Comparing Decay Rates from Two Methods: Is α = β?

  • Thread starter lisab
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of measuring a property using two different methods and obtaining different results. The data from each method is fit to an exponential decay curve, but with different coefficients. The question arises whether the coefficients, α and β, should be equal if the property being measured is the same. It is suggested that if A0 ≠ B0, then α ≠ β. However, it is later discovered that the discrepancy in results was due to two typos, one in the equation and one in the graph. The conversation ends with a thank you to Borek and ILS for their help in solving the mystery.
  • #1
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I’m going to post this here even though this question straddles Chemistry and Physics. I think I know the answer but I’d like confirmation.

Let's say I am measuring a property P that is decaying exponentially, but I am measuring it using two different test methods. Let’s call them method A and method B.

The data from method A fit the curve:

P(t) = A0e-αt

The data from method B fit the curve:

P(t) = B0e-βt

In this case, I know the methods well enough that I know that A0 and B0 will be different numbers. But isn’t it true that α = β?
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  • #2
If you are measuring the same property, but getting different results, something is wrong. And if something is wrong, everything can go wrong (that is, if A0≠B0, I don't see why to expect α=β).

Is it just an experimental error, or is there more to the difference between both methods?
  • #3
If α = β, but A0<B0, then the first curve is less then the second curve everywhere.
In other words, they cannot fit the same data regardless of systematic or experimental errors.

Therefore, if A0≠B0 then that implies α≠β.
  • #4
OK, mystery (sort of) solved.

Turns out there are two typos. One, the author accidentally used the same variable for the exponent. Two, in a graph showing results from both tests, there are supposed to be two sets of axes but only one got into the report.

I didn't notice the first typo but it was the graph that made my head spin. The units weren't right -- method A and method B give results in different units, so I was confused :rolleyes:!

Thanks, Borek and ILS.
  • #5

I understand your curiosity about whether α = β in this scenario. However, it is important to note that comparing decay rates from two different methods is not a straightforward process. There are several factors that can influence the decay rate, such as experimental conditions, sample preparation, and measurement techniques. Therefore, it is not safe to assume that α = β without further investigation and confirmation.

To determine if α = β, you would need to carefully analyze the data from both methods and assess the potential sources of error. This could include conducting control experiments, repeating the measurements multiple times, and comparing the results to known values. Additionally, you may also need to consider the underlying assumptions and equations used in each method to calculate the decay rate.

In some cases, it is possible that α and β may not be exactly equal, but they could still be within a reasonable margin of error. This could be due to the inherent variability of the measurement methods or the natural variability of the property being measured.

Therefore, as a scientist, it is important to exercise caution when comparing decay rates from different methods. It is always best to thoroughly analyze the data and consider all potential sources of error before drawing any conclusions.

FAQ: Comparing Decay Rates from Two Methods: Is α = β?

1. What is the purpose of comparing decay rates from two methods?

The purpose of comparing decay rates from two methods is to determine if there is a significant difference between the two methods in measuring the rate of decay of a substance. This can help scientists validate the accuracy and reliability of their methods and ensure the consistency of their results.

2. How do scientists compare decay rates from two methods?

Scientists can compare decay rates from two methods by conducting experiments using both methods simultaneously on the same sample. They can then analyze the data and calculate the decay rates using each method, and compare the results to determine if there is a significant difference.

3. What is the significance of α and β in comparing decay rates?

α and β represent the decay rates calculated from the two different methods being compared. By comparing these values, scientists can determine if there is a significant difference between the two methods and if one method is more accurate or reliable than the other.

4. Can comparing decay rates from two methods be used in all scientific fields?

Yes, comparing decay rates from two methods can be used in various scientific fields, such as chemistry, physics, biology, and geology. It is a widely used method for validating and improving scientific techniques and measurements.

5. What are the limitations of comparing decay rates from two methods?

Some limitations of comparing decay rates from two methods include experimental errors, sample size, and variations in environmental conditions. These factors can affect the accuracy and reliability of the results and may lead to discrepancies in the calculated decay rates.

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