Comparing AP Physics C to College Intro Physics Courses

In summary, Physics C is more difficult than the Intro Sequence, but it is still doable for most students if they are prepared.
  • #1
To the people who took AP Physics C in high school and then took the introductory Calc-based physics sequence in college; how does Physics C compare to the Intro Sequence?
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  • #2
Given that the degree of difficulty has a huge variation across colleges, and a smaller but still substantial variation across high schools, I am not certain that any answers you get will be the answers you need.
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  • #3
I agree with Vanadium 50 - it depends.
One thing for sure is that some universities cover more than just mechanics in first semester physics; thermodynamics, for example, can often be found in such courses. So a 5 on the AP physics C Mechanics exam may give you credit for that class, but you actually will not have learned all of the material. This was certainly true where I went to college, where we also learned some very elementary concepts from statistical physics that subsequent courses assumed students would know.

For a given college, it is easy to find out if this is the case.
  • #4
I agree with the above. The calc-based physics I had in college was much different from the calc-based physics that was taught at the community college where I served on the faculty which was much different from the calc-based physics at the Air Force Academy. I am mentoring two physics majors at a big state school in the south whose calc-based sequence is close to the one I had in college in the 1980s. But there is another calc-based sequence at the same university that is much different.

Over the past decade or two AP Physics C has been evolving in most implementations to be much closer to teaching to the test than I've ever seen in ANY college calc-based sequence. College sequences tend to conform to the teachers' view of "what these students need to really know." For example, at the Air Force Academy, they are training Air Force officers and there is a specific list of downstream engineering courses all or most of the students will take later at the Air Force Academy. At many places, the sequence taken by most Physics majors is designed for Physics majors, where the sequence taken by engineering majors (at engineering schools) has lots of features specific to that.

Also very common at some schools, is the dumbing down of the course to make sure 80-90% pass the course on the first try whether or not they do any homework. These are the versions that are much easier than a decent AP Physics C course where passing course grades are highly correlated with 3s, 4s, and 5s on the AP test.
  • #5
I am an undergraduate who took AP Physics C mechanics and taught myself AP Physics C E&M in high school.

Like many answers have already mentioned, it greatly depends on the college. Some colleges have relatively easy intro physics courses while others can be much more in depth than the AP tests go. For your average state school with an average physics program, I would make the claim that a high school student should be confident passing out of the introductory mechanics/e&m courses iff:
1. The student received a 5 on the AP test.
2. The student has looked over the college course's syllabus/curriculum and has covered all of it.
3. The student feels that he/she has a very strong understanding of the material, especially the calc based parts.
If all three conditions are satisfied, I think you'll be fine. But this definitely changes based on college, for highly competitive STEM colleges I'm not sure it would be a good idea to pass out.
When in doubt, it is also always a good idea to talk to the professor of the course, maybe he/she could give you a copy of a past exam that you could then gauge your preparedness on.

FAQ: Comparing AP Physics C to College Intro Physics Courses

1. What is the main difference between AP Physics C and college intro physics courses?

The main difference between AP Physics C and college intro physics courses is the level of depth and rigor. AP Physics C covers both mechanics and electricity and magnetism at a more advanced level than college intro physics courses, which typically only cover one topic in depth.

2. Are the topics covered in AP Physics C the same as those in college intro physics courses?

Yes, the topics covered in AP Physics C are the same as those in college intro physics courses. However, AP Physics C covers these topics in more detail and at a faster pace.

3. Is AP Physics C more challenging than college intro physics courses?

Yes, AP Physics C is generally considered more challenging than college intro physics courses. This is because it covers a wider range of topics and goes into more depth and detail.

4. How does the difficulty level of AP Physics C compare to other AP science courses?

The difficulty level of AP Physics C is generally considered to be on par with other AP science courses, such as AP Chemistry and AP Biology. However, it may be perceived as more challenging due to the advanced math and problem-solving skills required.

5. Are there any benefits to taking AP Physics C instead of a college intro physics course?

Yes, there are several benefits to taking AP Physics C. Firstly, it can give students a head start and make the transition to college-level physics courses easier. Additionally, scoring well on the AP exam can earn students college credit, saving them time and money in the long run. AP Physics C also provides a more in-depth understanding of physics, which can be beneficial for students pursuing a career in a STEM field.

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