Comparing Western & McMaster for Engineering

In summary, the conversation discusses the pros and cons of two universities, University of Western Ontario and McMaster, for engineering. The speaker is trying to decide between the two and is looking for advice from current or former students. The conversation also touches on the importance of internships, campus life, and the quality of professors at each university. Ultimately, the speaker is leaning towards University of Western Ontario but is concerned about the quality of professors there.
  • #1
I'm trying to decide between two universities... University of Western Ontario and McMaster for engineering (hopefully mechanical). I didn't apply to U of T (want to move out) and got accepted to chemical at waterloo but don't want to go into that anymore (not to mention I just couldn't see myself at the campus...).

- great student life
- flexibility of the degree (concurrent degree in any area... looking at applying to Ivey or maybe law)
- internship placements - people are happy with the co-op office and their placement
- can take a combination of mech and materials courses in senior years
- industry connections seem to be stronger...
- smaller faculty?
- good for future in business/law... favor their own undergrads...

- professors are so-so (but this is only from one student there)
- not as much research; reputation is ok
- facilities are a bit dated

- nice facilities... but usually for grad students
- lots of research; reputation-wise seems to be better than western due to the amount of research it's churning out...
- engineering + management is their equivalent of their business + engineering... their business school isn't as well known as ivey...
- heard professors were good... but that's according to one person...
- separate materials/mech department... may not be able to take all the courses I want

- heard good (one person satisfied)and bad things (3 people unhappy) about co-op
- huge faculty... first year classes are like 300-400 people
- personally, I find the social scene mediocre... I find Hamilton so-so and slightly worse than london

Any thoughts on which I should choose? Any current/former students that can elaborate on how those two universities are?
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  • #2
Undergrad or grad?
  • #3
Undergrad. Sorry, I probably should have mentioned that in my first post.
  • #4
One thing I know now as a senior at U of T that I wish I knew when I was in high school is that the "prestige" and research of your undergraduate institution doesn't really matter, it is where you do your Ph.D. and who you work with then that matters.

With that in mind, you should definitely go to UWO. Internships are very important for networking helping you land future high paying jobs.

I wish I went to UWO or Queens. U of T sucks.
  • #5
I would recommend Mac engineering because of engineering + management program. It is very wise to have both knowledge in business and engineering as you may not be sure what kind of career you want in the future.

I think Mac is really good for chemical or biomedical engineering but other engineering programs are good as well.

Though seems like you really care about the campus life. If so, I would definitely go western. I think they have one of the best campus life in Canada. Also their engineering program are still very good.
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  • #6
I've gotten the impression that prestige is important in terms of recruiting. I'm a bit hesitant in choosing UWO as there may be less recruiting going on due to the small size of their faculty...
  • #7
It really depends on you. Even if you go to a more well known engineering university, if you are student with poor grades, it wouldn't help you. Personally, i would recommend you to visit both Mac and UWO campus and go to university that you think will enjoy.
  • #8
I've visited UWO and enjoyed their campus. I'm not sure I'll have time to visit Mac's campus before the deadline to accept the offers (taking final exams in May)...

hiddenmist, are you by any chance a student at Mac? If so, how did you find the profs? Everyone I know at Mac (in various faculties) really liked their profs, but the person I know at UWO think their profs are only so-so... I also checked (I know, not reliable) but the info there seems to correlate with what I've been hearing about the quality of the profs at both universities... where there tends to be better profs at Mac than UWO... :\ and I was leaning towards UWO...
  • #9
nope I go to waterloo but I am not in engineering but in math. Though I have friends in Mac engineering and they really enjoy their program. Most of them are in engineering + management program and they really like learning both fields. The profs are really nice but it does tend to get boring somewhat. But it doesn't mean you won't have fun at all. I go to waterloo (prob worse than mac or uwo in terms of campus life) and I love it here.

Anyways don't worry about the profs too much. Every university has both bad and good profs so just hope that you will be in class with very entertaining professors.
  • #10
Thanks for the advice... I'm an oral learner, so the only think I'm really worried about is whether or not the profs have heavy accents... It's a lot faster for me to pick up material if it's orally taught, so the quality of the profs really do play a factor in my decision.

Related to Comparing Western & McMaster for Engineering

1. What are the main differences between Western and McMaster for Engineering?

Western and McMaster are both highly reputable universities for engineering, but there are some key differences between the two. Western offers a more hands-on and practical approach to engineering education, while McMaster focuses more on theoretical concepts. Additionally, Western has a larger campus and offers a wider range of engineering specializations, while McMaster has a smaller campus and a more intimate learning environment.

2. Which university has a better engineering program?

Both Western and McMaster have excellent engineering programs, and it ultimately depends on an individual's personal preferences and goals. Both universities have strong reputations in the engineering industry and offer opportunities for hands-on experience and research. It is important to thoroughly research both programs and consider factors such as campus size, location, and available specializations before making a decision.

3. What is the student culture like at Western and McMaster for engineering students?

The student culture at Western and McMaster for engineering students is quite different. Western has a larger campus and a more diverse student population, which contributes to a vibrant and lively atmosphere. McMaster has a smaller campus and a more tight-knit community, with a strong focus on collaboration and teamwork. Both universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities and clubs for engineering students to get involved in.

4. What are the job prospects for engineering graduates from Western and McMaster?

Both Western and McMaster have strong reputations in the engineering industry, and their graduates are highly sought after by employers. Both universities have strong connections with industry partners and offer opportunities for students to gain practical experience through internships and co-op programs. Ultimately, the job prospects for engineering graduates from either university are promising.

5. How do tuition fees and living expenses compare between Western and McMaster?

The tuition fees and living expenses at Western and McMaster are relatively similar, as both universities are located in Ontario, Canada. However, Western's larger campus and location in a bigger city may result in slightly higher living expenses. It is important to consider the cost of living as well as potential scholarships and financial aid when making a decision between the two universities.

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