Comparing Impacts: Momentum vs. Kinetic Energy

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between momentum and kinetic energy in collisions, and how they relate to the potential for injury. It is determined that a lighter person colliding at a higher velocity can actually cause more damage due to their higher kinetic energy. However, in a completely inelastic collision, the total kinetic energy is not conserved and some energy is released in the form of heat and sound. The conversation also explores how the change in kinetic energy can be calculated based on the masses and velocities of the colliding bodies.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What is more likely to cause greater injury, a collision with a light person at fast speed or a person with twice the mass at half the velocity?

Homework Equations

momentum = mv
KE = 1/2mv^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I am having a little trouble at which is appropriate here. I know momentum will be the same regardless, so if you are hit by either person you should travel backwards at the same velocity (your mass does not change)?

Where as the other hand the lighter person has more kinetic energy, so do they pack a harder initial punch so to speak?

I am more interested in understanding the difference between momentum and KE during a collision?

Thanks everyone.
Physics news on
  • #2
What happens when the total kinetic energy is not conserved in a collision? Where does the energy go?
  • #3
heat, sound and things.

but a higher kinetic energy results in more "damage", where as the person will still be knocked back at the same velocity as momentum is the same. I can't quite get my head around it :/
  • #4
So let's consider for simplicity a completely inelastic collision. Then the two colliding particles stick together and continue moving as a single object after collision. Can you calculate how the change in kinetic energy looks like in terms of the masses of colliding bodies and the initial momentum?
  • #5
person 1, 100kg 10m/s. person 2 50kg (made these up on spot)

KE = 50kg x 100m/s
KE = 5000kJ
(person 2 has 0)

post collision, 150kg, 6.7m/s

KE = 75kg x 44.89m/s
KE = 3366.75kJ

a person double the mass and half the velocity only has a KE of 2500kJ?
  • #6
So in the initial collision, there is some amount of energy released. The person who was hit also gains some extra kinetic energy (if you want to also consider him falling over etc.) but that should be pretty easy to calculate too.

So now the change in kinetic energy is something like 1600 kJ. How about if person 1 weighs 10 kg and is moving at 100m/s?

OK, after that it should be pretty clear that there's more kinetic energy released in that impact. Here's a bonus problem for you: what about if the person weighs 1kg and moves at 100m/s compared to 100kg and 10m/s? Then the kinetic energies are equal. Which impact releases more energy?

FAQ: Comparing Impacts: Momentum vs. Kinetic Energy

What is momentum?

Momentum is the quantity of motion that an object has, which is determined by its mass and velocity. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is directly proportional to the mass of the object and the square of its velocity.

How are momentum and kinetic energy related?

Momentum and kinetic energy are related because they both involve an object's mass and velocity. However, momentum is a vector quantity while kinetic energy is a scalar quantity.

What is the equation for calculating momentum?

The equation for calculating momentum is p = mv, where p is the momentum, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity.

What is the equation for calculating kinetic energy?

The equation for calculating kinetic energy is KE = 1/2 * m * v^2, where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity.
