is taken 0??
e.g dΓ2=dt2-a(t)2dr2
Taking dΓ=0 and ∫dr=∫dt/a(t)
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  • #2
Apashanka said:
For calculating the proper distance in cosmology why is the proper time between two points (galaxy) dΓ is taken 0??
e.g dΓ2=dt2-a(t)2dr2
Taking dΓ=0 and ∫dr=∫dt/a(t)
It is not. What you have there is an expression for the comoving distance.

In the particular case you are referring to, it is part of a derivation of cosmological redshift based on expressing the comoving distance traveled by two consecutive signals in terms of the scale factor history and using that to find the time difference at emission to be compared to the time difference at reception.

FAQ: Comoving distance in cosmology

1. What is comoving distance in cosmology?

Comoving distance in cosmology is a measure of the distance between two objects in the universe, taking into account the expansion of the universe. It is the distance that two objects would be from each other if they were stationary and not affected by the expansion of the universe.

2. How is comoving distance different from proper distance?

Comoving distance is different from proper distance because it takes into account the expansion of the universe, while proper distance does not. Proper distance is the physical distance between two objects at a specific point in time, while comoving distance is the distance between two objects at any given time, accounting for the expansion of the universe.

3. How is comoving distance calculated?

Comoving distance is calculated using the Hubble parameter, which describes the rate of expansion of the universe. It is also dependent on the cosmological model being used, as different models have different rates of expansion. It can be calculated using mathematical equations and is typically measured in units of megaparsecs (Mpc).

4. What is the significance of comoving distance in cosmology?

Comoving distance is significant in cosmology because it allows us to accurately measure distances between objects in the expanding universe. It also helps us understand the evolution of the universe and how objects have moved relative to each other over time. It is a crucial factor in determining the age and size of the universe.

5. How does comoving distance relate to redshift?

Comoving distance and redshift are closely related in cosmology. Redshift is a measure of how much the light from an object has been stretched due to the expansion of the universe. The higher the redshift, the further away the object is and the larger the comoving distance. This relationship is described by Hubble's law, which states that the recessional velocity of an object is proportional to its distance from us.
