Comparison test of infinite series

In summary: This means that the sequence of terms in the series is not going to zero, so we already know the series diverges.In summary, the conversation discusses the divergence of a series and explores the concept of divergence and convergence in relation to sequences and series. The speakers also touch on the importance of understanding these concepts in order to solve more complex problems in mathematics.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

So the book is saying that this series diverges, i have learned my lesson and have stopped doubting the authors of this book but i don't understand how this series diverges. ok i can use the comparison test using 1/3n and 1/3n converges, since 1/(3n+1) is less than 1/3n i don't see how it will not also converge? plug in infinity to 1/3n and you get 0 which converges


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  • #2
You are not worried about the terms themselves, you are worried about the sum.
isukatphysics69 said:
and 1/3n converges
plug in infinity to 1/3n and you get 0 which converges
No. ##\displaystyle {\sum{1\over n}}## does NOT converge, so 1/3n doesn't either.
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  • #3
I was mistaken you are right thank you
  • #4
i don't know how i will solve the Riemann hypothesis if i cannot even solve this stuff
  • #5
Cheer up. :biggrin: Insight grows. From exercises that you can do easily, you don't learn fast enough. And insight grows.
And you don't have to solve the thing, just build some understanding.
  • #6
isukatphysics69 said:
i can use the comparison test using 1/3n and 1/3n converges

BvU said:
so 1/3n doesn't either
Per the rules of PEMDAS, 1/3n is normally taken to mean ##\frac 1 3 n##, not ##\frac 1 {3n}##. Written inline this fraction should be 1/(3n) so as to not be ambiguous.
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  • #7
isukatphysics69 said:
So the book is saying that this series diverges, i have learned my lesson and have stopped doubting the authors of this book but i don't understand how this series diverges. ok i can use the comparison test using 1/3n and 1/3n converges, since 1/(3n+1) is less than 1/3n i don't see how it will not also converge? plug in infinity to 1/3n and you get 0 which converges
The topic of infinite series has some subtleties that cause confusion in many calculus students.

If a series ##\sum_{n = 1}^\infty a_n## to converges, it's irrelevant that the sequence of terms, ##\{a_n\}## converges. What is relevant is wheter the sequence of partial sums converges or diverges. In other words, whether ##\lim_{n \to \infty} S_n## converges. Here ##S_n = \sum_{k = 1}^n a_k = a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_n##

The sequece of terms in a series can converge to zero, without the series itself converging. This means that most of the time, evaluating the limit ##\lim_{n \to \infty} a_n## is a wasted effort. The only time this is useful is when ##\lim_{n \to \infty} a_n \ne 0##, from which we can conclude by the Nth Term Test for Divergence, that the series definitely diverges. We cannot conclude anything at all if this same limit happens to be zero.
For example, it's well known that the harmonic series, ##\sum_{n = 1}^\infty \frac 1 n## diverges, even though ##\lim_{n \to \infty}\frac 1 n = 0##

For the series ##\sum_{n = 1}^\infty n##, since ##\lim_{n \to \infty}n = \infty \ne 0##, we can conclude that this series diverges, by the Nth Term Test for Divergence.

isukatphysics69 said:
plug in infinity to 1/3n and you get 0 which converges
Two things here:
First, we don't "plug in infinity" since infinity is not a number we can use in any arithmetic or algebraic expression. Instead, we look at a limit.
Second, as I mentioned in a previous post, 1/3n means ##\frac 1 3 n##, so ##\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac 1 3 n = \frac 1 3 \lim_{n \to \infty}n = \infty##.

FAQ: Comparison test of infinite series

What is a comparison test of infinite series?

A comparison test is a method used to determine the convergence or divergence of an infinite series by comparing it to another known series.

When should a comparison test be used?

A comparison test is most commonly used when the terms of the original series are difficult to manipulate or evaluate directly, making it difficult to determine convergence or divergence using other methods.

What is the general form of a comparison test?

The general form of a comparison test states that if the terms of an infinite series are always less than or equal to the terms of another convergent series, then the original series must also be convergent. Similarly, if the terms of an infinite series are always greater than or equal to the terms of a divergent series, then the original series must also be divergent.

What is the purpose of a comparison test?

The purpose of a comparison test is to simplify the evaluation of an infinite series by comparing it to a known series. This allows for a quicker determination of convergence or divergence without having to manipulate or evaluate the original series directly.

What are the limitations of a comparison test?

A comparison test can only be used to determine the convergence or divergence of a series, and cannot provide information about the exact value of the series. Additionally, it may not be applicable to all series and may only work for certain types of series.

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