Comparing Maximum Speeds in Critically Damped and Undamped Harmonic Motion

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the maximum speed of a mass on a spring in two different cases, with one case being critically damped. The maximum speed in the first case is found to be e times the maximum speed in the second case. However, there is confusion about solving for the maximum speed in the critically damped case. After discussing how to find the maximum of a function, it is determined that solving for when the velocity is 0 would not give the maximum speed, and instead, the derivative of the position function should be taken to find the maximum speed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A mass on the end of a spring is released from rest at position x0. The experiment is repeated, but now with the system immersed in a fluid that causes the motion to be critically damped. Show that the maximum speed of the mass in the first case is e times the maximum speed in the second case. This is question is out of Morin 4.28

The Attempt at a Solution

So for the initial case, we have x(t) = Acost(wt) => v(t) = -Awsin(wt). From initial conditions, we have x(0) = x0 and v(0) = 0. Using this, we find that A=x0. Thus v_max = +/- x0*w.

The next part is more confusing. Taking the solution to the critically damped case, we have x(t) = e^(-γt) * (A+Bt)
Then solving for the initial conditions, I have A = x0 and B = γ*x0. Taking the derivative of x, we have
v(t) = e^(γt) * (-γ^2 * x0 * t) . Note γ = w. But you can't solve for v_max from there. So I'm kinda stuck. Any advice?
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  • #2
NATURE.M said:

Homework Statement

A mass on the end of a spring is released from rest at position x0. The experiment is repeated, but now with the system immersed in a fluid that causes the motion to be critically damped. Show that the maximum speed of the mass in the first case is e times the maximum speed in the second case. This is question is out of Morin 4.28

The Attempt at a Solution

So for the initial case, we have x(t) = Acost(wt) => v(t) = -Awsin(wt). From initial conditions, we have x(0) = x0 and v(0) = 0. Using this, we find that A=x0. Thus v_max = +/- x0*w.

The next part is more confusing. Taking the solution to the critically damped case, we have x(t) = e^(-γt) * (A+Bt)
Then solving for the initial conditions, I have A = x0 and B = γ*x0. Taking the derivative of x, we have
v(t) = e^(γt) * (-γ^2 * x0 * t) . Note γ = w. But you can't solve for v_max from there. So I'm kinda stuck. Any advice?
Why can't you solve for ##v_\text{max}##? How do you find the maximum of a function?
  • #3
vela said:
Why can't you solve for ##v_\text{max}##? How do you find the maximum of a function?

Well in this case set v(t) equal to 0 and solve for t. So we have e^(γt) ≠ 0, and -γ^2 * x0 * t = 0 ⇒ t = 0
This makes no sense, since at t=0, you are at rest. This is why I'm stuck.
  • #4
Solving v(t)=0 would find when the velocity is 0, not when the velocity attains a maximum.
  • #5
oh wow I feel pretty silly now. I can't believe I overlooked something so simple. Thanks a ton Vela.

FAQ: Comparing Maximum Speeds in Critically Damped and Undamped Harmonic Motion

1. What is dampened harmonic motion?

Dampened harmonic motion refers to the oscillatory motion of a system that is affected by a resisting force, such as friction or air resistance. This force causes the amplitude of the oscillations to decrease over time, resulting in a decrease in the system's energy.

2. How is dampened harmonic motion different from simple harmonic motion?

In simple harmonic motion, there is no external force acting on the system and the amplitude of the oscillations remains constant. In dampened harmonic motion, there is a resisting force that decreases the amplitude of the oscillations.

3. What factors affect the rate of dampening in a system?

The rate of dampening in a system is affected by the strength of the resisting force, the mass of the object, and the initial amplitude of the oscillations. Additionally, the type of medium the object is moving through, such as air or water, can also impact the rate of dampening.

4. How is dampened harmonic motion represented mathematically?

The equation for dampened harmonic motion is: x(t) = A0e^(-bt)cos(ωt + ϕ), where x(t) is the position as a function of time, A0 is the initial amplitude, b is the damping constant, ω is the angular frequency, and ϕ is the phase angle.

5. What are some real-life examples of dampened harmonic motion?

Some examples of dampened harmonic motion in everyday life include the swinging of a pendulum, the bouncing of a spring, and the vibration of a guitar string. Dampened harmonic motion is also seen in car suspensions and shock absorbers, as well as in the motion of a diving board or trampoline.
