Compactness of sets in Banach spaces

In summary, we are working in a Banach space with a sequence of compact sets A_k, where each set is contained within a certain distance (r_k) from the previous set. The closure of the union of these sets is to be proven as compact. Using the fact that compactness is equivalent to sequential compactness, we can show that the sequence (y_n) from the closure of the union has a convergent subsequence. In the first case, this is easily proven due to the compactness of A_k. In the second case, we can define a sequence (z_m) that is contained in the sequence (y_n) and show that it has a Cauchy and therefore convergent subsequence. This is
  • #1

Homework Statement

Working in a banach space [itex](X,\|\cdot\|)[/itex] we have a sequence of compact sets [itex]A_k\subset X[/itex].
Assume that there exist [itex]r_k>0[/itex] such that [itex]\sum_{k\in\mathbb{N}}r_k<\infty[/itex] and for every [itex]k\in\mathbb{N}[/itex]: $$A_{k+1}\subset\{x+u|x\in A_k,u\in X,\|u\|\leq r_k\}.$$Prove that the closure of [itex]\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}}A_k[/itex] is compact.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

While talking to the teaching assistant it all seemed very doable, but now that I am back home, I am still struggling.
Here is what I was suggested to do:

Since we are in a normed space, then compactness is equivalent to sequential compactness, i.e. existence of a convergent subsequence for every sequence.
Let [itex]\{x_n\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}[/itex] be a sequence from the closure of [itex]\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}}A_k[/itex]. Then for each n there exists [itex]y_n[/itex] from [itex]\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}}A_k[/itex] such that [itex]\|x_n-y_n\|<\frac{1}{n}[/itex] and it sufficent to show that [itex]\{y_n\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}[/itex] has a convergent subsequence.

This is the point where I lose my grip and have no idea what to do further
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  • #2
Split up the situation in two parts:

  • Case I: Infinitely many terms of [itex](y_n)_n[/itex] are contained in a set [itex]A_k[/itex].
  • Case II: There are only finitely many terms of [itex](y_n)_n[/itex] in each [itex]A_k[/itex].

What is the convergent subsequence in each of those cases?
  • #3
In Case 1 existence of convergent subsequence follows immediately from compactness of [itex]A_k[/itex].

In Case 2 I do not yet have a complete solution.
I decided to define [itex]\{B_n\}[/itex] disjoint such that [itex]\bigcup_k B_k=\bigcup_k A_k[/itex] and subsequence [itex]\{z_m\}_{m\in\mathbb{N}}\subset\{y_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}[/itex] such that for any two elements [itex]z_i\in B_{k_i}[/itex] and [itex]z_j\in B_{k_j}[/itex], [itex]j>i[/itex] leads to [itex]k_j>k_i[/itex] and vice versa.
Now trying to show that [itex]\{z_m\}[/itex] has a Cauchy and therefore convergent subsequence as [itex]\{B_n\}[/itex]s shrink in size, but I feel this might not be the case for infinite-dimensional spaces unless compactness of [itex]\{A_n\}[/itex]s in an infinite-dimensional space means that the object itself is finite-dimensional (does it?)
  • #4
Ok, your proposal for the convergent sequence is a good one. Now, can you find an estimate for


Try to find an estimate that uses the [itex]r_k[/itex]?? Use that

[tex]A_{k+1}\subseteq \{x+u~\vert~x\in A_k,~u\in X,~\|u\|<r_k\}[/tex]
  • #5
I define [itex]\{B_k\}[/itex] in the following way: $$B_1:=A_1, B_k:=A_k\setminus B_{k-1}.$$ so that [itex]B_{k+1}[/itex] is in [itex]r_k[/itex] surrounding of [itex]B_k[/itex].

Estimating [itex]\|z_i-z_{i+1}\|[/itex] from above I get [itex]r_i +[/itex] diam[itex](B_i)[/itex] which need not go to 0 as [itex]i\to\infty[/itex] and that's the problem.
  • #6
TaPaKaH said:
I define [itex]\{B_k\}[/itex] in the following way: $$B_1:=A_1, B_k:=A_k\setminus B_{k-1}.$$ so that [itex]B_{k+1}[/itex] is in [itex]r_k[/itex] surrounding of [itex]B_k[/itex].

Estimating [itex]\|z_i-z_{i+1}\|[/itex] from above I get [itex]r_i +[/itex] diam[itex](B_i)[/itex] which need not go to 0 as [itex]i\to\infty[/itex] and that's the problem.

Well, what you did now is written [itex]z_{i+1}=x+u[/itex] with [itex]x\in A_k[/itex]. Can you write other [itex]z_j[/itex] also as [itex]x+u[/itex] with [itex]x\in A_k[/itex] and [itex]\|u\|\leq \sum_k r_k[/itex]?? That way you have transformed the sequence [itex](z_j)[/itex] into a sequence in the compact set [itex]A_k[/itex] and some other terms u.

FAQ: Compactness of sets in Banach spaces

1. What is the definition of compactness in Banach spaces?

The concept of compactness in Banach spaces refers to the property of a set to be relatively small and contained within a finite region. More specifically, a set in a Banach space is considered compact if it is both closed and bounded.

2. How is compactness related to completeness in Banach spaces?

In Banach spaces, a set is compact if and only if it is complete. This means that a set that is not complete cannot be compact and vice versa. This is a fundamental relationship in understanding the compactness of sets in Banach spaces.

3. Can a subset of a compact set in a Banach space also be compact?

Yes, a subset of a compact set in a Banach space can also be compact. This is known as the Heine-Borel theorem, which states that in a metric space, a subset is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.

4. Can a set in a Banach space be compact but not closed or bounded?

No, a set in a Banach space cannot be compact if it is not closed and bounded. This is because both of these properties are necessary for a set to be considered compact in Banach spaces.

5. How is compactness of sets in Banach spaces useful in analysis and functional analysis?

The concept of compactness in Banach spaces is a powerful tool in analysis and functional analysis. It allows for the study and analysis of infinite-dimensional spaces by reducing them to finite-dimensional sets. It also helps in proving important theorems such as the Arzela-Ascoli theorem and the Banach-Alaoglu theorem.
