Comparing Quantum Mechanics and String Theory

In summary, there are many interpretations of quantum mechanics, but most of them do not disagree in the mathematics. String theorists typically do not prioritize the interpretations of QM and instead prefer the "shut up and calculate" approach. However, there are some indications of a relationship between string theory and the Bohm interpretation. To find more information on this topic, you could research the articles listed above.
  • #1
quantum mechanics has many interpretations, though a lot of them don't disagree in the maths.

i would like to know how each interpratation of quantum mechanics effects string theory, and viceversa: how do the string equations effect the individual interpratations of quantum mechanics. which is the preferred interpratation, among string theorits, of quantum mechanics for string theory.

how would i search out this information?
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  • #2
Typical string theorists do not much care about the interpretations of QM, i.e., it could said that most of them prefer the "shut up and calculate" interpretation.

Due to your name, I suspect that you might like the Bohm interpretation. If so, you might find interesting that some results indicate an intimate relation between string theory and Bohmian interpretation:
  • #3

I can provide some insights on this topic. Quantum mechanics and string theory are both fundamental theories in physics that aim to explain the behavior of particles and the forces that govern them. While quantum mechanics explains the behavior of particles at the subatomic level, string theory attempts to unify all the fundamental forces in the universe by considering particles as tiny vibrating strings.

One of the main challenges in combining these two theories is the issue of quantum gravity, which is the attempt to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics with the theory of general relativity. String theory has been proposed as a potential solution to this problem, as it introduces the concept of gravitons, which are particles responsible for the force of gravity.

In terms of how the different interpretations of quantum mechanics affect string theory, it is important to note that string theory is still a developing and evolving theory. As such, there is no one agreed-upon interpretation of quantum mechanics that is preferred among string theorists. Different interpretations may lead to different approaches and predictions in string theory.

To search for more information on this topic, you can start by looking for research papers and articles published by physicists and researchers in the field of quantum mechanics and string theory. You can also attend conferences or seminars where experts in these fields present their latest findings and engage in discussions. Additionally, reaching out to experts in the field and asking for their insights and recommendations can also be helpful in understanding the relationship between these two theories.

FAQ: Comparing Quantum Mechanics and String Theory

1. What are the major differences between Quantum Mechanics and String Theory?

Quantum Mechanics and String Theory are both theories that attempt to explain the behavior of particles and the fundamental nature of the universe. However, there are some key differences between the two. Quantum Mechanics is a theory that describes the behavior of particles on a microscopic level, while String Theory attempts to unify all forces and particles in the universe by describing them as tiny vibrating strings. Additionally, Quantum Mechanics is a well-established theory with decades of experimental evidence, while String Theory is still a developing theory that has not yet been proven.

2. Can Quantum Mechanics and String Theory be reconciled?

One of the biggest challenges in physics is finding a way to reconcile Quantum Mechanics and String Theory, as they seem to contradict each other in certain aspects. While there have been attempts to combine the two theories, such as the development of String Field Theory, no definitive reconciliation has been achieved yet. Scientists continue to work on finding a unified theory that can explain both the behavior of particles on a microscopic level and the fundamental nature of the universe.

3. Which theory is currently more widely accepted in the scientific community?

Quantum Mechanics is currently the more widely accepted theory in the scientific community due to its extensive experimental evidence and successful predictions. However, String Theory has gained popularity in recent years and has many supporters who believe it has the potential to become the unified theory that scientists are searching for.

4. Are there any practical applications of Quantum Mechanics and String Theory?

Quantum Mechanics has many practical applications, such as in the development of transistors and lasers, which are essential in modern technology. String Theory, on the other hand, is still a developing theory and has not yet been applied in any practical way. However, some scientists believe that if it is proven to be correct, it could lead to groundbreaking technological advancements in the future.

5. How do scientists test and gather evidence for these theories?

Both Quantum Mechanics and String Theory are tested and supported through experiments and observations. In the case of Quantum Mechanics, experiments are conducted in particle accelerators and other high-energy physics facilities. String Theory, on the other hand, is not yet testable through experiments, so scientists rely on mathematical models and theories to gather evidence and support for the theory.

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