Compare Planetary Properties: Mass, Composition, Density +more

In summary: Evolution Venus – gradually lost atmosphere over time, became hotter and dryer, surface features changed, molten rock now inside core, core slowly cooling, Venus now a dead planetEvolution Earth – underwent huge changes due to plate tectonics, atmosphere lost, land and water divided, CO2 levels rose and plants evolved, terraforming possibleEvolution Mars – no signs of past life, has lost lighter elements in atmosphere, appears to be a dead planet
  • #1
Can anyone provide a link or document that compares the properties of the planets? I'm interested in all of the following: mass, composition, density, obliquity, orbital eccentricity, semimajor axis, atmosphere, magnetic field, #satellites, internal heating. I'm also interested in the relevant properties of the Earth's moon, but it wouldn't be such a big deal to look those up. I just don't want to have to look these properties up for each planet. I was hoping someone had a quick link on hand. Thanks a lot if you can help!
Astronomy news on
  • #2
Sure, has all the info you were looking for. Just sellect a planet and click on "Planetary Facts".
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  • #3
  • #4
This site has a lot of data in sets of tables, easily copied and pasted into other apps:
It may not have all that you are looking for, but there are plenty of links to other sites.
  • #5
Originally posted by Nereid
This site has a lot of data in sets of tables, easily copied and pasted into other apps:
It may not have all that you are looking for, but there are plenty of links to other sites.
Are you sure that's the right link?
  • #6
Originally posted by StephenPrivitera
Are you sure that's the right link?
Doesn't look like it. You can link around from here:
Homepage for:
and others to find about all you need.
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  • #7
  • #8
ah excellent
thank you all very much
  • #9
Hi again. Your links were all very helpful. I am now interested in information about the histories and evolution of Venus, Earth and Mars and how they are similar/different. I've done about a million google searches. There doesn't seem to be much. Here's what I have so far. If you can contribute, great!

History Venus
– Possible collision to explain tilt; resurfaced ~1By ago by lava flows, suggests liquid mantle, may have caused core to solidify (lava flows releases lots of heat), probably initially had atmosphere similar to earth’s but water lost due to evaporation and dissociation by UV rays, present atmosphere attributed to volcanic outgasing, CO2 accumulated in atmosphere without any water to dissolve into, runaway greenhouse effect,

History Earth
– collision to form moon, initial atmosphere much like Venus’, CO2 dissolved into ocean water and became incorporated into rocks, CO2 further reduced by plants,

History Mars
– early atmosphere thicker, warmer, possibly allowing for liquid water on surface, some parts of surface very young, indicates recent lava flows, crater erosion indicates water flows, has lost lighter elements in atmosphere due to low g

FAQ: Compare Planetary Properties: Mass, Composition, Density +more

1. What are the main factors that affect a planet's mass?

The main factors that affect a planet's mass are its size and composition. Generally, the larger a planet is, the more mass it will have. Additionally, the types of materials that make up a planet, such as rock or gas, can also impact its mass.

2. How does a planet's composition influence its density?

A planet's composition plays a significant role in determining its density. Generally, planets with a higher proportion of heavier materials, such as iron and nickel, will have a higher density. On the other hand, planets with a higher proportion of lighter materials, such as gases, will have a lower density.

3. How does a planet's density affect its overall structure?

A planet's density can influence its overall structure in a few ways. For example, a planet with a high density may have a solid, rocky surface, while a planet with a lower density may have a thicker, gaseous atmosphere. Additionally, a planet's density can also impact its gravitational pull and the strength of its magnetic field.

4. How do scientists measure the mass of a planet?

Scientists can measure the mass of a planet using several methods, including tracking the orbital paths of other objects around the planet or analyzing the planet's gravitational pull on other objects. They can also use spacecraft and landers to measure the planet's mass directly.

5. How do scientists compare the properties of different planets?

Scientists use various tools and technologies to compare the properties of different planets, such as telescopes, spacecraft, and computer simulations. They also study data collected from previous missions and conduct experiments to understand how different factors, such as mass and composition, can impact a planet's overall properties.

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