Comparing AP Calculus to College Calculus

In summary, AP Calculus courses are designed to prepare students for the AP test, which typically focuses on computational skills. In comparison, college calculus classes vary in difficulty and target different audiences, such as engineering or math majors. Students with only AP preparation may struggle in college calculus classes and are advised to start with a beginning honors level course to build on their computational skills while also learning the more difficult theoretical ideas. However, each professor and school may have different approaches to teaching calculus.
  • #1
Ethan Hummel
Hello everyone, I was just wondering what AP Calculus is compared to a regular college class and if they are comparable. For example does AP Calculus teach computational skills over conceptual over vise-versa? Or how does the AP Calculus curriculum compare to a regular college calculus class? Also the most common book that AP Calculus classes use is Calculus Graphical Numerical Algebraic by Demana, Finney, Kennedy, Watts
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  • #2
AP calc courses are designed to prepare you for the AP test, so take a look at that test. 20 years ago when my sons were students, AP tests seldom featured any theoretical questions at all, or at most one, maybe on the BC test. College calc courses range over a wide spectrum of difficulty levels, and are aimed at many different audiences, some at engineers, some at arts and aciences majors, honors versions aimed at math majors and very advanced classes aimed at future mathematicians, essentially on a graduate level. In my own experience, my college students who came in with AP preparation usually knew very little about the ideas of calculus and struggled in my class even if they took the beginning version. unfortunately for financial reasons many of them chose to opt out of th beginning class and start in a second semesater class with only AP background in first semester calculus. Since not only did they not learn much in that high school AP class, but they had actually forgotten what little they did know, and had not reviewed it before coming to college, they usually did poorly. I usually advise students with only AP preparation to start college with a beginning but honors level calculus course. Thay way the computational skills they have learned in AP class will help them as they learn the more significant and more difficult theoretical ideas taught in the honors class. But every professor and every school is somewhat different. I know college professors whose calc clases are no harder than a high school AP class. Some of them have gradually dumbed down their classes because of hard earned experience with weak entering students.

FAQ: Comparing AP Calculus to College Calculus

1. What is the main difference between AP Calculus and college calculus?

The main difference between AP Calculus and college calculus is the depth and rigor of the material covered. AP Calculus is designed to give high school students an overview of differential and integral calculus, while college calculus delves into more advanced concepts and applications.

2. Can I receive college credit for taking AP Calculus?

Yes, many colleges and universities offer credit for AP Calculus scores of 3 or higher. However, the amount of credit awarded and the courses that it can be applied towards may vary between institutions.

3. Is it necessary to take AP Calculus before taking college calculus?

No, it is not necessary to take AP Calculus before taking college calculus. However, having a strong foundation in precalculus and basic calculus concepts can make the transition to college calculus easier.

4. How can I prepare for college calculus while taking AP Calculus?

Some ways to prepare for college calculus while taking AP Calculus include practicing problems beyond what is assigned in class, reviewing precalculus concepts, and seeking additional resources such as textbooks or online tutorials.

5. Are the exams for AP Calculus and college calculus similar?

The exams for AP Calculus and college calculus may have some similarities, but they are not the same. The AP Calculus exam is designed to test knowledge of specific concepts covered in the AP course, while the college calculus exam may cover a broader range of material and may be more challenging.

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